"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Islamization of Europe > Migrant thief threatens cops; 10-20% of Muslims in Austria are open to radical ideas; Labour Party frightened of migrant issue in UK


Arrested during an attempted robbery in Nice,

he threatens the police to ‘slit their throats

translated from “Interpellé lors d’une tentative de vol à Nice, il menace les policiers de “les égorger”,” Nice-Matin, August 12, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The Nice Criminal Court placed a 19-year-old Tunisian in pre-trial detention this Friday for “apology for an act of terrorism,” “death threats,” “insults” to police officers and a magistrate, and “attempted robbery.”

Last Tuesday in Nice, this young undocumented immigrant was caught opening the doors of a Peugeot. Empty-handed, he did not spare the police officers who arrested him.

He allegedly threatened to “slit their throats” when he saw them again, accompanying his threats with an “Allah Akhbar!” and covering the officers with insults.

Brought before the court for immediate appearance, he was placed in detention pending his trial, postponed until September. In the meantime, he will have to undergo a psychiatric assessment.

Of course, he will be found to be insane. All radicalized, even devout, Muslims are insane according to Syrian psychologist Dr Wafa Sultan. But, they are still acts of terrorism. 

IS expert warns: ‘Two to three IS sympathizers per school class'

in Austria

translated from “IS-Experte warnt: “Pro Schulklasse zwei bis drei IS-Sympathisanten,” Exxpress, August 10, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The conditions that are coming to light in Austria are appalling. For years, the government has neglected the problems that arise in connection with the uncontrolled immigration policy, which is the breeding ground for radical Islamists: Almost no day goes by in Austria without stabbings, rapes, robberies and other violent crimes. The Islamist terrorist attack plans on the Taylor Swift concerts clearly show that there are gaps in our country’s security policy.

The recently prevented terrorist attack now raises the question of the driving forces and ideological motives behind such violent plans. Islamism expert Moussa Al-Hassan Diaw reveals shocking facts in an oe24.TV interview: There are two to three IS ideology sympathizers per school class: “In workshops, we have already looked after 550 people suspected of radicalization. In each school class, there are up to three people who at least sympathize with these ideas. Even native Austrians, even 13-year-old boys and girls, warns Diaw, adding that radicalization is increasingly taking place among younger people – even those under criminal age.

The vast majority of cases of Islamic terrorism documented on this blog in the past couple weeks have involved teens. 

According to the Islamism researcher, many of these young boys have sworn allegiance to IS. “They want to look strong, to appear frightening. Then they are indoctrinated with enemy images.” When asked who the enemy of these young men is, Diaw explains, “the West, the Americans, the Jews. The IS radicalized people do not believe in democracy and man-made laws. They want a theocracy. For the fanatics, murder is justified.”

In an eXXpress interview, Herbert Scheibner, President of the European Institute for Counter-Terrorism and former defense minister, talks about the current terrorist threat in Austria and Europe. Scheibner makes it clear that the Islamist terrorist threat is by no means new. Experts have been warning about it in Europe for years: “In Austria in particular, people always try to push it aside a little.” Since the terrorist attack in Vienna in 2020 at the latest, “we should know that there is a real threat,” said the former defense minister.

Scheibner warns that “extremists can strike anywhere.” Such attacks and radicalization cannot be ruled out 100 percent, but “the problem has been played down in recent years – including in Austria.” 10-20 percent of Muslims in Austria are also “receptive to radical ideas.” Those who have portrayed a “multicultural society as a great utopia” in recent decades have done very little to ensure that coexistence can actually work.


UK: Senior Labour Party politician accuses party of

being ‘too frightened’ to talk about immigration

Senior Labour grandee Dame Margaret Hodge has rightly accused her own party of being “‘too frightened’ to talk about immigration.”

The new UK ruling party instead is on a campaign of intimidation to quash the uprising against Britain’s suicidal immigration policies. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has now warned that rioters have lost respect for police. Her solution to restore public confidence is to flood the streets with even more police, which will only backfire. Disgruntled British citizens who have engaged in the riots can plainly see a two-tier system which favors illegals over hardworking British taxpayers, the very people who pay the wages of traitorous politicians and their police loyalists.

Now that Britain has reached a boiling point, the government and police have turned to desperate means, aligned with fascism.

The most noteworthy point Hodge made beyond the fact that her government is too “frightened” to talk about immigration:

We also have to show we can control our borders. Those who aren’t legitimate asylum seekers, you send back as quickly as you can.

Labour grandee Dame Margaret Hodge accuses the party of

being ‘too frightened’ to talk about immigration

by  Martin Beckford, Daily Mail, August 12, 2024:

A Labour grandee has accused the party of being ‘too frightened’ to talk about immigration.

Dame Margaret Hodge said politicians must highlight the contribution to society of new arrivals as well as showing that the country’s borders are under control by removing failed asylum seekers.

And she warned MPs must not ignore voter concerns about the issue, following low turnout and protest votes at last month’s general election.

Her comments carry weight in Labour as she defeated far-Right British National Party leader Nick Griffin in her Barking constituency in 2010.

The new Government is so far taking a much softer approach than its Tory predecessor to illegal immigration, rebranding it ‘irregular migration’ and scrapping the Rwanda deportation scheme.

Dame Margaret, who stood down at the election after 30 years as an MP, told The Observer: ‘We’ve always been too frightened to talk about immigration. If you’re a politician, you have a voice. We need to use that voice to develop a new discourse.’

She went on: ‘It’s talking about why people are here, what they contribute, the richness they bring to society.

We also have to show we can control our borders. Those who aren’t legitimate asylum seekers, you send back as quickly as you can.…


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