"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths." Northwoods is a ministry dedicated to refreshing Christians and challenging them to search for the truth in Christianity, politics, sociology, and science
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Bits and Bites > A Little Rapunzel in Dubai; Neanderthal Families of Southern Siberia
Rapunzel Syndrome: Rat-shaped hair ball retrieved from five-year-old
Dubai girl’s intestine
In a rare condition, Indian expat girl used to ‘ingest hair strands when she was a baby’
When KG student Diya Rajesh complained of stomach pain on October 15, her mother Mahalakshmi Rajesh thought her daughter had not yet completely recovered from the viral fever she had suffered three weeks ago following a bout of vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain.
The syndrome
Rare in young age
How did Diya get it?
First 'concrete picture' of Neanderthal family revealed by DNA
Researchers focus on multiple Neanderthal remains found in the caves in southern Siberia
'Seem much more human'
Rampant inbreeding
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
European Politics > The New, New Prime Minister of the UK
The spectacular fall from grace of Liz Truss has re-opened the door for Rishi Sunak to become PM. Is this good news or bad? Is he Deep State's man? The good news is, Suella's back!
Sunak takes over as UK prime minister amid economic crisis
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Ozzone 7-10 > Do we seek only peace and joy from the Lord? These are simply effects, not causes we should seek after. We miss the point!
Covid-19 > Sudden Deaths of Young Canadian Doctors not Causing enough Alarm
Alberta Doctor Calls on Medical Association to Investigate
‘Sudden Deaths’ of ’80 Young Doctors’
‘Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories’
Data Crawl
‘No Autopsies Done’
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Islam - Current Day > IDF Killer shot dead in 2nd attack; Taliban slaughter captives in Panjshir Valley; Iranian athlete sent home for not wearing hijab
Terrorist who murdered female soldier last week is killed in new terror attack
Taliban killed captives in restive Afghan province
Iranian athlete Elnaz Rekabi sent home, fate uncertain
after competing without hijab
'It's about human rights and women's rights'
Apology in Instagram post
Hundreds killed in protests
Big Pharma - Cough Syrups Laced with antifreeze kill 165 children in Indonesia and the Gambia
Indonesia bans all syrup medicines after 99 child deaths
The country's Food and Drug Monitoring Agency said that the suspended medicines were found to contain an ingredient -- ethylene glycol -- in an amount that "exceeds the safe limit."
The Gambia
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Corruption is Everywhere > Suu Kyi's sentence up to 26 years now
Myanmar junta extends jail terms for Suu Kyi, Japanese journalist
- 'Sham trial' -
Covid-19 > Boston U finds way to make Covid-19 much more deadly
More lethal strain of COVID created in Boston University lab
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
American Politics > Tulsi Gabbard Quits the Democratic Party
Tulsi Gabbard abandons the Democratic Party
In 1 minute and 19 seconds on Twitter, Tulsi Gabbard announced that she is
abandoning the Democratic Party
Economics - IMF predictions for 2023 - They're not pretty
IMF downgrades global economy outlook for 2023
Measures made around the world to curb post-pandemic inflation will make 2023
'feel like a recession'
Economies stalling
Monday, October 10, 2022
Islam - Byzantium - Vikings - This Day in History

A full 80 % of what anyone needs in a bodyguard is intimidation. Protecting a VIP is easy when no one is attacking them. If you can intimidate any potential assassins from trying to kill you, then you might live a long, full life. The other 20% is having the combat skills to actually fight off anyone who does try to kill you, combined with the loyalty to not actually kill you themselves. With this in mind, the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire (or later, the Byzantine Empire) found the perfect imperial guard by recruiting men from the conquerors of a state to the north: the Kievan Rus. Called Varangians – or “Men of Oath” – the mercenaries who protected the emperor for centuries were descended from Viking warriors.
The soldiers we call Varangians today came south from Scandinavia in the 9th Century to conquer and rule the Kievan Rus, an area that today encompasses parts of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Despite having settled far from the coastline, the Viking warriors never lost their taste for raiding and plundering. They soon set their eyes on a jewel of a city to the south: Constantinople.

Unfortunately for the raiders, the city’s Theodosian Walls pretty much made any simple raid on the city useless. Even armies with advanced siege technology found it difficult to attack. The Vikings began to raid the countryside instead. The wealthy Byzantines, realizing that all the raiders wanted was to loot and plunder decided to buy them off… and they paid very well.
They paid so well, in fact, that it earned the empire the Vikings’ loyalty. Once they became an ally, they were allowed into the city of Constantinople itself and quickly fell in love with its beauty and grandeur. They began to call it “Miklagard,” the Grand City. As for the promise of adventure, battle and even more looting, the Byzantines had no shortage of enemies.
Once the Vikings’ boats were in the seas surrounding the Byzantine Empire, they went to work. The Vikings helped the empire conquer Crete in 945, then took the fight to the Arabs in the 950s. They were soon the elite warriors of the Byzantine Empire and were called upon for the toughest military adventures the empire had to offer.
When Byzantine General Bardas Phokas rebelled against Emperor Basil II in 988, The Kievan Rus sent 6,000 Norse warriors to Constantinople. When they arrived to meet Phokas in combat, his forces scrambled, the general himself was said to have a stroke, and the Vikings hunted down the rebels and hacked them to pieces.

In the wake of this victory, Basil formed the Varangian Guard, an Imperial Bodyguard composed of just Norse warriors sworn to protect the Byzantine Emperor at any cost. Since they were the emperor’s personal guard, they rarely left the city, but you can’t keep a good Viking down. If trouble on the frontiers of the empire became more than the regular army could handle, the Varangians were sent in to deal with the situation for good.
When Norman invaders threatened southern Italy in 1018, the Varangians were sent to remind them who controlled the area. When Arabs threatened Sicily, the Varangians kicked them off the island. The same went for Bulgarians who invaded the Byzantine-controlled area of Thrace. When everything was bleak for the Byzantines in combat, the Varangians refused to surrender.
Even when Constantinople itself fell to the Ottoman armies of Mehmed the II in 1453, the Varangians fought to the last man to protect the emperor. The Varangian Guard fell alongside the fall of the Byzantine Empire and its final emperor.
Notice there is never any mention of the thousands of women and girls who were raped and murdered by all sides in these endless wars.