"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Islam in Europe > Strategies to deal with violent Muslims don't exist in Austria's schools; Migrant murders and mutilates Vienna Prostitutes for honor; Kristallnacht in Milan


Sister’s honor insulted: Chechen beats up

Green school principal

translated from “Ehre der Schwester gekränkt: Tschetschene verprügelt grünen Schuldirektor,” by René Rabeder, Exxpress, February 22, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Violence in our schools is becoming increasingly out of hand, and not just in Vienna. Now “Vol.at” reports on a case from Lustenau: A 15-year-old Chechen student felt her honor had been insulted by a third-grader of Turkish origin. He had previously made derogatory comments about her mother, whereupon the girl called her brother for help. He tried to restore the family honor with his fists. The director summarizes: “I was on the pitch myself when I suddenly noticed that the student’s brother was beating up the boy of Turkish origin.” The director wanted to intervene, wanted to mediate. But the Chechen eventually hit him too, so the director had to defend himself. He ultimately managed to tame the aggressor.

At an extraordinary conference in the follow-up to the case, the student’s expulsion from school was discussed. The Chechen girl moved to another educational institution, where she is now supposed to finish the ninth school year. The Chechen family with a total of 13 children had already been to other places in Vorarlberg and was unpleasantly noticed there too, the report continues. The director warns: “There must be strategies on how we can deal with such people. We must not leave the field to the right-wingers with their slogans. “After all, you can’t just throw out a family whose children were all born here,” said the self-confessed Green.

It's only been ten years of mass migration, strategies for dealing with such people are still a long way off.

Austria: Muslim migrant turned away at brothel

His honor insulted, he murders and

mutilates three prostitutes

What happens when a nation brings in large numbers of people from a culture in which violence is considered an acceptable and even laudable response in all manner of contexts? This is what happens.

Bloodbath in Vienna sex studio:

Suspect is asylum seeker from Afghanistan

translated from “Blutbad in Wiener Sex-Studio: Verdächtiger ist Asylwerber aus Afghanistan,” by René Rabeder, Exxpress, February 24, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

They called themselves Xixi, Emi, Jimmy and Bella. Now three of them are dead. Their bodies are said to have been literally mutilated in the small massage parlor “Studio 126a” in Vienna-Brigittenau. A suspect was arrested – it is said to be an Afghan.

The man who was arrested in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene with a knife in his hand is said to be an Afghan asylum seeker. He was taken to hospital with minor injuries. At the moment we can only speculate about the suspect’s motive. According to “Kurier,” the Afghan could have entered the erotic studio as the last guest of the day, but was turned away and his honor insulted. The suspect is presumed innocent.

Police had to use Taser
In any case, there must have been unbelievable scenes that took place in the red light studio in the 20th district. A neighbor discovered traces of blood and called the police. Shortly afterwards, the officers found themselves in a nightmare. As the spokesman for the state police department, Philipp Haßlinger, explained, the bodies had massive stab and cut injuries. The victims were mutilated. The suspect, who was found a short time later in a park, had to be arrested by police using a Taser.

Italy: Pro-Hamas thugs smash supermarket windows

for stocking Israeli products

The National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s organized boycotts of Jewish-owned businesses, and ultimately destroyed those businesses. 

Islam is the new Nazi!

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