"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Islamization of France > Historical cross destroyed in religious day in France; Water park closed due Muslim clothing; The French-Muslim Paradox


French politicians are still protecting Muslim vandals even as they destroy history and attack Christianity. 

France: Stone cross dating from 1600s smashed on

Feast Day of the Assumption in the middle of the night

The mayor insists that “this act has nothing to do with religious vandalism,” and maybe it doesn’t. But elected officials in Western countries haven’t generally been honest about jihad incidents. It would be interesting if Jacques were to tell us a bit more about these “drunken youths.” After all, there have been drunken youths since time immemorial, and the stone cross has been there since the 1600s, and yet only now has it been broken. What has changed in France that might account for that?

The cross is an affront to Islam. The Qur’an claims that Jesus was not crucified, although in somewhat equivocal language for what is supposed to be the perfect word of an omniscient god:

“And their saying, ‘Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.’ And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but another was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.” (4:157)

And a hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).” (Bukhari 46.37.2476)

This means he will destroy Christianity (break the cross), force the Christians to obey the Islamic food laws (kill the pigs) and end the second-class dhimmi status (abolish the jizya) that Islamic law specifies for Christians, such that they will either have to convert to Islam or be killed.

Le Tréport: the Stone Cross vandalized in the middle of the night

translated from “Le Tréport : la Croix de pierre vandalisée en pleine nuit,” by Dimitri Morgado, France Bleu, August 15, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The Stone Cross in the town of Le Tréport, in Seine-Maritime, is no longer standing. The cross, classified as a “historic monument,” was vandalized this Thursday, August 15, 2024, in the middle of the night.

The residents of Le Tréport woke up this Thursday, August 15, 2024 with a very unpleasant surprise. The imposing Stone Cross, located on Place Charles de Gaulle and classified as a historic monument, was vandalized in the middle of the night. It was found in the early morning by city officials in several pieces. The municipality has filed a complaint, and an investigation has been opened to find the perpetrators and shed light on this affair.

The mayor of Le Tréport, Laurent Jacques, is particularly affected by this act of vandalism. “It’s a bit of a shock for elected officials, but also a shock for the population,” he explains. “Since it’s a cross that’s been there since the 1600s, which has been listed as a historic monument since 1913. And everyone is wondering why.”

According to the initial information provided by the mayor, this damage was the work of a group of drunken youths who were passing through the neighborhood around 4 a.m. “We assume that they hung around this monument,” describes Laurent Jacques. “Perhaps over time, it was also weakened, we can also make some assumptions, but they must have hung around it and unfortunately, the monument gave way.”

The elected official also wants to silence some rumors about the motivations of the vandals. He explains that he remains convinced “that this act has nothing to do with religious vandalism,” and that the fact that it happened on August 15, Assumption Day, is just a coincidence. There are no video surveillance cameras on Place du Général de Gaulle, but some are positioned nearby, their images are currently being viewed by the police. Neighbors were also interviewed to try to understand what happened. Mayor Laurent Jacques said he would do everything possible to rebuild the cross, even if, as a historical monument, it might take time.

France: Mayor closes water park after attacks on staff,

Muslim clothing that breaks the rules, insults

Why should “the best of people” (Qur’an 3:110) respect the rules of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)?

Babies swimming in diapers, visitors fully clothed, insults…

The mayor decides to temporarily close a water park

translated from “Bébés qui se baignent avec des couches, visiteurs tout habillés, insultes… Le maire décide de fermer temporairement un parc aqualudique,” by Xavier Hurtevent, Le Dépêche, August 16, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The “Aqua Elna” water park in Eaunes, a village in southern Toulouse, had to close its doors for 48 hours due to incivility. Some visitors did not respect the rules. The mayor says he is ready to close again.

Little problems and other incivilities had never before taken on such proportions in the charming “Aqua Elna” water playground, nestled at the back of the park next to the Cistercian abbey of Eaunes.

But on Tuesday 13 August, late in the afternoon (5:30 p.m.), things got out of hand when the activity leader asked visitors to leave the water play area. She had just been notified by the town hall that a prefectural decree had been issued due to the risk of storms, rain and floods (orange alert). “When we asked people to leave the games and even the park, the tone rose, some were unhappy,” says Erine, the activity leader.

“It was our duty to evacuate the premises, but some people wouldn’t listen,” reports the mayor, Alain Sottil, who was on holiday far away at the time. The municipal police, as well as the gendarmerie, are said to have intervened. Result: a temporary closure of 48 hours, and visitors consequently deprived of water and refreshments on August 15, a public holiday when families could have come in large numbers.

“Clothing that goes against secularism”
Since the opening in 2021 of this water playground, with free access to the public, the number of incivilities has never stopped increasing. The mayor denounces “people who come from outside the municipality, why not, but they must respect the rules!”

This rule that Alain Sottil brandishes to remind that “you only come to Aqua Elna in suitable clothing, that is to say in swimming gear.” He points the finger at visitors enjoying the joys of water and sprinkling dressed from head to toe.

“It is not hygienic and it is against the rules. I think I can also detect religious clothing that goes against our principle of secularism. It is not tolerable,” the mayor of Eaunes almost gets carried away. He also cannot stand it when his staff are attacked, “often young people of good will,” he says. Young people who also try to enforce the age limit set at 3 years.

“It’s complicated,” confides Erine, “parents sometimes bathe their little ones with their diapers. When we tell them this, they sometimes get annoyed!” While waiting for tempers to calm down, the temporary closure order will have had its effect. This Friday, the reopening day went off without a hitch. Let’s hope it lasts…

France: Bakery stops serving pork because

Muslims threatened to burn the shop down

This is how Islamization is accomplished. Give it a few more decades, multiply this incident a few hundred times, and you won’t find pork products sold anywhere in France.

A bakery stops serving pork near Lyon: what we know about this controversy

translated from “Une boulangerie arrête de servir du porc près de Lyon : ce que l’on sait de cette polémique,” Le Parisien, August 16, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Following a dispute, a baker in Vénissieux announced that he would no longer produce pork products. Although Alexandre Dallery respects the fact that people do not eat pork, he criticised the event for being ‘too extreme’ in an interview with the newspaper ‘Le Parisien’.

He would have preferred it if the far-right had not adopted his publications. Following an altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Rhône), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that he would no longer be selling pork products. This decision was played up by the far right with Islamophobic undertones, with some of its representatives speaking of an “Islamised” territory, a “caliphate” or “Sharia law.”

What happened?
In fact, one of the saleswomen at Maison La Verr’in Dallery Pittie, Alexandre Dallery’s bakery, directed two customers to a bacon quiche, very early in the morning this Friday, according to the entrepreneur’s account given this Friday evening to Le Parisien. Several minutes later, the two men returned “like furies” and “very violently” to the establishment after discovering the presence of pork in their meal, which they had not been notified of, even though their religion forbids it.

Alexandre Dallery, also elected in the opposition to the municipal council of Vénissieux under the colors of the Republicans (LR), nevertheless declares “never to have had worries to this extent” with regard to Muslim people in his bakery. Established for sixteen years in the town, he also prides himself on hiring people of “all religions, from all backgrounds” in his team.

To avoid any other mistake, the owner of the bakery has therefore decided to continue his activity without “making ham.” While he says he understands that giving a quiche with bacon to Muslims “can annoy,” he nevertheless believes that “it has gone too far.” In a comment posted on Facebook, since deleted, Alexandre Dallery had mentioned this Friday “various pressures for several months to make halal.”

A controversy fueled by the far right
The main far-right figures present on the social network X have taken up the subject on their own account. Damien Rieu, Reconquête candidate in the European elections and recently sentenced to an eight-month suspended prison sentence for online harassment, denounced “sharia law.” Marion Maréchal, Reconquête’s leader in the European elections, and television columnist Jean Messiha, from the same party, respectively spoke on the social network of a “caliphate” and “massive Islamic harassment.”

Rassemblement National (RN) MP for the Rhône Tiffany Joncour published a press release on X to react to “community pressure exerted by Islamists” by stating that the bakery was going to close because of the event. A statement denied by the owner who, in his words, had already sold his business before the altercation this Friday.

“I would have preferred them not to take my post,” Alexandre Dallery told Le Parisien. “I don’t want to be associated with them and I don’t want it to get out of hand.” “He then clarifies that “those who know me know that I am not like that: I respect the fact of not eating pork and I have always respected it, I am not at all in this provocation.” This Friday evening, he closed the Facebook page of his bakery.

In Vénissieux, why will the Dallery-Pittié bakery no longer serve pork?

translated from “À Vénissieux, pourquoi la boulangerie Dallery-Pittié ne servira plus de porc ?,” by Christelle Lalanne, Le Progrès, August 16, 2024:

As soon as the message was posted on Facebook, this Friday, August 16 in the morning, the allegations were rife in the comments on the social network: “In Vénissieux, can we no longer sell pork?,” “Do we give in to pressure?”…

The two men of Muslim faith had settled down on the terrace, but ‘went into the shop, insulted us and threatened to set fire to the bakery. I was at the back baking bread, but I heard them. I immediately intervened and apologised, saying that a mistake could happen. If I hadn’t been there, they would probably have attacked my shop assistant’….

Alexandre Dallery, an opposition councillor (LR) in Vénissieux, has decided not to press charges, but wants to denounce ‘a taboo subject’ in the town. For good reason, as he will no longer be there in two months’ time.

Following an attempted burglary, a tax audit, an audit by the Urssaf and an administrative closure in February this year for ‘serious breaches of hygiene regulations’, the baker has sold his shop in Vénissi, which alone employed 15 people.

One of these employees will soon take over the management of the business. ‘The other employees will continue to work here or with us in our other shops,’ he said.

The incident on Friday August 16 ‘was the straw that broke the camel’s back’, summarises Alexandre Dallery.

Serious difference in the tone between Le Perisien and Le Progrès. Le Perisien is apologetic and throws all the blame on right-wing politicians while refusing to chastise the Muslims for their threats and coercion. This French-Muslim paradox is why France is in the current cultural/criminal/political mess that it's in.


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