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Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Islam - Europe > Suella turns on Sunak - justifiably so; Orban tells it like it is, again, is anyone listening? Muslims driving new wave of antisemitism in Germany; BBC Apologizes again for Anti-Israel libel


UK: Braverman exposes secret pact Sunak made

with her to secure his leadership

Jihad Watch has been covering the now-fired former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman since the beginning of her tenure — from her “controversial” declaration that the UK was being “invaded” via the English Channel to her all-round determination to stop that invasion. But any observer knew that something was amiss, given the contradiction between Braverman’s resolve and the failure of her government to act.

As multitudes upon multitudes of mostly Muslim migrants from the Middle East and Africa invaded (and continue to invade) Britain via the English Channel, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak crowed about stopping this influx all along, but his actions were suspect. From the hundreds of millions of taxpayer pounds paid to France for its putative help to curb the entry of illegals, to the repeatedly failed Rwanda Plan, Sunak persistently insulted the intelligence of British citizens as he ignored the threat to national security that the illegals constituted.

Sunak and his predecessors Theresa May and Boris Johnson are nothing more than globalists parading in Conservative suits. They never had any intention of doing anything about the migrant invasion. Now it emerges that Braverman, with her genuinely  concern about the illegals, was just spitting in the wind.

Braverman contends that Sunak agreed to a secret pact to implement key “right-wing” policies in order to secure her backing during the Tory leadership contest in 2022 – but then betrayed the country by failing to deliver.

The UK is finished. There’s no better government for its citizens to support that stands a chance of victory against the Conservatives’ even worse counterpart, the Labour Party.

Braverman plots Tory rebellion on Rwanda plan

after stinging attack on PM

by Pippa Crerar and Rajeev Syal, Guardian, November 14, 2023:

Suella Braverman has launched an astonishing personal attack on Rishi Sunak, describing the prime minister as weak and dishonest and claiming he reneged on promises to push through a series of controversial policy pledges.

In a brutal three-page letter published a day after she was sacked as home secretary, Braverman warned Sunak that she now intends to spearhead a Tory rebellion over the government’s Rwanda plan.

“Someone needs to be honest: your plan is not working, we have endured record election defeats, your resets have failed and we are running out of time. You need to change course urgently,” she wrote….

In her letter, Braverman said that Sunak had failed to prepare a credible backup plan and had ignored her suggestion – believed to be emergency legislation to change domestic law so that the government could ignore the ruling and the flights could go ahead.

“I can only surmise that this is because you have no appetite for doing what is necessary, and therefore no real intention of fulfilling your pledge to the British people,” she added….

Is Rishi completely oblivious to the danger he sees in the streets of London? Is this the kind of Britain he wants to leave as his legacy?  Is he prepared to see his granddaughters in burkas?


Hungary’s Orban slams EU immigration policies,

says he doesn’t want ‘mini Gazas in Budapest’

There’s a big price for speaking the truth in the West, since in the view of Leftist leaders and their appeasing counterparts on the Right (known as RINO’s in America), telling the truth is often a worse crime than jihadist deceit and savagery. Viktor Orban has drawn much criticism from globalists and appeasers. Yet what can one honestly find untrue about Orban’s statements? The only problem with them is that they are offensive to Sharia-supporting Muslims, and thus may cause politicians to lose the Muslim vote?


The extraordinary influx of Muslims into Europe since 2015 has resulted in an astonishing build-up of political power. As Christine indicates above, they scare politicians into a complete lack of action. They are punching far above their weight in political power and part of the reason is that other British people are listening to the lies and lunacy of left-leaning media and politicians. 

Muslims will vote in a block if they think it will advance their cause. Other Brits need to counter that threat, but they have no leaders - their best candidate was just fired.

In Germany, Muslims Bring a Resurgence of Antisemitism

Germany is said by Muslim antisemites to suffer from “Holocaust guilt” that prevents Germans from properly condemning the “apartheid” state, the colonial-settler state, the “genocidal” state of Israel. It is the Palestinians who are the new Jews, being tormented by the Israelis, who are the new Nazis — for some Muslims, even worse than the Nazis. The Muslims are now the main carriers of the virus of antisemitism in Germany, as they are all over Europe; they receive moral support, and other kinds, too, from those Germans on the far left who share their Jew-hatred. More on “Holocaust guilt” and the Muslim antisemites, whom the Germans so disastrously have allowed to settle in their midst by the millions, can be found here: 

Germany’s ‘Holocaust guilt’ is shaken by Hamas pogrom

by Ben Cohen, JNS, November 10, 2023:

In the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel, Germany is finding it harder and harder to mask the extremist underbelly of its politics.

A neo-Nazi group plastered a Holocaust memorial last week with stickers urging Germans to “get rid” of their “Holocaust guilt,” as well as declaring—in a sly nod to the argument often articulated about the feeble international response to the Holocaust—that “Israel murders while the world watches.” In the city of Essen, an Islamist group staged a pro-Hamas march that required the segregation of male and female participants, but representatives of both genders brandished signs accusing Israel of perpetrating a “Holocaust” in Gaza. In Berlin, a synagogue has been the target of an arson attack, and Jewish-owned homes have been daubed with Stars of David in another ominous echo of the Nazi period….

Yet it’s painfully clear that Germany’s well-meaning politicians are dealing with a genuine resurgence of antisemitism that they cannot control. On Nov. 9-10, Germans marked the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the infamous Nazi pogrom of 1938 that saw hundreds of Jews murdered, thousands more deported to concentration camps, and the burning and looting of synagogues and Jewish-owned stores over a period of less than 48 hours. For Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the occasion was an opportunity to issue a reminder that antisemitism has no place in post-Holocaust Germany. But for others, like the thousands of mainly Muslim demonstrators who have taken to the streets in support of the Hamas rapists and murderers, it was an opportunity of a different sort—namely, to challenge the Germans to dispense with their guilt about the Holocaust in the name of a “free Palestine.”…

German politicians are anxious about instituting measures to protect Jews that would erode their country’s much-vaunted status as a post-World War II beacon of ethnic and religious tolerance. But that won’t do. Postwar Germany has, of its own volition, made the protection of Jewish life a raison d’état of the democratic republic, and it is that stance that is caricatured as “Holocaust guilt.”

Right now, it is failing in that task. And if Germany can’t muster the determination to defeat antisemitism in the streets that spawned the Holocaust during the last century, then what chance is there that the rest of Europe will, or can, do so?

The Germans need to do whatever is necessary to protect the lives, property, and wellbeing of Jews in Germany. That should be at the center of state policy. And that means it has to recognize that it is not the “far right” that threatens Jews today, but the Muslims who started to flood into the country after Chancellor Angela Merkel’s disastrous policy of Wilkommen Kultur (“Welcoming Culture”) was implemented in 2015. In that year almost a million Muslims — economic migrants posing as asylum seekers — were allowed into Germany, and several hundred thousand have arrived in each year since. Merkel’s naive motto was “Wir schaffen das” (“We Can Do This”).

Islam realists know there is no way to cure Muslims of their antisemitism; it is part of the texts and teachings of Islam. The German state should recognize this unpleasant fact, and for the sake of German Jews, call a halt to any more Muslims entering the country. It could also make Germany far less “welcoming” to those Muslims already in the country. Government benefits, for example, could be withheld for the first five years of an immigrant’s presence; for those five years that immigrant would have to support himself and his family without state aid; if he cannot find employment, he must accept whatever low-paying menial jobs the government provides. The German government could also cap the total value of benefits any migrant can receive from the government in a single year. There will be many Muslim economic migrants, once made aware that they face a far less attractive future in Germany than what they had earlier expected, who will choose to leave the country. And that is as it should be.

BBC falsely claims Israel targeting medical personnel

and Arabic speakers, then retracts and apologizes

The international media is determined to defame Israel, which is one reason why its international image is so bad these days.

Not in Islamic Britain, it is probably esteemed as highly as Al-Jazeera. That may be their intent!


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