"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, September 16, 2024

Islam in Europe > Nice Muslium boy goes to church in Italy; migrant planned machete attacks in Munich; Muslim threatens wine fest in Stuttgart with knife, released; 3 more stories from UK, Netherlands and France


One Minute of Muslim Hatred

A young law student from Saudi Arabia, Fahhad Farann, filmed himself visiting a church in Italy. He described in Arabic his feelings of murderous hatred toward the two elderly Christian women whom he encountered, and even uttered — still using Arabic — threats and curses against them that they, of course, could not understand. It’s a telling minute of pure anti-Infidel hate. Take a look:

Germany: Muslim migrant planned machete attacks

on soldiers during their lunch break

Reports come regularly about foiled attacks. These plots and attacks are only the beginning of the consequences of the actions of reckless globalist leaders who encouraged illegal migration into their countries.

Little has been revealed about the latest 27-year-old Syrian jihadist, who planned a machete attack “on German soldiers during their lunch break in Munich, killing as many of them as possible,” other than he’s a “supporter of radical Islamic ideology.” This ideology has proliferated in Germany and throughout the West with open-door migration policy.

Germany has gotten itself into a bind, and is now seeking to tighten border controls and begin an immigration crackdown. But Germany, like every globalist-led country, has lost track of many illegals in their country, and has no clue how many jihadists are among them. As far back as eight years ago, Germany admitted that it had lost track of 1330,000 (not sure this figure is accurate) migrants, and kept the borders wide open anyway.

Open-door migration is the perfect way to facilitate Islamic expansion and jihad by the sword.

Islamic extremist plotted to attack German soldiers during their lunch break, prosecutors say

by Stefanie Dazio, AP News, September 13, 2024:

BERLIN (AP) — An alleged Islamic extremist has been arrested in connection with plotting an attack on German soldiers during their lunch break in Munich, killing as many of them as possible and causing a feeling of insecurity among the larger population, authorities said Friday.

The 27-year-old Syrian is a suspected supporter of radical Islamic ideology, according to the Munich public prosecutor’s office. It said that the suspect procured two machetes, each about 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) long, earlier this month, and allegedly planned to attack the soldiers with them….

The arrest comes after an Aug. 23 attack in Solingen that left three people dead and eight wounded. A 26-year-old Syrian suspect was arrested. He was an asylum-seeker who was supposed to be deported to Bulgaria last year but reportedly disappeared for a time and avoided deportation….


Germany: Knife-wielding Muslim threatens staff at wine festival, ‘I’ll bring you all to Allah!’

‘I’ll bring you all to Allah!’: 23-year-old threatens wine village employees in Stuttgart with a knife

translated from “„Ich bringe euch alle zu Allah!“: 23-Jähriger bedroht in Stuttgart Weindorf-Mitarbeiter mit Messer,” NIUS, September 9, 2024:

Last week, a threatening situation involving a knife occurred at the Stuttgart Wine Village, a local folk festival. As the Esslinger Zeitung reports, last Wednesday a 23-year-old approached the wine village employees with a knife and is said to have shouted “I’ll bring you all to Allah!”

The employees told the Esslinger Zeitung that it was already late when the incident occurred. The folk festival had ended that day and the staff had sat together after work, drinking and chatting. After midnight, a man is said to have walked past and shouted that the music should be turned off, whereupon the employees replied that he should leave them alone and go away. “We thought it was over. But then he suddenly came around the corner again with a knife in his hand and threatened us,” said one of the organizers.

A short time later, the man is said to have appeared again – this time with a knife in his hand and imitated arcing stabbing movements forwards. “Thank God the security was there immediately,” said an employee. The police were also on site “incredibly quickly, in just a few minutes.”

When asked by NIUS, a police spokesman said that the officers were aware of the incident. A 23-year-old is being investigated for threatening behavior, and the suspect is German. An extremist background is not suspected, and the man is now free again. The argument at the festival is said to have been sparked by the music.

As those affected described to the Esslinger Zeitung, the situation left its mark. “We’re wondering how safe it is here when more and more people are walking around with knives. That wasn’t the case in the past,” said the organizer. There are also concerns about the security guards: “They really should be better equipped, with protective vests and the like. We landlords would also help finance it – that’s not the point.”


UK: Former ‘race and equality officer’ wears

Hamas-style headband at pro-jihad rallies

Hussain is playing games. He insists that the headband simply states the Islamic profession of faith, and that’s true. But so does the ISIS flag, yet the distinctive style of that flag is instantly recognizable as an expression of support for the Islamic State. And so it is with this headband. Hamas jihadis wore headbands in this style as they massacred 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. Hussain wears it at rallies for Hamas’ cause. His claims of ignorance of the Hamas connection, and indifference to it, ring hollow.

Meet the ex-charity boss leading a ‘Muslim Army'

by Jane Prinsley, The JC, September 12, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A man who claimed to be a former GMB union race and equality officer and who has chaired a children’s charity wore a Hamas-style Islamist headband at Gaza rallies and celebrated a “Muslim army” of protesters.

But he claims it has nothing to do with Hamas.

A key organiser of Gaza rallies in Bradford, Chaq Ashiq Hussain has worn Hamas-style garb at numerous demonstrations, and led chants of “Israel is a terror state”.

Hussain’s bandana – which he claims to have worn for decades – bears the same Islamist declaration to Allah and Muhammad as those worn by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

In one of Hussain’s posts on social media featuring an image of him wearing the infamous white and green slogan, he wrote about a “Muslim army” taking to the streets of Britain.

“We came out in our thousands,” he commented.

Hussain told the JC that he had worn the green headband at religious and political events for the past 20 years and claimed it had nothing to do with Hamas. The message on the headband translates as “There is no god except for Allah and Muhammad is the messenger”, and is the same phrase used on flags and sashes paraded by the terror group.

Interviewed by telephone, Hussain insisted that the headband was unrelated to Hamas and said the message is a fundamental tenet of Islam.

“Every Muslim believes in this message. Otherwise, you cannot call yourself a Muslim,” he explained.

When asked if he had intentionally worn a headband like those worn by the terrorists who murdered Israelis on October 7, Hussain said: “I have not seen Hamas’s uniform. I don’t know what the uniform attire is.”…

Satan is the father of lies, and liars. 



Dutch parliament rejects Muslim mayor’s call

for ban on desecrating Qur’an

The Netherlands remains a free society, for now.

Dutch Parliament rejects ban on burning and desecrating Holy Quran

Shia Waves, September 8, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Dutch media reported that the Dutch Parliament voted against a ban on desecrating and burning the Holy Quran, following a request made earlier by the Mayor of Arnhem.

According to a news report, the majority in the Dutch Parliament opposed Arnhem Mayor Ahmed Marcouch’s call for a national ban on the desecration and burning of the Quran.

In this context, members of parliament stated that an earlier attempt by the anti-Islamic movement Pegida to burn the Quran got out of control earlier this year. However, they deemed a ban unnecessary, as reported by the newspaper Volkskrant.

The report noted that the parliament held its first session of the parliamentary year last Tuesday, where the discussions centered on the anti-Islamic Pegida movement and the ban on burning religious texts….


French jihadist linked to Charlie Hebdo attackers

stands trial for terrorism-related offences

French jihadist Peter Cherif, who was in regular contact with the brothers who carried out the 2015 attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, went on trial in Paris Monday. Cherif, who has not been formally charged over the attack, is on trial for terrorism-related offences allegedly committed between 2011 and 2018 as well as the kidnapping of three French aid workers in Yemen.

A French jihadist, who was close to the brothers behind the 2015 massacre at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, went on trial in Paris on Monday.

Peter Cherif, also known as Abou Hamza, was arrested in Djibouti in 2018 after years allegedly fighting in the ranks of Al-Qaeda in the Middle East.

He is being tried for terrorism-related offences allegedly committed between 2011 and 2018, and the 2011 kidnapping of three French aid workers in Yemen.

In 2015, Cherif was placed on a US blacklist as a member of the Yemen-based militant group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

Cherif, 42, was linked to a Paris jihadist cell and was named in the enquiry into the January 2015 attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, due to his regular contact with the perpetrators, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi.

Twelve people were killed in the massacre that sent shock waves across France.

Peter Cherif has not been formally charged over the attack but his potential involvement is expected to be at the centre of the trial.

Investigating judges believe that he "facilitated the integration into AQAP of one of the Kouachi brothers, most probably Cherif" and that he had knowledge of the plan to carry out an attack in France

According to several witnesses, AQAP advised foreign fighters in Yemen to return to their countries of origin to stage attacks.

Peter Cherif is also believed to have maintained contact with Cherif Kouachi on his return to France.

He has denied having knowledge of the planned attack.

In 2020, he was called as a witness during a trial over the 2015 attacks and claimed to have had "nothing to do" with the massacre.

According to Sefen Guez Guez, one of his lawyers, Cherif "knows that the Charlie Hebdo trial weighs heavily in the balance but he will come forward with a sincere statement."

Cherif, who converted to Islam in 2003, faces life in prison if convicted.

'From Buttes Chaumont to bin Laden'

Like the Kouachi brothers, he grew up in northeastern Paris. He was a member of the jihadist cell in France known as the Buttes Chaumont network, named after the district around one of the French capital's largest parks.

"We expect Peter Cherif to answer our questions in a way other than by quoting the Koran," Charlie Hebdo's lawyer Richard Malka told journalists ahead of the trial.

Malka said it was important to understand how "one gets from Buttes Chaumont to bin Laden", referring to the slain Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

In 2004, Cherif left Paris to fight in Iraq and was captured by coalition forces in the ruins of Fallujah a few months later.

He was convicted in Baghdad in 2006 of illegally crossing the border and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He escaped to Syria in 2007.

Cherif eventually reported to the French embassy in Damascus and was deported in early 2008, before being indicted in Paris.

He went on trial in early 2011, but before he was sentenced to five years in prison, he fled to Yemen where he joined Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

He spent seven years there before travelling to Djibouti in 2018 under a false identity, with his wife and two children.

Cherif was arrested in Djibouti, a country in the Horn of Africa, several months later and handed over to France.

According to the prosecution, during his stay in Yemen, Cherif met Anwar al-Awlaqi, an American-Yemeni radical preacher and senior AQAP member who was killed in 2011, and took part in the jihadist group's military activities.

The trial is scheduled to last until early October.



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