France: Muslim who killed three people says ‘I am not a terrorist,
I am a Muslim,’ beheaded woman ‘to scare people’
Of course, scaring people is terrorizing them, so he is a terrorist, contrary to his protestations.
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)
Trial of the attack on the Basilica of Nice: the accused admits the facts
translated from “Procès de l’attentat de la basilique de Nice : l’accusé reconnaît les faits Nice,” by Anne Jocteur Monrozier, France Bleu, February 24, 2025 (thanks to Medforth):
Third and final week of the trial of the alleged perpetrator of the knife attack that left three dead at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice in 2020. This Monday morning, during the questioning of the accused, Brahim Aouissaoui admitted the facts, he who until then had invoked amnesia.
Brahim Aouissaoui has come out of silence and amnesia. Pressed with questions by the president of the special assize court in Paris, the alleged assailant of the Notre-Dame de l’Assomption basilica in Nice, who has been on trial for two weeks for murdering three people in a knife attack on October 29, 2020, finally admitted the facts this Monday morning.
“Yes, I admit the facts,” said the accused. “I am not a terrorist, I am a Muslim,” said Brahim Aouissaoui, justifying his act by explaining that “every day there are Muslims who die.” “Every day, you kill Muslims and you don’t care. You have no empathy for these people,” he added. “The West blindly kills” “innocent” Muslims and “taking revenge” is “a right and a truth,” he asserted.
This is what I call Satanic reversal. When you accuse your enemy of doing what you did.
Satan is the Father of Lies and chronic Liars.
“Of course I am responsible”“The three victims had nothing to do with it, they were innocent. But who kills newborns, children? You, your country. You hide everything in the newspapers. Show the truth about what is happening in our country,” the accused insists in court, speaking in Arabic with the help of a translator.The choice of his victims, killing them in a church, was “random,” he says. “Is it the right and the truth to go and kill people at random?”, the presiding judge Christophe Petiteau asks him. “Yes,” answers Brahim Aouissaoui categorically. “I had not prepared anything,” but the assassinations were “legitimate,” according to him. “It is my right, it is my justice.”
Very forthcoming when discussing his justifications, Brahim Aouissaoui is much less forthcoming when it comes to providing details on the facts themselves: the murder with a kitchen knife of parishioner Nadine Devillers, 60, sacristan Vincent Loquès, 54, and mother Simone Barreto Silva, 44. “I told you why I committed these acts, but I don’t remember how I did it,” he says to cut short questions.
He admits, however, that decapitating Nadine Devillers was “to scare people.” “To scare, to spread terror, that’s exactly what terrorism is,” the president points out to him.
“Every person is responsible for what they do and of course I am responsible,” the accused acknowledges. And this amnesia invoked? “I didn’t want to talk,” Aouissaoui replies.
Five years of “amnesia”Since his arrest, the accused has always claimed not to remember anything, claiming total “amnesia” between his departure from Tunisia in September 2020 and the murder of three parishioners in the religious building a month later. “I don’t know”, “I don’t remember”, he simply replied, mute, during the investigation.And then two days after the opening of the trial, Brahim Aouissaoui made a gesture on February 12, confronted with the video surveillance images taken inside the basilica on the day of the attack: “The person in the photo is me”, admitted the 25-year-old Tunisian for the first time since his arrest. But he had not confessed to being the perpetrator of the attack.
Brahim Aouissaoui’s interrogation is scheduled for the entire day. The young man is appearing until Wednesday for murder and attempted murder in connection with a terrorist enterprise. He faces life imprisonment.
Life imprisonment and Eternity in Hell!
UK: Labour MPs propose law making owning images of Muslim women without hijab a criminal offense
David Spencer of the Policy Exchange think tank says: “Tackling the problem of ‘revenge porn’ is clearly important – but expanding this to so-called ‘culturally intimate’ images risks extending the criminal law too far. The police cannot be expected to wade into so-called ‘cultural’ issues when officers are already struggling to deal with the volume of stabbings, sexual assaults and thefts that occur every day.”
Right. But Labour finds it easier to pander to its Muslim base than it does to deal with stabbings, sexual assaults and thefts.
In Iran, meanwhile, women risk years in prison or even their lives as they assert the right to live without hijab.
Owning images of Muslim women without their hijab should be a criminal offence, Labour MPs propose
by James Saunders, GB News, March 5, 2025:
Possessing images of Muslim women without their hijabs should be made a criminal offence, a group of Labour MPs has said.
The Commons’ Women and Equalities Committee said pictures of a Muslim woman without a religious headscarf taken without her consent should be considered “non-consensual intimate images” – and treated as harshly as child sex abuse material.
At the moment, the committee says, English law defines an “intimate” image as one which shows its subject fully or partially nude, engaging in a sexual act or going to the toilet.
But now, the Labour-led group has claimed that “abuse can also include material that is considered ‘culturally intimate’ for the victim, such as a Muslim woman being pictured without her hijab”.
“The Government should expand the legal definition to include such images,” it said. “Non-consensual intimate image abuse is not always limited to sexually explicit content.
“For example, in some cultures, countries, or religions, sharing a photograph of someone without their religious clothing – or with their arm around another person – can be disastrous for the victim.”
Only in a culture where madness reigns supreme!
David Spencer, of the Policy Exchange think tank, said: “Tackling the problem of ‘revenge porn’ is clearly important – but expanding this to so-called ‘culturally intimate’ images risks extending the criminal law too far.
“The police cannot be expected to wade into so-called ‘cultural’ issues when officers are already struggling to deal with the volume of stabbings, sexual assaults and thefts that occur every day….
UK: London street festooned with signs calling on people to ‘Trust in Allah’ and ‘Give zakat’
There you are Alistair, and you didn't even have to move.
When we warned against Islamization in the West years ago, we were called “conspiracy theorists” and “Islamophobes.” Most people in Europe and North America likely still think that way, even as Britain undergoes a societal transformation greater than any since the Norman Conquest.
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