"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Islam - The Ideology > Glorifying Terrorists; Jihad - Most Noble Death; Taliban - Women must be Invisible


‘Palestinian’ imam arrested for inciting

jihad mass murder on Facebook

What’s that? An imam? But wait! How could a man who has devoted his life to understanding Islam properly and communicating it effectively somehow get the crazy idea that his peaceful religion called upon him to do violence to unbelievers? It’s a mystery!

Police arrest schoolteacher, imam in Hebron area for inciting terrorism on social media

Jerusalem Post, September 26, 2024:

A resident of Hursa, a Palestinian village in the southern Hebron area, who serves as a schoolteacher and imam, was arrested for incitement after posting Facebook content supporting terrorist organizations, the Israel Police reported Thursday.

The suspect is 38 years old and is suspected of praising and glorifying terrorists following an investigation by the Hebron police.

The suspect was arrested by station officers for questioning, during which additional evidence was found linking him to incitement and support for terrorism….

This report fails to mention whether the arrests were made by Isreali police or Palestinian police. Care to take a guess?

Islamic scholar: ‘This not a war against the Zionist entity

but against the infidel world in its entirety’

Try saying this in the U.S., Al-Shanqiti, and you’re liable to be accused of “Islamophobia.”

Former Vice President Of International Union Of Muslim Scholars (IUMS)

Mauritanian Islamic Scholar Muhammad Al-Dadow Al-Shanqiti:

The Most Noble Death A Person Can Have Is While Waging Jihad

MEMRI, September 11, 2024:

Former Vice President of the IUMS (International Union of Muslim Scholars) Mauritanian Islamic Scholar Muhammad Al-Dadow Al-Shanqiti said in a September 11, 2024 address uploaded to the Global Committee for Supporting the Prophet on YouTube that this is a war not just against the Zionist entity but against the infidel world in its entirety. He continued to say that the most noble death a person can have is while waging Jihad. Al-Shanqiti said that “no harm is done if a body is torn to pieces, he is dead anyway.” He further explained that it doesn’t matter if it happens in one moment or ten years while the body is decomposing.

Muhammad Al-Dadow Al-Shanqiti: “This is another chapter in the war that is ongoing since 1948 and to this day. This is not a war against the Zionist entity, but against the infidel world in its entirety. This is why the entire forces of evil have gathered against [Hamas].

Here is what I call Satanic Reversal. Muhammed's statement is the exact opposite to the truth. The entire forces of evil have gathered against Israel, the only righteous country in the Middle East. 


“Everybody dies when his time comes, but at times, people die for no reason – in their sleep, while awake, because of a disease, a car accident, or a bombardment. These are all deaths, but the most noble death a person can have is while waging Jihad for the sake of Allah.


“No harm is done to a person if his body is torn to pieces. He is dead anyway, and when he is buried in the ground, the soil will consume his flesh and skin and will cut his bones and limbs.


“If you rummage graves, you will see that the soil has consumed those body parts, and the bones have been rendered necrotic. So it does not matter if it happens in the ground, after ten years, or in one moment or ten minutes.”



Afghanistan: Taliban top dog calls women’s faces

a ‘source of temptation’

This is why women must cover their faces. The onus is entirely on them to remove temptation from men, not upon men to control themselves.

Taliban leader calls women’s faces a ‘source of temptation'

by Qaseem Azizi, Amu TV, September 25, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

In newly released remarks from a recent visit to Kunduz, Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada described the faces of women and girls as “a source of temptation” and emphasized that they should be covered in public.

His comments, aired on Taliban-run national television, were part of a speech reaffirming the Taliban’s commitment to enforcing a strict interpretation of Sharia law across Afghanistan.

“The faces of women and girls are a source of temptation, but young people, influenced by 20 years of American presence, do not understand this,” Akhundzada said in the audio message. “Now is the time for full implementation of Sharia in Afghanistan.”

This statement follows previous Taliban edicts, including the group’s “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” law, which deems women’s faces and voices as ‘awrah’—parts of the body that must be concealed—and prohibits women from leaving their homes without a male guardian.

These rules have drawn sharp criticism from the United Nations and human rights organizations….

You can't argue that a beautiful face, a beautiful voice, a beautiful figure are attractive to men. What you can argue is that God made it so, so that men would desire women. But also, so that men would learn some self-control and respect for others. Self-control is a character trait that God requires in His people as is treating others with self respect. Perhaps this is why Muslims chose Mohammed over Jesus even though Jesus was born of a virgin and did the only miracles in the Quran. Muslims don't even know who Mohammed's mother was. 

Search this blog for 'Islamic hysteria' for numerous examples of Muslims who were completely incapable of self-control. It seems the more devout a Muslim man is, the less self-control he has. This is why they must keep their women and girls at home, invisible, and silent.

Beware of the piety that denies the natural life, it is a fraud

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

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