"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, September 20, 2024

Hamas' cup runneth over > Warehouses are overflowing with stolen aid for Gazans but they are not getting it


Hamas Warehouses Overflowing with

Stolen Humanitarian Aid

There are some people going hungry in Gaza, but not because of anything the IDF has done. Israel has been letting in more than 1400 trucks each week filled with humanitarian aid — food and medicine. The trucks come into Gaza mainly through the Kerem Shalom crossing, with smaller amounts arriving through the Erez crossing. 

No sooner do they reach the Gazan side than Hamas operatives take control of the trucks and their cargo. They use force to beat off any non-Hamas Gazans who try to grab some of the aid for themselves. The trucks are taken immediately to warehouses under Hamas’ control. At the warehouses, some of that aid is immediately taken by Hamas members for their extended families. They put the rest in the warehouses, where some is kept for future distribution to Hamas members; most of the aid is made available for sale, at grossly inflated prices, to the people of Gaza — aid that was supposed to be distributed to them at no cost. Hamas has taken so much of the aid that it is running out of space to store all of it. More on the terror group’s anxiety about where to store the aid — it has no plans to do the right thing and deliver it to the intended recipients, can be found here: 

Hamas warehouses in Gaza are overflowing with stolen humanitarian aid – N12

Jerusalem Post, September 13, 2024:

Hamas terrorists have confiscated so much humanitarian aid that the terror group is struggling to find space in warehouses to store all of it, according to intercepted communications between Hamas operatives that were played during an episode of N12’s “Ulpan Shishi” on Friday.

These intercepted communications feature Hamas operatives discussing the movement of goods from overflowing humanitarian aid warehouses to Khan Yunis.

“We’ve got trucks filled with goods alongside the diesel trucks,” one operative said. “At this point, we have everything… The warehouse is at full capacity. We’re just waiting for the green light to start transferring.” The second operative responded, “Coordinating with Samer is difficult due to a reception issue. If you can move them elsewhere, go ahead.” The first operative then asked, “Can you take them to Khan Yunis, or will that cause a delay?”

This short exchange illustrates the significant flow of aid into Gaza, broadcasters said during the episode. What began with two trucks entering Gaza before the agreement has now grown into 200 trucks arriving daily. Hamas seizes these supplies, gaining complete control over the warehouses without resistance, they said.

They also mentioned how the recordings not only expose how Hamas takes control of these shipments but also highlight the absurdity of the situation—the terrorist organization is running out of space to store the aid. Clearly, this aid is not being used for humanitarian purposes but is instead aiding the enemy.

Circumventing Hamas and including local Gazans

Hamas exerts full control over food and medicine distribution. Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj.-Gen. Ghassan Alian attempted to regulate the aid by involving Gaza-based merchants who had been active before the war in managing the inflow of supplies.

Hamas exploited this by taking 20% of the merchants’ profits. As a result, it was decided that starting next week, Alian would halt the aid transfer to these merchants.

The humanitarian aid now offers one more way to make membership in the terror group more attractive. Hamas members are allowed to help themselves to as much aid for their own families as they wish; they do not suffer from malnutrition or lack of access to medicines. What’s more, Hamas makes large amounts of money by selling that humanitarian aid; that money helps pay the quite ample salaries of its members.

The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Maj.-Gen. Ghassan Alian, a Druze, tried to prevent Hamas from profiting from the resale of humanitarian aid by using a network of merchants in Gaza to whom the aid would be directly delivered by Israel; these merchants would then sell the aid much more cheaply than Hamas had been doing. But then Hamas demanded that these merchants hand over 20% of their profits. So Maj.-Gen. Alian stopped the transfer of aid to these merchants. The problem remains: how to keep Hamas from appropriating so much of the humanitarian aid, both for its own use and for sale to those Gazans able to pay the exorbitant prices Hamas charges.

The telephone call between two Hamas operatives that the IDF intercepted and recorded makes crystal clear that Hamas is sitting on enormous amounts of that humanitarian aid. All of its warehouses are filled to the brim with the humanitarian aid it has seized. This phone call should be played at the UN General Assembly by Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon, to demonstrate to the world that the only humanitarian aid crisis in Gaza is that created, not by Israel, but by the thieves of Hamas.


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