"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Islamic Hysteria in South Asia > Muslims plot to murder the Pope in Indonesia; Crazed Mob murder Hindu boy in police/army custody in Bangladesh


Indonesia: Seven Muslims arrested over plot

to attack Pope Francis

This is odd. All his “dialogue” with Muslims should have led them to regard him as a beloved brother, no? What went wrong? It’s a mystery!

Indonesia arrests seven over failed plot to attack Pope Francis

Indian Express, September 6, 2024:

Indonesian police detained seven persons in connection with a failed plot to attack Pope Francis, who completed the first leg of his 12-day Asia-Pacific tour on Friday, news agency Reuters stated….

The investigation is ongoing, and it remains unclear whether the detainees are connected or part of the same terror cell. Detachment-88 spokesperson Aswin Siregar mentioned that the arrests followed a public tip-off. The detainees, who were mostly apprehended on Monday and Tuesday, had their homes searched, revealing items such as bows and arrows, a drone, and ISIS leaflets.

Some of those arrested had pledged allegiance to ISIS. One detainee was reportedly a militant linked to the same group that attacked Indonesia’s former chief security minister Wiranto in 2019.

The militants were reportedly angered by the Pope’s visit to Jakarta’s Istiqlal mosque, and the government’s request for TV stations to avoid broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer during the Pope’s visit….

Surely, that's worth assassinating a Pope for, if you are an hysterical Muslim.


Bangladesh: Inside a police station, Muslim mob

lynches 15-y/o Hindu accused of blasphemy

Note how Bangladeshi outlets are deleting their reports about this. The whitewashing of Islamic jihad violence is as common as Islamic jihad violence itself. In any case, there are conflicting reports, but it appears that Mondal is not dead. He has been severely injured, but is in a hospital at the moment.

Bangladeshi media reports about Hindu boy being killed over ‘blasphemy’ allegations by Muslim mob, deletes report after video goes viral showing Army, police presence during crime

OpIndia, September 5, 2024:

In Bangladesh’s Khulna, a Hindu boy named Utsab Mandal has been reportedly lynched by a violent Muslim mob over allegations that he ‘insulted’ Prophet Muhammad on social media. The incident unfolded on 4th September, in the second phase of Sonadanga residential area of ​​the city, as per reports.

As per local media reports, Khulna Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner (South) Md. Tajul Islam has confirmed the mob lynching of the 18-year-old (???) Hindu youth. In viral videos, a badly injured, brutalised person dead or alive, is seen lying face down while Army personnel parade around. Some person in the background yells, “Hindu… Nastik (atheist)”.

According to reports, students at Khulna’s Azam Khan Government Commerce College had allegedly shared some posts on Prophet Muhammad on Facebook. In the evening, several students took the Hindu boy to the office of Khulna Metropolitan Deputy Commissioner (South) Tajul Islam. The Muslim mob gheraoed the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) in the Sonadanga residential area for around 3 hours. The mob demanded punishment for the Hindu boy over alleged ‘blasphemy’.

Reports say that to avert any unexpected incidents, an Army and Navy team arrived at the scene and took control of the situation. Later, when he was escorted to the police station, he was brutally thrashed by the fanatic Muslim mob leading to his death. The brutal lynching occurred despite police presence.

The viral videos of the incident show that the angry mob was agitating while Army and police personnel were present. Considering the viral videos and the initial reports by the Bangladeshi media, it is apparent that the brutal mob lynching happened while the Bangladeshi military personnel and police officials watched.

‘They insulted my Dharma’: Viral video shows Hindu boy saying before police

In the viral videos now being shared all over social media, the Hindu boy, reportedly named Utsab Mandal, is seen surrounded by a large mob of Muslims, with police officials sitting in chairs, in what looks like a police station. One person, not visible in the video asks the boy why he did what he did. To which the boy answers, “I went to watch the match. There I heard some men insulting my Dharma. Hearing that, I lost my temper.”

Another person tells the police officials, “I am requesting you on behalf of all my Muslim brothers. Just give us 10 minutes. We will make him wear a garland of shoes, write ‘Nastik’ (atheist) on him and take him around the place.” To this, the security personnel present are seen laughing.

Meanwhile, the army officials said that they had assured the Muslim mob that maximum punishment will be given to the Hindu boy. However, the agitated mob still thrashed him to death.

Bangladeshi portals delete all reports about the incident

In a curious development, the Bangladeshi media portals that had reported about the brutal mob lynching of the Hindu boy in the presence of military and police personnel seem to have deleted their reports. Portals including Dhakapost, Skhobor, and Samakal that had reports about the Khulna mob lynching incident seem to have deleted their reports. The links of the respective reports now open on a window saying ‘Error 404: not found”.

It is not clear why the Bangladeshi media portals have deleted the reports about the incident. The viral videos indicate a serious incident of mob violence in the presence of police and military, but the media reports describing the incident, which were accessible as recently as the morning of September 5, are now not available.

There can be multiple reasons behind this. The newly elected Yunus government in Bangladesh has been trying desperately to deny and whitewash the relentless cases of violence and atrocities targeted against the Hindu minorities of the country, to protect its own ‘secular, liberal’ image….

But, alas, Bangladesh is becoming more radical, more intolerant, and more violent every day.

Sin is progressive!

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