"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Trans-Bathroom Nonsense Is Just One Small Step in Overall Scheme of Things


What you may have been suspecting has been confirmed. LGBT activists' end goal is not ruling over the bathroom. It's obliterating the family.

Riki Wilchins, a famous transsexual who recently wrote a piece in the gay publication The Advocate, revealed that many conservatives and even LGBT activists are missing the forest for the trees.

Titled, "We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns," Wilchins says the real goal is to kill the notion of male and female altogether. The "binary" refers to gender distinction, and getting rid of the “heterobinary structure” is the goal. Wilchins writes that the fact that we are arguing over male and female facilities is proof that we still have far to go--that there should be no gender distinctions in general.

In fact, Wilchins points to an emerging group of people who don't want to affiliate as any gender. Life Site News explains, “'Non-binary' people don’t identify as male or female and they often want to be referred to as 'they' or 'hir' or 'zer.'  So the fact that there are even intimate facilities that reflect the “binary” truth about gender should change, Wilchins wrote."

Curious that he would use the word 'truth' in that statement. LGBTQs have to abolish truth in order to win. Meanwhile, we are occupied with a skirmish while the war is raging behind us. It doesn't look good for us Christians. But God....

If you are confused, you are not alone. But beneath all of the titles and non-titles, the insidious plan is the destruction of the family, reveals Stella Morabito, senior contributor to The Federalist.

“What we are really talking about is the abolition of sex. And it is sex that the trans project is serving to abolish legally, under the guise of something called ‘the gender binary.’  Its endgame is a society in which everyone is legally de-sexed.  No longer legally male or female.  And once you basically redefine humanity as sexless you end up with a de-humanized society in which there can be no legal ‘mother’ or ‘father’ or ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ or ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ without permission from the State.  Government documents are already erasing the terms.  In such a society, the most intimate human relationships take a hit. The family ends up abolished.”

Morabito hits home the point: “Sex distinctions are the germ of all human relationships. Abolishing them legally basically abolishes family autonomy.  And this is an act of violence against children because it would serve at some point to separate them from their origins. Every child's first transcendental question is ‘Where did I come from?’  If the law will not allow the child to see his own origins and wholeness in the faces of a mother and a father, it destabilizes the child's sense of self.  It creates personal dysfunction in children and basically ends up spreading more dysfunction and even dystopia in society.”

This is scary. If Morabito and other cultural watch-dogs are right, the bathroom battle is far more serious than many think. We need to really pray and ask God for help--before it's too late and our future generations end up really damaged. Do you agree?

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