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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Islam in Europe > Austrian Muslim says he'll finish Hitler's work; Muslim woman goes berserk in Frankfurt library


Austria: Muslim migrant praises Hitler for killing Jews,

says he’ll finish his work, is placed in therapy center

What else could this chap be but mentally ill? Austrian authorities, denying the existence of jihad and Islamic antisemitism, have no other frame of reference for him.

‘I will complete Hitler’s work’:

Syrian (22) reported for prohibition law

translated from “„Werde Hitlers Werk vollenden“: Syrer (22) wegen Verbotsgesetz angezeigt,” by Stefan Beig, Exxpress, January 29, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Rabid, imported anti-Semitism causes horror in Graz: For the first time, a Syrian citizen was reported in Styria for violating the prohibition law. The man had glorified Adolf Hitler and wanted to continue his mass murder of the Jews. So far, the media has not reported the incident.

A Syrian (22) shocked visitors to a hairdressing salon in Graz last Thursday with his aggressive anti-Semitism. The man then ran away. The incident already had legal consequences: the day after, the Syrian citizen was reported because of the ban law. So far, the event has not been reported.

The hairdressing salon is about a ten-minute walk from the main train station. The Syrian citizen Ibrahim (full name known to the editors) had visited him (it?) on his bicycle. There he began to rave loudly about his religion, Islam, and about Adolf Hitler, as eXXpress has learned. The man praised the former dictator of the Third Reich highly for “killing Jews. Finally, the Syrian declared that he wanted to complete Hitler’s work: the Jews would have to “pay with their blood!”

The suspect then left the salon – without paying. Luckily the hairdresser, an Iraqi, had a camera that recorded everything. The owner immediately filed a report. The Syrian was arrested a day later.

Suspect placed in therapeutic center
Upon request, Dr. Christian Kroschl from the media office of the Graz public prosecutor’s office told eXXpress: “I can basically confirm the facts described. The report was made because of Section 3g of the Prohibition Act and because of fraud.” However, the Syrian is currently not in custody due to his mental state. He was “temporarily placed in a forensic therapeutic center.”

The public prosecutor’s office was unable to provide any information about the accused’s asylum status.

Hitler worship is not uncommon in the Middle East
In recent weeks, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has also encountered wild anti-Semitism and Nazi propaganda as part of its operation in the Gaza Strip. A shop in Gaza that called for the “Knife Intifada” with its range of knives and balaclavas had the descriptive name “Hitler 2” – eXXpress reported. The customers didn’t turn their hearts into a murder pit: “I like Hitler because he was the most anti-Semitic person in history,” one told Reuters. The shop has now been destroyed in the military fighting.

The IDF also came across numerous copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Hitler was possessed by a powerful demonic spirit, possibly Satan himself. Radicalized Muslims are attracted to him because he was the most antisemitic person in history with the possible exception of Mohammed. Could they have been of the same spirit?


Germany: Muslim migrant throws fit in university library, 

kicks books and laptops, demands Sharia

She has been classified as mentally ill, of course. German authorities don’t admit that jihad or the imperative to impose Sharia exist, and so they have to classify those who agitate for either as something. The ranks of the mentally ill are growing in Germany.

Police operation in Frankfurt:

Sharia student freaks out in the university library

by Claudia Detsch and Florian Ulrich, Bild, January 23, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Frankfurt (Hesse)She rioted in the venerable law library – and demanded “Sharia”, the Stone Age laws of the Islamists!

OK, Stone Age might be a little hyperbolic, but Dark Ages certainly fits well. 

Shock on the Frankfurt Goethe University campus: Shortly before 4 p.m. on Monday, the library was packed, dozens of students were preparing for exams, and laptops were on the tables everywhere. Suddenly a young woman with a bun, brown coat, scarf and work bag appeared, stood in the middle of the room and shouted: “I’m making an announcement now.” Then she went completely crazy!

An eyewitness: “She screamed for 20 minutes.” There was a lot of confusing stuff there: She shouted that she wanted her student loan back, that she wouldn’t put up with being deported to Morocco “and that we should talk to her judge.”

In the video, which was uploaded to Instagram and later deleted, the sentence can also be heard: “I’m ashamed of what you’re doing here.”

In addition, according to students, she is said to have demanded that Sharia law be put into effect! Background: Sharia law is based on the Koran and applies, for example, in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Homosexuality and sex before marriage are forbidden, women have hardly any rights, lashings and stoning are permitted.

Then she climbed onto the tables and started kicking books and laptops down. Some students still tried to calm her down. She pushed her away.

The university’s security service notified the police at 4:02 p.m., and emergency and rescue services arrived at 4:10 p.m. At 4:23 p.m. the spook was over and the Sharia student was temporarily arrested.

Police spokesman Bintu Lond told BILD: “We confirm that a lady rioted in the university library. Her age is 31, she comes from Bad Homburg and is a former student. She has been taken to a local hospital because she appears to have a mental health problem.”

Goethe University also confirmed the incident, emphasizing: “The security service was on site very quickly and was able to get the woman to leave the building. The university has no further information about identity or background.”

According to eyewitnesses, it took 15 to 20 minutes for the security service to react and rush to help. It’s hard to imagine what could have happened if the Sharia student had been armed.

Is this a matter of madness, Islamic radicalization, or demonic possession? Or, is it all three? What do you think?

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