"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, March 1, 2025

This Week's Islamic Massacres > 11 Christians murdered, 4 kidnapped in Nigeria; 8 Israelis run down by Muslim


Nigeria: Muslims murder eleven Christians in jihad massacres, kidnap four others

This will receive no coverage beyond what you see here, for it doesn’t fit the establishment media narrative, and cannot be blamed on Israel.

Fulani Attacks in Plateau State, Nigeria Kill 11 Christians

Morning Star News, February 13, 2025:

ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News)Fulani herdsmen killed a Christian and kidnapped four others in Plateau state, Nigeria, on Feb. 1 after massacring more than 10 others Jan. 27-31 in the same state, sources said.

Fulani herdsmen attacked Shendai village in Namu District, Qua’an Pan County at about 9 p.m. on Feb. 1, said area resident Matthew Tegha.

“The kidnapped four victims were taken away by their captors at gunpoint,” Tegha told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News, with other residents, local council officials and a military spokesman corroborating the account.

In five days of attacks in Mangu County beginning Jan. 27, Fulani herdsmen killed more than 10 Christians in Lightlubang, Chisu and Jwakkom villages, area residents said.

“Dear God, please come to our aid. We need you here in Mangu, Plateau State. My heart bleeds,” said Nanbam Denan in a text message to Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “The attacks started on Monday, Jan. 27, and lasted to Friday, 31 January.”

Caleb Joseph of Lightlubang said “Fulani bandits” killed three members of a family there, a couple and their child, on Jan. 31.

“The husband, wife and their kid were attacked while they were sleeping,” Joseph said. “So also, two other Christians, a couple, were killed just like the other victims.”

Lightitlubang resident Moses Bankat corroborated the Jan. 31 attacks.

“Terrorists we know to be Fulani herdsmen invaded Lighitlubang village and killed five Christians – a man, his wife and a child, alongside another Christian couple,” Bankat said. “The victims were slaughtered by the terrorists.”

On the same day in Chisu village, herdsmen killed an entire family – husband, wife and three children, Joseph said….

Plateau State

Israel: Muslim injures eight Israelis in vehicular jihad

and stabbing attack

Vehicular jihad is popular among “Palestinian” jihadis. A billboard in Nazareth actually called for attacks of this kind. “Moderate” Fatah also called for such attacks.

The owner of the billboard should have his house bulldozed.

8 injured, one critically, in suspected stabbing and car-ramming

near Pardes Hanna

by Charlie Summers, Times of Israel, February 27, 2025:

Eight people have been injured in a car-ramming attack at Karkur Junction, near Pardes Hanna, police say.

Five women and three women are wounded. At least one person is in critical condition, while four or five are designated as being in a moderate-to-serious state. All we (sic) rushed to a local hospital.

Police say they caught a suspect in his car shortly after the incident occurred…. 

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