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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Canadian Convulsions > NDP Break with Liberals doesn't change much; Even the LGBTQ2 lobby is turning on Trudeau - terrified of common sense


‘The Deal Is Done’: NDP Breaks With Liberals,

Opening Early Election Prospects

The NDP has announced it’s pulling out of its agreement keeping the minority Liberals in power, opening the possibility the government could fall before the next scheduled election in 2025.

“The deal is done,”
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said in a social media post on Sept. 4, adding he notified Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the same day.

Singh said the Liberals are “too beholden to corporate interests” and that only the NDP can stop the Conservatives.

“Together, we can and will stop Conservative cuts, we can deliver relief and restore hope, fix health care, build homes you can afford, stop price gouging,” he said.

You have had ten years to do that and you just made it worse. Why would anyone give you another 4 years?

Trudeau reacted by saying he hopes the NDP will remain focused on how to deliver for Canadians.

“I’m focused on Canadians, I'll let the other parties focus on politics,” he said during a press conference in Newfoundland and Labrador on Sept. 4.

The major announcement came a few days after Tory Leader Pierre Poilievre made public a letter he sent to Singh, asking him to break his agreement with Trudeau.

Poilievre said Singh had promised the agreement would make life more affordable for Canadians while the opposite had occurred.

Poilievre’s office reacted to Singh’s announcement calling it a “media stunt.”

“Singh refuses to state whether the NDP will vote with non-confidence to cause a carbon tax election at the first chance,” said spokesperson Sebastian Skamski in a statement.

The NDP entered a supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals in March 2022, providing support on confidence votes in the House of Commons in exchange for prioritizing items on the NDP’s agenda.

He could have landed a cabinet post, but, apparently, didn't think of it.

Most of the items in the agreement have been fulfilled to date, including implementing dental care, tabling a pharmacare bill, and passing legislation banning replacement workers during strikes and lockouts. The deal was scheduled to last until June 2025, at the end of the spring parliamentary session.

The NDP will not be bound to support the Liberals in confidence votes when the new sitting starts on Sept. 16.

The first set confidence vote pertains to the budget, which will be tabled in early spring 2025. Otherwise the ruling party can designate certain votes in the House as confidence votes, and opposition MPs can also table non-confidence motions.

The passing of a non-confidence vote typically leads to the resignation of the government and the holding of an election.

So, it is obvious that Singh can vote against Liberal motions without collapsing parliament until the spring, at which point Singh will have 6 years in Parliament and qualify for his pension. Good move!

LGBTQ2 activists call on Trudeau to step down to prevent Poilievre leadership

LGBTQ2 activists say Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pledge to remain the Liberal leader through to the next election, despite dwindling public support, is putting them at risk.

Queer advocates say a Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre would be dangerous for the LGBTQ2 community, and some are calling on Trudeau to step aside to give the Liberals a better chance at winning the next election — which must happen by Oct. 20, 2025.

Sarah Worthman, executive director of the Newfoundland and Labrador Queer Research Initiative, says she’s seriously concerned about the potential harm of a Conservative government for LGBTQ2 Canadians.

She points to Poilievre’s comments saying minors should not have access to puberty blockers and transgender athletes should be barred from women’s sports and changing rooms.

Worthman says the Liberals would have a better chance at beating the Conservatives in an election if they replaced Trudeau, but she didn’t say with whom.

Click to play video: '‘Shame’: Trudeau responds to Poilievre remark that ‘female spaces should be exclusively for females’'
‘Shame’: Trudeau responds to Poilievre remark that ‘female spaces should be exclusively for females’

A spokesperson for the Conservatives did not directly respond to questions but instead sent an email with a series of transcribed answers that Poilievre gave to journalists between June 2023 and February 2024 on LGBTQ2 issues.

The answers include Poilievre’s call for Canada to continue offering refuge for persecuted LGBTQ2 people around the world, and that “female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males.”

Pollievre is right that Trudeau is not interested in protecting kids. In nearly 10 years he has done absolutely nothing to protect kids from child sexual abuse. Canada may be the only country in the western world that has completely ignored the phenomenal growth in child sex abuse in the past 15 years.

Poilievre weighs in on Alberta trans policies for kids, says he’s against puberty blockers

Worthman and Celeste Trianon, who runs a centre that helps trans people in Quebec who wish to change their legal name or gender marker (?), say the Liberals should follow the lead of the U.S. Democratic party, which has seen a swell of support since replacing President Joe Biden with Vice-President Kamala Harris as the party’s nominee in November’s presidential election.

Randy Boissonnault, a federal cabinet minister who was previously Trudeau’s special adviser on LGBTQ2 issues, says queer people are right to be worried about what may happen if Poilievre wins the upcoming election.

However, Boissonnault says Trudeau is the best person to lead the party through another campaign, adding that the prime minister is a champion of LGBTQ2 rights.

He just appointed a man from Alberta to the Senate. A man who is firmly for the transitioning of gender dysphoric children from an early age. Such a man does not represent the feelings and beliefs of Albertans. This is a slap in the face of Alberta's heroic Premier, Danielle Smith.


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