"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Islamization of Europe > 3 Taylor Swift Concerts cancelled in Vienna - terrorist attack planned; Terrorist's friend hires security staff for TS concerts; Beaten and robbed for drinking beer in Germany;


Austria: Two Muslims arrested, three Taylor Swift concerts

in Vienna canceled over planned jihad massacres

Austrian authorities would apparently have us believe that these two young Muslims were raised to be good “moderates,” rejecting “extremism,” until they encountered “radicals” online who “brainwashed” them. Why wasn’t the “moderate” Islam they supposedly learned at the local mosque sufficient to withstand the blandishments of the sinister online hijackers of Islam? I doubt Austrian authorities are pondering that question, its clear answer, or the implications of that answer.

Three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna cancelled

over alleged planned terrorist attack

by Zahid Mahmood, CNN, August 7, 2024:

Three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria have been cancelled as Austrian authorities said on Wednesday that two suspects were arrested in connection with plans for an alleged attack in the Vienna region.

Swift was due to play three shows in Vienna between Thursday, August 8 and Saturday, August 10. Those dates were cancelled on Wednesday, according to Barracuda Music, the promoter for Swift’s concerts in Austria.

“With confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone’s safety,” Barracuda music said in a post on social media….

Speaking at a press conference in the capital, police said a 19-year-old Austrian citizen, who they identify as a sympathizer of Islamic State, was arrested Wednesday morning in Ternitz, lower Austria, while another arrest was carried out later that morning in Vienna.

“The two suspects became radicalized by the internet, a 19-year-old citizen of Lower Austria made an oath of allegiance to the current leader of IS at the beginning of July,” police said.

Authorities continued to say the two suspects had undertaken “concrete preparatory measures” for a terrorist attack after police suspected explosives were stored at the home of the suspect in Ternitz….

Austria: Friend of Muslim who plotted jihad massacres at

Taylor Swift concerts hired security for the concerts

Here again, as with leftist media and bogus “fact-checkers” such as NewsGuard, the question remains: who watches the watchmen? The man hiring security for the Taylor Swift concerts was aiding the jihadis. Austrian officials headed off a major catastrophe. But they’re not out of the woods yet.

Taylor Swift cancellations: Who actually checks the security staff?

translated from “Taylor-Swift-Absagen: Wer überprüft eigentlich das Sicherheitspersonal?,” by Marco Weise, Kurier, August 8, 2024 (thanks to Jill):

The fact that one of the terror suspect’s friends is said to have hired security for the Taylor Swift concerts once again puts a spotlight on a part of the event industry that has been criticized for years, not just by fans.

One thing is clear: no concert, no football game, no festival, no party without security staff. They check the ticket, search you before you enter, take a look in your bag, are often the first people to contact in an emergency, are supposed to prevent panic, and intervene if there are arguments. The security personnel dressed in neon yellow or orange safety vests play a central role when it comes to implementing events. Nothing works without them….

The possibilities here are mind-blowing. What a potential disaster!



Germany: Muslims beat up German man because 

he drank beer and this is not allowed in Islam

A glimpse into the future of Germany, and Europe as a whole.

Berlin: Trio robs man in Rathausstrasse

translated from “Trio überfällt Mann (20) wegen Bierkonsum,” Bild, August 3, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Berlin – A 20-year-old was robbed and injured by three people in Mitte last night.

At around 2:15 a.m., the perpetrators reprimanded the young man for drinking beer for religious reasons. They then brought him to the ground and stole his cell phone and a bag with documents. The 20-year-old suffered a cut on his forearm.

Two of the suspects fled on foot in the direction of Museum Island. The third suspect, a 14-year-old, was held by the victim until the police arrived. The alerted officers recorded the personal details of the suspected perpetrator at a police station and handed him over to a legal guardian.

Rescue workers treated the injured 20-year-old on site. The investigation is being carried out by a specialist department of Police Directorate 5 (City).

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