"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Islamization of Europe > Muslims wanted to kill God of the Jews in London church; 70% of Vienna school students are Muslim; Muslim wanted to kill cops in Germany


UK: Muslima enters London church screaming

‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘I am here 

to kill the God of the Jews’

She “kicked, punched and pushed the officers.” She was released on bail. Meanwhile, there are English people in prison for saying rude words.

Muslim woman is arrested after entering London church screaming

‘I am here to kill the God of the Jews'

by Mark Duell, Daily Mail, September 6, 2024:

A Muslim woman screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ inside a church and said she was ‘here to kill the God of the Jews’ shortly before a Sunday morning service.

Pastor Regan King had been preparing for worship at the evangelical Angel Church in Islington, North London, with his Jewish wife Rachel and young children.

But the crazed woman entered at about 10am, allegedly shouting Islamic calls to prayer in Arabic before directly addressing and reaching out to the youngsters.

Mr King then moved his family to safety before demanding that the woman leave the building, but she was instead said to have became more aggressive.

Metropolitan Police officers were then called before the woman began shouting anti-Semitic abuse and screamed: ‘I am here to kill the God of the Jews’.

The woman repeatedly shouted through the church’s sound system ‘Allahu Akbar’ – before two police cars and a van were said to have arrived ten minutes later.

As she was arrested on suspicion of a religiously-aggravated public order offence, the woman allegedly tried to appeal to one of the officers who she believed was a Muslim.

She was said to have referred to him as ‘brother’, spoke in Arabic and repeatedly said to him: ‘Remember Allah.’

However, the officer told her that he did not speak Arabic and that she should speak in English.

The woman is then alleged to have kicked, punched and pushed the officers – which saw her also arrested on suspicion of assaulting emergency workers….

Why would they add the word 'suspicion' in the arrest order? Was there any doubt? 

‘She was arrested on suspicion of a religiously-aggravated public order offence and assaulting emergency workers, and was taken into custody. She was later released on bail pending further enquiries. ‘…

Islington, London

What the Austrians Must Do Now

In Vienna, 70% of all the students in the public schools are Muslim. Muslims harass girls who do not follow a strict dress code and complain about everything from non-halal meats served in the school cantines to the absence of a Muslim prayer room, to certain subjects that they are unwilling to study, to the terrific expense of additional classes in German language training:

‘Girls wear headscarves out of fear,’ warns Austrian schoolmaster in new book

Remix News

In his book, he tells the stories of students who demand an Islamic prayer room in the school, but have no tolerance for other religions….

I assume that Christian Klar did not give in to that demand; he’s clearly made of sterner stuff. But other principals may not be able to withstand the pressure from Muslim students and their parents, and might, to avoid trouble, set aside a prayer room for the exclusive use of Muslims. To avoid that result, instead of relying on individual principals, a law needs to be passed prohibiting dedicated prayer rooms in public schools. If students wish to pray, they can do so at recess outside the school building, or by praying silently at their desks.

Violence from Muslim students is a constant worry, not just in Vienna, but in schools all over Western Europe, wherever there is a large minority, or worse, a majority, of Muslim students. Imagine the anxiety among teachers and staff when a Muslim pupil dares to threaten to stab the principal. The contempt among the Muslims for those Infidels in authority is palpable. Non-Muslims, after all, are “the most vile of created beings.” Teachers should not have to worry about enforcing school rules that are inimical to Muslims, lest they be violently attacked. Perhaps the Austrian state should now station police inside those schools with a large Muslim presence, to ensure that national directives on student clothing, and other mandated rules of behavior, are obeyed.

Muslims are trying to Islamize, step by step, the Viennese public schools. They want female students to adhere to Islamic dress codes. They want prayer rooms. They want to control what is served at lunch. It’s not enough to offer Muslims alternative, halal meals; they don’t want non-Muslims to be able to eat pork products. They even want to decide what subjects should be taught in the classroom. They are most obviously against the study of the Holocaust, for such study could increase sympathy for Jews, and that, of course, would never do.

The Austrians have allowed into their country close to a million Muslims who have neither the desire nor the ability to integrate into the larger society. These Muslims regard the Infidels who have let them in and lavished a cornucopia of benefits on them not with gratitude, but rather with contempt and hatred, for these Muslim economic migrants know that, like all Infidels, the Austrians are “the most vile of created beings.” The Muslims pocket the subsidized or free housing, the free medical care, the free education, the unemployment benefits (available without a work history), family allowances, and more, but remain stonily indifferent to the need to integrate into the larger society.

The Muslim students are pushing the Viennese school system towards collapse. They do not respect nor obey the teachers or staff. They threaten violence against their non-Muslim classmates. They harass female students who fail to observe the Muslim dress code, contemptuous of one principal’s ban on headscarves and full-veil dress. They are not satisfied to be offered a halal alternative at lunch; they want pork products to be banned for everyone.

The Austrian government has to step in, and instead of relying on individual school administrators to deal with troublesome and violent Muslim students and their demands, it should pass nationwide legislation to restore order in the schools. To wit: a ban on prayer rooms, whatever the religion; a ban on prayers within the school except those mouthed quietly by students sitting at their desks; a ban on wearing hijabs and full-veils in public schools; prompt punishment of students who harass classmates over dress codes, or over religious differences; requiring that pork products continue to be made available in school cantines, along with alternative, halal meals for Muslim students; insisting that students follow the national curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education, without any exceptions made to satisfy the desires of Muslims to avoid certain subjects, such as the Reformation (too sympathetic to Christians) and the Holocaust (likely to cause sympathy for Jews).

That’s a start, to bring the schools of Vienna, and of Austria, back from the brink.

German: Machete-wielding Muslim migrant screaming

‘Allahu akbar’ threatens to murder cops at police station

Man who threatened to kill German police officers believed to have extremist motive

Associated Press, September 6, 2024:

BERLIN — A man armed with a machete was overwhelmed and arrested after threatening to kill officers at a police station in western Germany early Friday, prosecutors said. Investigators said they believe he had an Islamic extremist motive.

Gee. That was courageous of them. 

The 29-year-old Albanian citizen arrived at the police station in the small town of Linz am Rhein, between Koblenz and Bonn, at about 2:40 a.m. Prosecutors said he repeatedly shouted “Allahu akbar” — “God is great” in Arabic — and said he wanted to kill police officers….

Why didn't they just shoot him? He probably would have been happier if they did.  

Investigators who searched the suspect’s apartment found a flag of the Islamic State group drawn on a wall….


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