"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, September 20, 2024

Islam and Christianity > 637 year old cross destroyed in Portugal; Martin Luther statue attacked in Wittenberg; Christian preacher abused by Muslims and police at Speakers Corner


Germany: Muslim migrant vandalizes

Martin Luther memorial in Wittenberg

“Wir schaffen das,” exclaimed Angela Merkel as she opened the door to millions of Muslim migrants — “we can do this.” Yes, you can. All it will cost you is your own culture and heritage, and ultimately your nation itself.

After attack on Luther monument: Suspected perpetrator identified

translated from “Nach Angriff auf Luther-Denkmal: Mutmaßlicher Täter identifiziert,” by Bettina Sauer, Journalisten Watch, September 18, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

After the Luther monument on the market square in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt was damaged, the police have found the suspected perpetrator. Surprise! It is not Peter, Paul or Jan.

In March of this year, “a man” climbed onto the Luther monument on the market square in Wittenberg and hit the Luther figure with an object. The statue, which stands on a pedestal and is covered by a canopy, was damaged on the back. A witness tried to stop the perpetrator by grabbing his bicycle. But the man let go of the statue, grabbed his bicycle and fled.

Thanks to the witness and the intensive police investigation, the perpetrator was finally caught. And – wonder of wonders – it is not a Paul or Peter, but according to the police a 28-year-old Syrian who is said to be responsible for the damage to the Luther monument in Wittenberg. After extensive investigations by the State Security Service, the suspect was identified, according to the joint statement by the public prosecutor’s office and the Dessau-Roßlau police station. An investigation was initiated against the man for damage to property.

“In the course of extensive investigations conducted by the Department 5 (State Security) of the Dessau-Roßlau police station, the alleged perpetrator was identified. After initial clues in April 2024, suspicion of the crime was narrowed down to a 28-year-old man of Syrian origin living in Wittenberg in July 2024. The accused was clearly identified by a witness based on photographs of the crime being committed. The bicycle carried by the perpetrator at the time of the crime was also found and unequivocally attributed to the accused. In a subsequent interrogation of the accused in August 2024, the 28-year-old admitted the crime.”

The Syrian Luther beater, who lives in Wittenberg, has confessed to the crime. The police and the public prosecutor will now examine what further steps will be taken against the perpetrator. In a functioning constitutional state that seriously fulfills its duty and acts for the good of the country and its citizens, there is actually no question as to what should happen.

UK: Christian preacher Hatun Tash assaulted by

Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ wins $13,300 for false arrest

This represents a measure of justice, but the police should have had to pay much more, and show some indication that they will stop aiding and abetting the persecution of Hatun Tash at Speakers’ Corner. The craven police mistreatment of her as detailed in this article is a direct result of British authorities’ cowardice and capitulation to Islam. Incidents like the ones described below will keep on happening unless there is a massive change in the culture of British government and law enforcement, and such a change is not on the horizon.

Christian preacher assaulted by Islamic mob chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ wins £10,000 pay-out after false arrest at Speakers’ Corner

Christian Concern, September 20, 2024:

A Christian preacher has won £10,000 in damages and costs from the Metropolitan Police after being arrested, strip searched and unlawfully imprisoned for wearing a Charlie Hebdo t-shirt and having her property stolen at Speakers’ Corner in London.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Miss Hatun Tash had launched legal action after she was arrested in June 2022 in front of a baying crowd of Islamic extremists at the most famous place in the world for free speech.

Miss Tash, who has 700,000 subscribers on YouTube, is a well-known Christian evangelist who regularly critiques and debates the Qur’an and Islam at Speakers’ Corner. She is the director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam (DCCI).

She has been stabbed at Speakers’ Corner, faced a terrorist plot to take her life, and yet repeatedly the police side with Muslim mobs persecuting her rather than protecting her.

In this incident, which has not been reported in the media before, video footage reveals Miss Tash being frog-marched by the police through Hyde Park, pursued by a crowd of men who revel in her arrest, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’.

On Sunday 26 June 2022, Miss Tash was setting up a camera at a crowded Speakers’ Corner preparing to preach.

As part of her critique of the Qur’an she would hold a copy of it with holes in it. She used this visual aid to present the growing thinking, even among Islamic scholars such as Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, that the standard [Islamic] narrative has holes in it”

As she was setting up a man snuck up on her belongings, grabbed her copy of the Qur’an and ran off through the crowd.

The Christian friends accompanying Miss Tash called the police to report the theft.

However, as the police arrived, instead of establishing what had happened, without any discussion, an officer tried to draw her away from the growing crowd.

Refusing to move from where she planned to preach, the officers then put her in a half-nelson and began to frog-march her through the crowds to waiting police vans.

Crowds of Muslims, laughed, crowed, filmed, pursued, mocked and assaulted Miss Tash as she was led away.

The police did nothing to control the crowd or deal with any of the violent intimidation.

Dumped in a police van, her belongings were left unattended at Speakers’ Corner where they could have been stolen. A Muslim man later posed for the cameras holding Miss Tash’s stolen property after the police retried (retrieved?) the Qu’ran and gave it to him.

Told that she had been arrested for ‘criminal damage’, which was false as it was her belongings that were stolen, she was also told that she was arrested under s 4a POA 1986 and section 18 POA 1986 for wearing a Charlie Hebdo t-shirt which depicted the Prophet Mohammed.

Arriving at Charing Cross Police station, with the intent of maximum humiliation, Miss Tash was strip searched, which her lawyers later said breached her Article 3 ECHR rights. 

Officers also deliberately removed her glasses so that she could not see, and she was then deprived of sleep and interrogated at 4am.


Released at 9am, after 15 hours in custody, she was told that there would be no further action and she was not given any assistance to retrieve her belongings from Speakers’ Corner….

The police pay-out is the latest in a line of incidents involving the police arresting Miss Tash instead of taking action against Islamic extremists who have repeatedly assaulted her and even tried to take her life.

The police have previously had to pay out £10,000 in compensation to the Christan [sic] preacher after falsely arresting her in May 2021. Minutes earlier, pro-Palestinian protestors who incited Miss Tash’s arrest were recorded calling for ‘Jewish blood.’

In July 2021, Miss Tash was repeatedly stabbed by a man in an Islamic robe in front of the police. Disturbingly, the attacker has never been caught and is believed to have escaped abroad.

Receiving numerous death threats and Osman warnings, in December 2023, an Islamic terrorist, Edward Little, was jailed after police foiled his plot to murder Miss Tash with a gun. In January 2024 Mr Little was jailed for a minimum of 24 years.

‘Two-tier policing’

Responding to the settlement, Miss Tash, who has given the settlement money to an organisation supporting individuals who decide to leave the Islamic faith and face persecution for doing so, said:

“I have been dealing with two-tiered policing for years. Muslim mobs at Speakers’ Corner are above the law and have been allowed by the police to do what they like to silence debate, increasingly by any means.

“I have been treated appallingly by the police and have been repeatedly humiliated when I had not done anything wrong.

“The police, as usual, just did exactly what the Muslim mob wanted them to do. They even sided with the men who had stolen my property and to this day have taken no action.

The police have repeatedly taken away my rights and told me that they cannot protect me because they do not want to offend a certain group of people.

“More must be done to properly deal with Islamic violence and intimidation at Speakers’ Corner. We don’t live in Pakistan; we don’t live in Saudi Arabia. I am Christian and by default I believe that Muhammad is a false prophet. I should be allowed to say that in the UK without being stabbed or repeatedly arrested.

“I am concerned that power has been handed over to Muslim mobs on Britain’s streets, and that there is no coming back from this.

“The British public urgently need and deserve better policing.”

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “There is a two tier approach to anyone questioning the nature of Islam.

“This was another lamentable episode of policing at Speakers’ Corner. The video footage of Hatun being marched away is deeply disturbing and demonstrates the totalitarian approach to anyone who stands against Islam in London.”

It's also disturbing that the police themselves are not in the least ashamed of what they are doing. Are they really so stupid as to not see that they are completely destroying free speech and inherent British values? Can they not see that they are traitors to their own country? What an abomination the British government and police have become.

All the incredible people who have spoken at that sacred corner must be hanging their heads in shame for what it has become.



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