"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Islam > Madness, or Spiritual Invasion?


Europe is going through some rather desperate convulsions since 2015 when the Muslim invasion began. Europeans have this absurd idea that Muslims will respond to European 'niceness' and learn how to behave in a civilized manner. After all, Europeans would if the situation was reversed.

However, after nearly nine years, Europeans have still not figured out that Muslims are not like Europeans. Muslims see European niceness as nothing less than weakness and stupidity to be taken advantage of. Muslims believe that non-believers owe them a living and are very happy to take advantage of European social assistance generosity. 

There are some very decent Muslims in Europe. On the other hand, there are some very indecent Muslims, like the hundreds of Pakistani adult men who have raped, gang-raped, and abused thousands of young British girls across England. Pakistanis are among the most devout Muslims in the world. They believe it when their Imams say that Islam is at war with unbelievers everywhere. They believe it when Mohammed teaches them in the Quran that when you have an unbelieving girl under your control, you are permitted to rape her, regardless of age.

It's not just Pakistanis, however, who are great dangers to European society. Any Muslim can be triggered into becoming radicalized almost instantly. A cartoon of Mohammed can turn a mild Muslim into a murderer. The mention of someone burning the Quran can turn a mob of ordinary Muslims to hysteria.

Ex-Syrian psychologist, Dr Wafa Sultan stated emphatically that anyone who read the story of Mohammed and believed it, could not possibly emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.

On this blog, there are dozens of stories of people, mostly men, who have suddenly switched from mentally healthy Muslims, or non-Muslims, and who read the Quran, and/or the Hadiths, and suddenly and dramatically changed. They almost immediately went out with the intention of killing anyone who did not believe what they themselves did not believe just the week before.

Such spectacular change has little to do with learning something, or being persuaded of something. And, in my humble opinion, reading something cannot suddenly make you mentally ill. There has to be another process happening, and I believe that process is spiritual.

Reading the Christian Bible can change a person as dramatically as reading the Quran. But, the difference is, reading the Bible can make you a far better person, one who wants to save non-believers from an Eternity in Hell. Reading the Quran seems to make Muslims want to murder non-believers and send them to Hell. 

The power in the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit, without which you cannot begin to understand Scripture. Does reading the Quran also employ a spirit? If so, it is definitely not the Holy Spirit or they would not want to kill Christians and Jews. They would not feel entitled to rape European girls and women. 

Their attraction to Hitler, which has been documented, is not just because he was the world's greatest antisemite (although Mohammed, himself, might qualify for that title). But possibly because he had a familiar spirit, a Satanic spirit, possibly Satan himself.

European judges and governments will never see that since they have long abandoned any form of spirituality. The consequence will be that Islam will grow rapidly in Europe while birthrates among European nationals fall precipitously. They will soon control regional and then national governments. They already control Scotland plus several towns and cities in England and France, including London.

It will happen before they know it. While people are still marching in the streets complaining about the AfD, Muslims will be applying Sharia Law in towns and villages in Germany. Your granddaughters will be forced to wear burkas. Your beer halls will be closed down. And you will have yourselves to blame.

I have only had a couple of bonafide visions in my life but one was quite profound. It occurred around 1991 or 92. It was a map of Europe and Asia. The map was alive, crawling with tiny, little, dark creatures. They were moving in unison from north to south, from the Soviet Union which was collapsing into Islam. I suddenly realized that the little dark creatures were demonic spirits abandoning the communist collapse for a new home. Abandoning those godless communists for the people who believed in a false god and a false prophet.

If I were to get an update on that vision, it would probably reveal hordes of little, black, creatures crawling from Islam to Europe. It does not bode well for Europeans.

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