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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Islam in Australia > Video nurse charged for threats to Jews; Second nurse charged for same thing


Australia: Muslim nurse charged with making threats after saying on video she would kill Israelis

Sarah Abu Lebdeh  has been charged, but the story doesn’t end there. There was also Ahmad “Rashad” Nadir. 

From a Daily Mail report:

A Muslim leader has said he won’t condemn the two nurses who were filmed threatening to ‘kill’ Jewish patients in their hospital.

Ahmad ‘Rashad’ Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh, both of whom have Islamic backgrounds and worked at Bankstown Hospital, in western Sydney, appeared on an online video chat app recorded by Israeli social media influencer Max Veifer.

It’s traumatic enough being ill or injured, and at the mercy of medical professionals, where hatred may well be a driving motive in treating patients when it should not be. Better screening and a zero-tolerance policy is needed in the medical profession, as antisemitism is escalating to creepy proportions:

In London: “Complaints about doctors subjecting Jewish colleagues to antisemitic abuse… surged in the months following the 7 October attacks and the subsequent Israel-Gaza war, according to General Medical Council records.” What Jewish person would feel safe with these antisemitic doctors treating him or her?

In America, a Jewish doctor, Dr. Yael Halaas, formed the new American Jewish Medical Association for Jewish health professionals after saying they faced a “hostile atmosphere” and felt ostracized post-October 7.

Even prior to October 7, a Palestinian Ohio doctor who boasted she would give Jews the wrong meds lost her license.

Sydney nurse charged with making threats after saying on video she wouldn’t treat Israelis

Associated Press, February 26, 2025:

SYDNEY — A Sydney nurse has been charged with making threats after she appeared in an online video saying she would not treat Israeli patients.

Sarah Abu Lebdeh, 26, was arrested Tuesday night and charged with the federal offenses of threatening violence to a group, using a carriage service to threaten to kill and using a carriage service to menace and harass, police said in a statement. The charges carry a potential maximum penalty of 22 years in prison….

The Australian government should consider refusing to license doctors and nurses who are practicing Muslims. Their hatred for Jews should eliminate them from qualifying. 


Second Muslim Nurse in Australia Charged with Claiming to Have Killed Jews

In early February, Ahmed Rashid Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh, two Muslim nurses working at Bankstown Hospital in Sydney, Australia, were having an online conversation with Max Veifer, an Israeli. Here is some of what was said, captured on videotape.

Nurses’ full anti-Semitic rant revealed

by Clareese Packer, NewsWire, February 14, 2025:

…The video released by Mr Veifer on Friday captured the moment Mr Veifer told Mr Nadir that he was from “Israel … the Holy Land”.

“I’m gonna be really honest with you, you actually got really really beautiful eyes, but I’m so upset that you’re Israeli, like eventually you’re going to get killed,” Mr Nadir said.

“This pretty eyes, they should stay in this world for longer.”

Mr Veifer asked why he would be killed, questioning whether it was because he served in the Israeli Defence Force.

“Maybe because I served in the IDF, that’s why?” Mr Veifer said, with Mr Nadir replying “that’s definitely the answer, correct”.

When Mr Veifer asked what was wrong with serving in the IDF, Ms Lebdeh said “because you killed innocent people”.

“Killed? I was protecting my country,” Mr Veifer said.

“So you kill innocent people to protect your country? What kind of soul do you have, you have no soul,” Ms Lebdeh said.

Mr Veifer replied “in the war people die, as you know — they started the war”.

Both Mr Nadir and Ms Lebdeh appeared to disagree, while Mr Veifer continued, asking “who started this war? Who elected Hamas?”

“It’s Palestine’s country, not your country you piece of sh*t,” Ms Lebdeh said.

“One day your time will come and you will die the most horrible death.

“Listen to me … when your time comes I want you to remember my face so you can understand that you will die the most disgusting death.”

At the same time Ms Lebdeh was speaking, Mr Veifer said: “You spread hate, we spread positivity, we spread protection, we spread peace, and you spread death – how are you doctors?”

Mr Veifer then began to ask whether the pair would treat an Israeli person, but Ms Lebdeh cut him off: “I won’t treat them, I’ll kill them … Not God forbid, I hope to God.”

“You have no idea how many Israeli … dog came to this hospital and … I literally sent them to (the afterlife),” Mr Nadir added while slicing his hand across his neck.

Lebdeh was arrested and has been charged with threatening to kill any patients she may have in the future who are Jews. And just now Ahmed Rashid Nadir’s turn has come — he’s been arrested and charged on several counts, but most importantly, for making claims of having killed “hundreds” of Jewish patients in the past. More on what Nadir now faces can be found here: 

Second Australian Nurse Charged Over Viral Video Threatening to Kill Israeli Patients

by Ailin Vilches Arguello, Algemeiner, March 5, 2025:

An Australian nurse working in a Sydney hospital has been arrested and charged after a viral video captured him making threats, stating he would refuse to treat Israeli patients and instead kill them….

On Tuesday night, 27-year-old Ahmed Rashid Nadir was arrested and charged with federal offenses, including using a carriage service to menace, harass, or cause offense, as well as possession of a prohibited drug, NSW Police said in a statement.

The arrest follows an incident at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital in Sydney, in which Nadir and his fellow nurse, Sarah Abu Lebdeh, were seen in an online video posing as doctors and making inflammatory statements during a night-shift discussion with Israeli influencer Max Veifer….

The incident is one of the latest in a surge of antisemitic acts across Australia since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza in October 2023, with Jewish institutions targeted in arson attacks and businesses defaced.

Law enforcement in Sydney and Melbourne, home to the majority of Australia’s Jewish population, is actively investigating hate crimes, including the recent discovery of a trailer containing explosives and a list of potential Jewish targets.

Since the formation of Strike Force Pearl, the task force to combat antisemitism, in December, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb reported that 15 people have been arrested, and 78 charges have been filed.

“I must commend the work Strike Force Pearl detectives are doing to investigate, charge, and put these individuals before the courts,” Webb said in a statement. “There is a tremendous amount of dedication and hard work going into all these investigations.”

Last month, dozens of Australia’s leading Muslim groups and individuals defended the two nurses, accusing their critics of “hypocrisy” and “double standards and moral manipulation” in an open letter.

“This statement is not about defending inappropriate remarks. It is about pushing back against the double standards and moral manipulation at play while the mass killing of our brothers and sisters in Gaza is met with silence, dismissal, or complicity,” the letter said.

The Muslims are trying to divert attention away from the matter at hand. To wit, the claims made by these two Muslim nurses, one of them boasting about having killed “hundreds” of Jewish patients, and the other expressing the desire to kill Jewish patients in the future. What goes on in Gaza is not at issue here. But since these Muslims claim that there has been a “mass killing” in Gaza, we should not let that claim be uncritically accepted. Out of 2.2 million Gazans, 48,000 have died during the war. At least 20,000 of these were Hamas combatants. We know that before the war, about 800 Gazans died each month from diseases and accidents; in the 16 months of war, that amounts to 10,800 deaths from non-combat related causes. That means the total number of civilians killed in the war can be calculated as follows: 28,000 minus 10,800, or 17,200. Does a total of 17,000 civilians dead as a result of combat, out of a total population of 2.2 million amount to “mass murder”?

Now Ahmed Rashid Nadir will also have his day in court. He and Sarah Abu Lebdeh have already been struck off; neither will be able to work as nurses in New South Wales ever again, and given the massive publicity about them, it is unlikely that they will ever find similar work anywhere in Australia or, indeed, in the entire West. But don’t worry about them. After they have served their sentences, they can find suitable employment in Qatar, Algeria, or Iran.


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