"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Islam in Europe > Germany - "We can do this!", €19.2 trillion later, "No, we can't"; Sweden's priorities still completely screwed up; "Death to Israel" - UK Charity; Muslim judge needs investigating

Most G7 countries economies are now in recession. How many of them have mass immigration to blame? 

Mass Immigration to Germany Will Cost

Nearly 20 Trillion Euros

The mass immigration to Germany of migrants — overwhelmingly from Muslim countries — was once presented by the country’s political class as a boon to the Germany economy. That immigration was described to the public as solving two problems. First, in Germany there is a growing labor shortage, with an aging workforce —20% of the population is over 65 — eager to retire as early as possible because the benefits provided by the pension system are so generous. There are also fewer young German workers both to replace the retirees, and to contribute to the pensions system; family size has been steadily decreasing in Germany, and for many years the fertility rate of German women has decreased to below the replacement level. These immigrants would, it was expected, fill that need for more workers. In addition, these migrants — almost all below the age of 30 — were seen as a godsend to the social security system. Their payments into the system, as workers, would keep it from going broke, and continue to support the German retirees far into the future.

But now a German economist, Prof. Bernd Raffelhüschen, has published an exhaustive study with some unhappy conclusions: he believes that continued mass migration will cost the Germans 19.2 trillion euros. It will be even worse if the migrants are Muslim economic migrants, who come not to work but to live on the benefits the generous German welfare provides. Their faith makes them less likely to be able to integrate into a society of those they regard as Infidels and hence “the most vile of created beings.” More on this expert’s findings can be found here.

Mass immigration may cost Germany up to €19.2 trillion, and has already cost the country €5.8 trillion, according to a top German academic on public finances, Prof. Bernd Raffelhüschen, of the University of Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.

Often referred to as the “pension pope,” Prof. Raffelhüschen’s study blows a hole in the narrative promoted by pro-migration parties and business leaders, who claim that mass immigration will save Germany’s public finances and the job market.

“Immigration as it has been happening so far is costing us €5.8 trillion overall economically,” writes the professor in a new study.

That 5.8 trillion euros, according to Prof. Raffelhüschen, has already been spent to support an immigrant population of 15 million, of whom by far the largest subset consists of more than five million Muslim economic migrants. They are almost all unskilled workers, who have come to Germany because of its famously generous welfare benefits. They receive free or heavily subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits (even without a German work record), family allowances, and more. This cornucopia costs the state a great deal — the amount has been constantly rising, and now is about 36-40 billion euros a year.

But beyond those benefits, Muslim migrants are expensive in other ways. There are the costs to the state of increased rates of criminality exhibited by the Muslim population. These economic costs include property crimes — street robberies and house burglaries, vandalism, arson, as well as crimes of violence against individuals — sexual assaults, rape, and murder. The state must pay for more policemen, more detectives, more prosecutors, more court-appointed lawyers, more judges, more prisons and prison guards, and more for the feeding and health care of prisoners. That last item is an expensive proposition. It costs $50,000 to house an inmate in a German prison for a year.

Then there are the psychic costs to the indigenous Germans – the growing feeling of insecurity due to the increase in crime, the city centers that out of fear are no longer visited in the evening, with losses to restaurants and entertainment venues, the No-Go neighborhoods where non-Muslims (including firemen) do not enter without a police guard. Even the police visit these No-Go neighborhoods only in a group.

Right now, every new Muslim immigrant allowed into Germany is a net loss to the state; costing the government far more in benefits received than they will ever be able to pay into the system.

To former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s insistence in 2015 that “Wir schaffen das” — “We can do this” — about mass immigration, Raffelhüschen offers, based on statistics rather than wild hopes, the dour and sober response: “No, we can’t. We most definitely cannot.”


‘Sweden is asking me to leave for another country

while Sweden provides protection and asylum 

to Islamic terrorists’

Not to mention, drug and other criminal gangs, child rapists, gang rapists and freeloaders.

Salwan Momika, who is originally from Iraq, is being deported from Sweden for burning the Qur’an. Yet he burned it because he knows what is in it and what it does to people. Sweden is surrendering its freedom to threats of violence from the Islamic jihadis it has foolishly brought into the country.

While Momika tried to warn Sweden about the dangers of Muslims who follow the Quran, the Swedish media, police, and government has bent over backwards to keep the horrors committed by Muslim migrants out of the news, thereby leaving Swedish people, especially girls, unaware of the many threats to their safety. Now they want to remove one of the few people who are warning Swedes of the dangers. How insane is that?


UK: Muslims scream ‘Death to Israel’ at event 

of charity linked to Islamic Republic of Iran

The UK’s charity watchdog is investigating. This is because the UK’s charity watchdog is made up of fond fools who have deluded themselves and others into thinking that the vast majority of Islamic institutions in the country are “moderate,” and that only a few outliers have people screaming “Death to Israel” and all that. By the time they find out how wrong they were, it will likely be far too late.

UK charity watchdog launches investigation into event

at Iran-backed mosque

by Nicky Harley, The National, February 14, 2024:

The UK charity watchdog has launched an official investigation into a British foundation formally linked to the Iranian state, which hosted an event at which anti-Semitic chants were heard.

The Charity Commission has opened a statutory investigation into the Al-Tawheed Charitable Trust (TUCF) in London.

It comes after footage taken of an event at the mosque celebrating the former Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander, Qassem Suleimani, who since 2011 had been subject to UK sanctions for terrorism and terrorist financing.

At the event, the anti-Semitic chant, “death to Israel”, was heard.

The UK’s terrorism laws make it an offence to encourage and glorify terrorism and carry a penalty of up to 15 years in jail.

The charity regulator said it was investigating “serious concerns over the misuse of charity premises”.

“The regulator is investigating an event that was held by an external organisation at TUCF’s premises in 2020,” it said….


Calls for probe into judge who let women who wore

parachute images at pro-Palestine march walk free as 

it emerges he liked post branding Israel ‘terrorist'

by Frankie Elliott, Daily Mail, February 15, 2024

A row has broken out after a judge who decided to let three women wearing parachute images at a pro-Palestine march walk free admitted to liking a social media post branding Israel a ‘terrorist’.

Tanweer Ikram is facing calls to be investigated for a conflict of interest after he liked a LinkedIn post calling for a ‘free Palestine ‘ by a barrister who had previously promoted conspiracy theories claiming that Israel allowed the October 7 attack.

The senior district judge admitted to liking the post ‘by mistake’ three weeks ago, but was told by the Judicial Office that the matter would not be investigated further.

A number of social media users felt Mr Ikram should face disciplinary action after judicial guidance issued last year stated that judges known to have strong views should consider whether to hear a case.

These calls were fueled further by senior legal figures including a former home secretary and a Jewish campaign group, who called for a review of Mr Ikram’s sentencing.

The post which was liked by Ikram stated: ‘Free Free Palestine. To the Israeli terrorist both in the United Kingdom, the United States, and of course Israel you can run, you can bomb but you cannot hide — justice will be coming for you.’

A X user posted a photo of the post liked by Mr Ikram, along with the caption: ‘This is Tanweer Ikram, the ‘impartial’ judge who decided not to punish 3 women who were convicted of terrorism offences for displaying images of paragliders, celebrating the Hamas tactics.

‘He needs to be investigated since this is a conflict of interest.’

Another person commented: ‘Fully agree. There is conflict of interest. Tanweer Ikram, by not voluntarily recusing himself, reveals that he cannot be trusted. He needs to be investigated.’ …


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