"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Islam in Western Education > Islamic logic is really screwed up at Rutgers; And Georgetown; And Cornell


Antisemitism Running Riot At Rutgers

At Rutgers, an attempt is being made to educate “the campus community” about antisemitism. Of course, the antisemites at Rutgers don’t want to learn about antisemitism; they know all there is to know about it, and they are quite sure that they are not antisemites. They just don’t like the “genocidal” Jewish state and will do everything they possibly can to make it disappear, to be replaced by a twenty-third Arab state. What’s antisemitic about that?

Rutgers University Residential Assistants Reject Mandatory Antisemitism Training Session

by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, September 4, 2024:

Rutgers University’s attempts at educating its students about antisemitism are being resisted by residential assistants (RA) who refuse to accept that Hamas is an anti-Jewish terrorist organization, the school’s campus newspaper, The Daily Targum, reported recently.

According to the paper, late last month Rutgers required its RAs, whose job is to supervise students living in on-campus housing, to participate in a “bystander intervention” course aimed at training them to identify antisemitism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. Several of the RAs, however, abruptly left the virtual session after a Jewish speaker explained that Hamas’s antisemitism and desire to destroy the world’s only Jewish state precipitated the Oct. 7 massacre, which resulted in the largest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust.

The paper added that the RAs took issue with the program’s citing a definition of antisemitism offered by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). After walking out, they reportedly contacted Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which proceeded to author, on the RAs’ behalf, a series of Instagram posts denouncing the antisemitism trainings as racist and upholding white supremacy.

I still can’t figure out why training in how to recognize, and respond to, manifestations of antisemitism in words and deeds, can be thought of as “upholding white supremacy.” There are an awful lot of Jews — and not just the Ethiopian Jews, or Falashas — who are distinctly brown-skinned. See the Yemenite Jews, the Egyptian Jews, the Tripolitanian and Moroccan Jews. They are as brown as the Arabs who expelled them from their lands.

“The mandated training program organized by the Office of Residence Life requires RAs to learn about DEI, restorative justice, community engagement, and more — all of these are inspired by Indigenous practices meant to unpack systems of white supremacy,” SJP said. “On the contrary, this specific session worked to perpetuate Zionism, racism, and white supremacy.”

How does learning about antisemitism “perpetuate Zionism”? Is every Jew a “Zionist”? Surely the members of Jewish Voice For Peace are as anti-Zionist as all get out, enough to warm the hearts of Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour. And let’s not forget Bernie Sanders. How does learning about antisemitism perpetuate “racism”? What race, exactly, is being diminished by such lessons in identifying what constitutes antisemitism? Could it be Muslims, or Arabs? But Muslims are not a race. Arabs are not a race. Let’s try not to engage in hysterical hyperbole.

SJP’s post included comments from the RAs who involved them in the controversy. One of them, who claimed to be Jewish, said, “I am tired of the word antisemitism being used to talk over genocide, I am tired of antisemitism being inflated.” The RA added, “I fear that when the Nazis and radicals come once again for the Jews that no one will believe us … it will be your fault.”

You see — you Jews who get so hot and bothered about nonexistent “antisemitism” are just like the boy who cried wolf. Someday the real Nazis will show up, and then where will you be? No one will believe you. Don’t tell us that Hamas is like the Nazis, just because 6,000 members of Hamas smashed into Israel on October 7 and proceeded to rape, torture, mutilate, and murder Jewish babies, children, men, and women. More Jews were killed on October 7 than on any day since the Holocaust. Don’t forget, the Nazis didn’t have a good reason for what they did to the Jews. But the Hamas men were driven to desperate measures by “76 years” of Israeli “occupation” of their land. True, there hasn’t been a single Israeli in Gaza since 2005, but the Jews won’t let the Gazans into Israel, and that’s what makes for an “occupation.”

Another who took issue with the Israeli nationality of one of the course’s presenters said, “One of the facilitators even identified as ‘Israeli’ and made mention of this multiple times. He justified his authority on the topic by citing his 12 plus years spent in ’48 Palestine, going so far as to call ‘Israel’ [sic] a ‘beautiful land.’”

How could he dare? This Israeli referred to “Palestine” as “Israel,” and had the gall to call it his country, forgetting who the Jews stole it from. Why was an Israeli chosen to talk about “antisemitism”? Rutgers should have asked the people who have suffered from Zionist oppression; they’re the ones who can explain why Jews are hated. And so-called “antisemitism” has nothing to do with it.

I often wonder how America's great schools of law discuss the current madness in their midst?

European Students Now Call American College Students

‘Hitler Youth’

Students shouted: “We will finish what Hitler started,” “Gas more Jews” and “The final solution.”

Most of the complaints about campus hate in the wake of Oct 7 have come from Jewish college students, but not all of them.

Take this case out of Rutgers.

A Rutgers Law School student who mounted a counter-protest against anti-Israel demonstrators on campus was arrested by police after he refused to stop posting flyers that labeled Hamas as “savages.”

Yiorgos “George” Maravelias, a disabled veteran who previously served as a United States Army First Lieutenant and deployed to Afghanistan, first engaged in campus activism in November 2023. He told Fox News Digital that after October 7, a vocal minority of law school students erected tables and hung flyers that criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza.

“I set up a table right next to them with my beliefs, which is that Hamas are rapists, that they are monsters, savages. That October 7 was a terrorist attack. You know, basically, I believe that a lot of the statements that they apply towards Israel, I think they fully hold against America,” he said.

But this case out of Georgetown involving a Swedish student is truly stunning.

Henrik Schildt Lundberg, a student at Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service described students chanting “we will finish what Hitler started” and “every day is October 7th.”

“In an email I sent to the MSFS leadership team in November of last year, I informed them that European universities now call Georgetown students “Hitler Jugend.” I kindly ask you to let that sink in.”

In a report to the Sweden-American Foundation, Lundberg described some of the madness going on at Georgetown.

On the eighth of September 2022, Queen Elizabeth II died in Great Britain. On my program’s WhatsApp group chat, many expressed their condolences to the British students. I was one of them because I know she was (and is) an important British symbol. For this, I and several students were accused of racism because with our sadness we were perceived to be behind a colonial power that enslaved people in the former British colonies. Since accusations of racism can lead to suspension, many apologized. I didn’t because I emphatically claim that you can express grief to a person whose head of state has just passed away.

During a mandatory workshop on microaggressions, a teacher said that if you see a white student being assaulted by a minority student, don’t call the police because the police are racist. Instead, they thought they should film the course of events and support after the violence had stopped. When I asked if they wouldn’t even stop an ongoing rape of a student, I didn’t get an answer, but they continued with the presentation.

Questioning DEI led to outbursts of violence and hatred, as well as threats from the administration.

Students stopped hanging out with me. Students at the school accused me of ideological rape and spiritual genocide. I was left out on social media. When I left my computer and my backpack in the library or in a study room to go to the bathroom or buy a coffee, my computer and my belongings were thrown into trash cans. On two occasions I was hit in the head by black students who shouted f***ing white guy at me. When I reported the crimes to the school and the school police said bluntly that they probably won’t catch the perpetrators and that there are no hate crimes against white people.

On countless occasions I asked the program management to take back their statement that I was racist and apologize but they refused. Because I worked hard to get into school and because I was determined to finish my studies, I continued to attend classes but I stopped being on school grounds or socializing with other students.

All of this got worse after Oct 7.

The third semester he barely started before Hamas’ terrorist act against Israel on October 7. On the school’s group chats, students began writing about how the Palestinians must use more violence to free themselves from Israeli oppression. Several students also began to call for violence against Jewish students. My grandparents hid and employed hundreds of Jews during WWII so the issue of Jewish right to life is close to my heart. I wrote in the group chats that you can have whatever opinion you want, but you must not call for violence or threaten students. I of course reported this to the school and program management, who said that since the threats were made on WhatsApp and not the school’s own forum, they could not do anything, even though they knew who the students were. For my call not to threaten Jews, I myself received death threats from students. I was told by teachers not to go to school and the school police gave me tips on where to run and hide in case I got shot at in the gym, in the classroom, in the library, etcetera…

Let this sink in. I am coming to the USA as a Swedish student. The school’s students threaten to kill Jewish students. I react and say no. For this I receive death threats and am forced to stay at home while the students who threaten can continue as usual.

October 7 marked the start of the second academic year’s nightmare. At the school, students shouted: “We will finish what Hitler started”, “Gas more Jews” and “The final solution”. Several Jewish students in my program dropped out. When I pointed out the problem and the anti-Semitic/neo-Nazi messages expressed by the program’s students, the program director said, “This is only a problem if you choose to see it as a problem.”

Lundberg tweeted, “I’ve said it before and I say it again, Georgetown is a school for Nazis.”

Cornell professor who cheered Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack

sparks more outrage after marching in anti-Israel protest

The Cornell University professor who last year called Hamas’ depraved Oct. 7 attack “exhilarating” sparked more outrage Wednesday after taking part in an anti-Israel march on campus where protesters chanted, “Long live the intifada.

Associate history professor Russell Rickford walked with dozens of demonstrators as they spewed slogans against Israel, with one Jewish student calling the controversial instructor’s presence at the protest “insane” and another accusing him of “emboldening hate.”

Photos and videos obtained by The Post show Rickford clapping along with the chants as he walked with a keffiyeh around his shoulders and wearing an Ivy cap on his head — similar to the hat he wore last year when he made his shocking statements.

Cornell University associate history professor Russell Rickford (center, black hat) marched with campus protesters on Sept. 18, 2024.

Intifada is the Arabic word that in English means “uprising” or “shaking off.”

In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, intifada has been used to describe violent Palestinian protests against the Jewish state, according to the American Jewish Committee. The White House has previously condemned the phrase.

Protesters eventually crashed a career fair that was held on campus where school officials said they pushed past school police officers — though it does not appear Rickford was part of that disruption from footage posted online.

The instructor gained notoriety when he celebrated Hamas’ sneak assault on the Jewish state that killed 1,200 Israelis and sparked the war in Gaza.  

“It was exhilarating, it was energizing … I was exhilarated,” Rickford said at the time — though he later apologized for the shameful speech.

Protesters want the school to take action on divestment.

While Cornell called the comments “reprehensible” last year, it noted the words were protected under the First Amendment. He was out for the past year on voluntary leave amid the outcry, but was allowed to return to teach at the Ivy this semester.

Jewish student Davian Gekman, 19, said “it’s insane to me” that Rickford is allowed to teach at the school and feels comfortable to participate in fiery protests on campus.

“Cornell is spitting in my face and the face of the entire Jewish community,” Gekman told The Post. “They’re allowing professors to call for ‘intifida,’ an end of the Jewish state.”

Amanda Silberstain, vice president of Chabad and Cornellians for Israel, said Rickford marched with students to the building where the career fair was held, the Statler Hotel, but is unsure if he went inside.

“He was wearing a keffiyeh and smiling. Rickford knows he’s immune from consequences,” Silberstein fumed. “We have a professor who is promoting antisemitic narratives and emboldening hate.”

And we have a university administration who supports him all the way!!!

Video posted online by the group that spearheaded the demonstration, the Coalition for Mutual Liberation, shows protesters causing a ruckus inside the career fair, including crashing cymbals and banging on pots, as attendees attempted to operate around it.

The professor said he commended the Oct. 7 attack during a protest last year.
@samaberman / X

Another video posted by an Ithaca Times journalist showed students calling on the school to divest from weapon manufacturers.

Cornell vice president for university relations Joel Malina said in a statement that university police were pushed and shoved and guests felt threatened during the disruption.

“And students were denied their ability to experience the Career Fair. This behavior is unacceptable, a violation of university policy, and illegal,” Malina stated.

“Cornell Police are working to identify those who violated our policies, and students will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for immediate action including suspension.

Rickford was on voluntary leave last year before he returned to the school this year.
Cornell University

“Faculty and staff will be referred to Human Resources. These individuals will also be subject to potential criminal charges.”

The school did not address Rickford’s appearance at the march when contacted by The Post.

Rickford did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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