"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Islamization of Holland? Old, gay, sex shop owner complains about 'decline of society'; Amsterdam Police find cache of dangerous explosives


Gay-friendly Rotterdam sex shop says it's

being terrorized by young people every day

Gaytoys, a sex shop focused on the gay community in Rotterdam, has implemented a locked door policy because it is being terrorized by a group of young people, owner Piet Gamelkoorn told Rijnmond. There have been incidents almost daily for over a week. “It’s a hate crime, I can’t say it any other way,” the shocked Rotterdam entrepreneur said.

“It started last started last Wednesday with throwing open the door and shouting ‘filth’ and ‘f***ing homo.’ They spat inside, threw a can of lemonade inside, threw the candy jar off the counter. And hit the window really hard.”

They also climbed up the awning and took down four rainbow flags. Two were later found on the Westblaak, trampled and battered with broken sticks.

The group harasses him almost daily, usually in groups of three to five boys. “We called the police and filed a report. They advised us to call 112 if it happened again, but those boys are as fast as water. And by the time the police arrive, they have already flown away.”

Gamelkoorn is exhausted and devastated. “I will be 80 next month. I never expected to experience this,” he told Rijnmond. “It is a total decline of our society. There is little understanding for those who think differently. That is a sad observation, and it makes me feel powerless.”

An 80 year old man running a gay, sex shop is complaining about 'a total decline of our society'. Now that's irony!

For the time being, he keeps the door locked, and customers need to knock to enter. “Safety above all. But we will not let ourselves be pushed around. By seeking publicity, I want to fight back verbally. I will never close my shop. That is the ultimate surrender.”

Of course, the media would never suggest that this gang was made up of Muslim boys, but the signs make it quite obvious.

Amsterdam man arrested for possession

and sale of explosives

Police discovered 198 explosives, classified as illegal fireworks, during a search of a residence in Amsterdam Nieuw-West on Thursday. The search followed a tip about the illegal trade in explosives. A 21-year-old man from Amsterdam was arrested at the scene.

These specific illegal fireworks are dangerous because they contain flash powder, a material more explosive than gunpowder, the police have said. In this case, authorities seized over 5 kilograms of flash powder, a volatile substance that can ignite from friction or static electricity.

Additionally, this type of firework is often capable of setting off a chain reaction if a single item detonates. The consequences of such an explosion can be catastrophic.

With this arrest, police believe they have dismantled a link in the trade of explosives and several recent explosive attacks on various property, disrupting the criminal network involved. Authorities asked anyone with suspicion about the storage, sale or transportation of illegal fireworks to contact police. This can also be done anonymously.

Again, this has all the trade-marks of Islamic gang activity, although Dutch media would never openly say so. Hopefully, the new government will wake the media up to the terrible disservice they do to law-abiding Dutch citizens by protecting the identity of Muslim criminals.

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