"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Media is the Message > France24's pathetic attempt to dis Elon Musk and X


If you are not familiar with France24 and Agence France Presse (AFP), it is one of the bigger news media platforms in Europe. It is far-left, woke, (in my humble opinion) - corrupt, and not very bright. 

They continue to favour Muslims and dis Jews in their coverage both at home and in the Middle East. They are an excellant example of everything that is wrong with Western media, and they can't stand anyone who tells the truth, hence, the attack on Musk.

Musk's false X posts on US election viewed 1.2 billion times, says watchdog

Elon Musk has made at least 50 posts on X since January that contain false or misleading information about the US presidential election, the Center for Countering Digital Hate said on Thursday. The posts have amassed 1.2 billion views, said the watchdog, which noted that none of Musk’s posts included a “Community Note,” the crowd-sourced moderation tool the billionaire’s social media platform has promoted as the way for users to add context.

False or misleading US election claims posted on X by Elon Musk have amassed nearly 1.2 billion views this year, a watchdog reported Thursday, highlighting the billionaire's potential influence on the highly polarized White House race.

Ahead of the November election, researchers have raised alarm that X, formerly Twitter, is a hotbed of political misinformation.

They have also flagged that Musk, who purchased the platform in 2022 and is a vocal backer of Donald Trump, appears to be swaying voters by spreading falsehoods on his personal account.

"Appears to be" - wiesel words!

Researchers from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) identified 50 posts since January by Musk –- who has more than 193 million followers on the social media site -- with election claims debunked by independent fact-checkers.

Want to bet that CCDH and the independent fact-checkers are all Democrats?

None of the posts displayed a "Community Note," a crowd-sourced moderation tool that X has promoted as the way for users to add context to posts, CCDH said, raising questions about its effectiveness to combat falsehoods.

Or, confirming that what he writes is the truth!

"Elon Musk is abusing his privileged position as owner of a... politically influential social media platform to sow disinformation that generates discord and distrust," warned CCDH chief executive Imran Ahmed.

"The lack of Community Notes on these posts shows that his business is failing woefully to contain the kind of algorithmically-boosted incitement that we all know can lead to real-world violence."


The posts analyzed by CCDH carried widely debunked claims, such as that Democrats are encouraging illegal migration with the aim of "importing voters" or that the election is vulnerable to fraud. Both claims amassed hundreds of millions of views.

Widely debunked? By whom? The Democrats? This is not something that you can possibly prove to be true or false unless you catch some politician talking about it. What a politician will say in public is completely irrelevant. What other reason does the Biden government have for allowing millions of unvetted immigrants into the country and then demanding they have the right to vote?

Last week, Musk faced a firehose of criticism for sharing with his followers an AI deepfake video featuring Trump's Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris.

In it, a voiceover mimicking Harris calls President Joe Biden senile before declaring that she does not "know the first thing about running the country."

The video, viewed by millions, carried no indication that it was parody -- save for a laughing emoji. Only later did Musk clarify that the video was meant as satire.

"Musk behaves as if he is beyond reproach despite growing evidence of the harmful role he is personally playing to fuel disinformation and division ahead of the US elections," Nora Benavidez, from the advocacy group Free Press Action Fund, told AFP.

'The harmful role' means he is hurting the Democrats chances of winning.

"As his behavior edges closer to election interference, it's up to others -- the public, regulatory agencies and advertisers -- to hold him accountable for his anti-democratic behavior."

Musk, who purchased the platform in 2022 for $44 billion, is facing growing scrutiny over his potential influence on voters.

'Growing scrutiny' by the far-left of which mainstream media is the main voice.

On Monday, a bipartisan group of five US secretaries of state sent an open letter to Musk, urging him to fix X's AI chatbot known as Grok after it produced election misinformation.

Hours after Biden stepped down from the presidential race last month and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee, Grok churned out false information about ballot deadlines, which was amplified by other platforms.

X -- which also faced criticism for stoking tensions during recent far-right riots across England -- has gutted trust and safety teams and scaled back content moderation efforts once used to tame misinformation, making it what researchers call a haven for disinformation.

Those 'trust and safety teams' ensured the pre-Musk Twitter kept in step with mainstream media and their continual flow of far-left, woke, madness. X is now the only significant news source and social media platform where truth can be found and dissent can be voiced.

Musk faced down the Australian government who tried to end the practice of free speech on Twitter. He is taking on the government of Brazil for the same cause, and will soon be battling the insane Labour government in the UK. 

Democracy is impossible without free speech. But that's the whole point of the attacks. It's pathetic, even traitorous, that France24 and most other news media are supporting that attack. 

X did not respond to an AFP request for comment.



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