"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Islam - Europe > Germany - We are facing a catastrophe! Half of Paris crimes committed by Muslim migrants; Muslims scream 'Khaybar' in London; Teen terrorist in Vienna not redeemable


Germany: Muslim youth say ‘First we cut the throats 

of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!’

The Germans can’t say that they weren’t warned. But they smeared those who warned them as “racists” and “Islamophobes,” and welcomed the fate that is coming to them courtesy of those they began welcoming in massive numbers in 2015.

Islamism alarm: ‘A 12-year-old came to me and said: “I hate you,”

translated from “Islamismus-Alarm: „Ein 12-Jähriger kam zu mir und sagte: ’Ich hasse dich’”,” Focus, November 9, 2023 

Anti-Israel calls and radical Islami
c banners at demonstrations concern German society. Young people in particular seem to be affected. The spokesman for the children’s and youth organization “Arche” also warns about this.

Wolfgang Büscher is worried. The 65-year-old is the spokesman for the children’s and youth organization “Arche,” which looks after around 7,000 children and young people every day in 33 facilities across Germany – many of them with a migrant background. In his work, Bücher has been experiencing increasing radicalization among young people for some time, he tells “Bild.”

According to the newspaper, Hamas’ terror against Israel is being welcomed and celebrated more and more openly by young people. This is clear from the statement of Arab young people that Büscher quotes: “First we cut the throats of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!”

This statement is not an isolated case, the Arche spokesman reported to “Bild”. “Children and young people are becoming increasingly radicalized. I’ve never experienced anything like this. We are facing a catastrophe.”

Arche spokesman sees no chance of improvement for many young people
After the Hamas attack on Israel, he wore an Israel pin, Books reports. He was openly attacked for this. “A 12-year-old boy came to me and said, ‘I hate you. “We’ll take the country back,” he smiled in my face.”



In Paris, Half of All Crimes Are Committed

By Muslim Migrants

In Paris, in a snatch-and-grab operation, jewels worth almost 600,000 euros were stolen from the wife of the president of Mongolia’s Olympic Committee. More on this robbery, and other robberies in the capital, are discussed in the report here: 

French police make arrests after gang robs €600,000 worth of jewelry from Mongolia’s Olympic Committee president’s wife in Paris

by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, November 3, 2023:

Three members of a Parisian gang have been arrested on suspicion of robbing almost €600,000 worth of jewelry from the wife of Mongolia’s Olympic Committee president in the French capital last month.

The vehicle transporting Battushig Batbold and his wife, Tselmuun Nyamtaishir, was tailed from the Charles de Gaulle airport by three suspects on a motorbike near the Stade de France on Oct. 11, according to the public prosecutor’s office.

Agence France-Presse reported how the gang seized the opportunity to strike when the pair’s vehicle slowed in traffic in the Landy Tunnel near the stadium, smashing the rear window and snatching a bag of valuables from the back seat.

Batbold, who is also a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), told police that the bag contained jewelry worth an estimated €570,000.

Mongolia is a poor country. But Batbold was apparently rich enough to buy his wife jewels worth 570,000 euros (and that was the cost just for the jewelry she took with her while traveling). How might that have come about? He is not only the president of Mongolia’s Olympic Committee, but also a member of the International Olympic Committee. He has a vote on where future Olympics will take place. Now everyone knows that two Arab countries — Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have been spending vast sums to increase their presence in world sports, and have spent staggering sums to buy players, leagues, and votes on everything from where the FIFA World Cup games were held in 2022 (Qatar), to where the Olympic Games will be held in 2036.

For Saudi Arabia, hosting the Olympics remains, as the Crown Prince has said, “the ultimate goal.” Meanwhile, it has set up its own LIV Golf tour, giving golf pros who sign up with it multimillion-dollar contracts. Dustin Johnson, for example, was paid $150 million to sign with the LIV tour. The Saudis have also been building up their soccer teams. They paid soccer star Cristiano Renaldo $200 million to sign with the Saudi club Al-Nassr, and spent another $675 million to induce several other soccer stars to sign.

Qatar is no slouch, either. It already managed to be chosen as the site of the 2022 FIFA World Cup competition. Qatar spent a staggering $220 billion to host that event. Everyone knows that bribery of FIFA officials was a decisive factor in the choice of Qatar. Now, having hosted the Asian Games, Qatar wants to host the 2036 Summer Olympics. It is already deploying its chief argument — its willingness to spend large sums — to those who may be willing and able to help it attain its goal.

Some may be wondering how the Mongolian member of the IOC was able to buy such expensive jewelry for his wife. It may be because of his success as a businessman. But might it be thanks to cash provided by Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or perhaps both? When the Mongolian couple returns to Ulan Bator, they will no doubt be questioned about the source of their sudden good fortune. It may all, of course, be completely above-board.

Police are seeking to link the crime to a similar robbery targeting a group of Saudi nationals the previous week during which valuables worth an estimated €500,000 were stolen.

They revealed that three male suspects, aged 22 to 25, were arrested last week in Seine-Saint-Denis, but only recently made this public. No further details about the identity of the suspects have been released….

Seine-Saint-Denis is the almost entirely Muslim suburb of Paris, so it is certain that the thieves were young Muslims.

Thefts from vehicles in France have gone up by more than 30% in one year. Robberies have increased by 14% year over year. And sexual offenses have increased, in just one year, by more than 11%. These figures are staggering. And President Macron has recognized that more than half the crimes in Paris are committed by “foreigners.” Everyone knows what he means: those “foreigners” are Muslim migrants Yet Macron continues, inexplicably, to oppose stricter limits on Muslim immigration, even though he recognizes the outsize role that Muslim migrants play in crime.

In 2024, Paris will host the Summer Olympics. How much luggage will be snatched by thieves from vehicles, hotel rooms, and right out of the hands of startled tourists by those busy North Africans from Seine-Saint-Denis who are so eager to supplement the generous benefits they already receive from the French state, with whatever additional funds their lightning-quick snatch-and-grab feats can provide?

London: Pro-Hamas demonstrators scream ‘Khaybar’ 

jihad chant vowing new genocide of Jews

Muhammad’s forces didn’t just “take action” against the Jews at Khaybar. As The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS explains, Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad led a Muslim force against the Khaybar oasis, which was inhabited by Jews — many of whom he had previously exiled from Medina. When he did so, he was not responding to any provocation. One of the Muslims later remembered: “When the apostle raided a people he waited until the morning. If he heard a call to prayer he held back; if he did not hear it he attacked. We came to Khaybar by night, and the apostle passed the night there; and when morning came he did not hear the call to prayer, so he rode and we rode with him….We met the workers of Khaybar coming out in the morning with their spades and baskets. When they saw the apostle and the army they cried, ‘Muhammad with his force,’ and turned tail and fled. The apostle said, ‘Allah Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed. When we arrive in a people’s square it is a bad morning for those who have been warned.’”

When they entered Khaybar, the Muslims immediately set out to locate the inhabitants’ wealth. A Jewish leader of Khaybar, Kinana bin al-Rabi, was brought before Muhammad; Kinana was supposed to have been entrusted with the treasure of on of the Jewish tribes of Arabia, the Banu Nadir. Kinana denied knowing where this treasure was, but Muhammad pressed him: “Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?” Kinana said yes, that he did know that.

Some of the treasure was found. To find the rest, Muhammad gave orders concerning Kinana: “Torture him until you extract what he has.” One of the Muslims built a fire on Kinana’s chest, but Kinana would not give up his secret. When he was at the point of death, one of the Muslims beheaded him. Kinana’s wife Safiyya bint Huyayy was taken as a war prize; Muhammad claimed her for himself and hastily arranged a “wedding” ceremony that night. He halted the Muslims’ caravan out of Khaybar later that night in order to consummate the marriage.

Muhammad agreed to let the people of Khaybar to go into exile, allowing them to keep as much of their property as they could carry. The Prophet of Islam, however, commanded them to leave behind all their gold and silver. He had intended to expel all of them, but some, who were farmers, begged him to allow them to let them stay if they gave him half their yield annually. Muhammad agreed: “I will allow you to continue here, so long as we would desire.” He warned them: “If we wish to expel you we will expel you.” They no longer had any rights that did not depend upon the good will and sufferance of Muhammad and the Muslims. And indeed, when the Muslims discovered some treasure that some of the Khaybar Jews had hidden, he ordered the women of the tribe enslaved and seized the perpetrators’ land. A hadith notes that “the Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives.”

Thus when modern-day Muslims invoke Khaybar, they are recalling an aggressive, surprise raid by Muhammad which resulted in the final eradication of the once considerable Jewish presence in Arabia. To the jihadists, Khaybar means the destruction of the Jews and the seizure of their property by the Muslims.

Austria: 17-y/o Muslim is propagandist for Islamic State,

went to class with nine-inch knife, carries machete

What is taught at this young man’s home, and at his mosque? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

Unteachable: Viennese student (17) again in court as an IS terrorist

translated from “Unbelehrbar: Wiener Schüler (17) schon wieder als IS-Terrorist vor Gericht,” Exxpress, November 8, 2023 

The Vienna public prosecutor’s office has brought charges against a 17-year-old IS supporter for terrorist organization and attempted grievous bodily harm. He will be tried from November 27th. The boy was only sentenced to 21 months of partial imprisonment by the same court at the end of January 2023. He worked as a propagandist for the radical Islamist terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS).

Since October 2021, the boy had shown IS videos with execution and fight scenes to classmates at his school. He scratched the IS lettering onto a school book for a classmate with a knife. He shared relevant propaganda material on his cell phone and approved the terrorist attack in Vienna by saying in a relevant chat group that he hoped the attacker would be “accepted by Allah.” On November 12, 2021 there was even a police operation at the boy’s school. He marched into class with a 24 centimeter long butterfly knife, opened it and presented it to his classmates.

A short time after the trial at the beginning of the year, in which seven months, a third of the sentence imposed on him, was handed down unconditionally, the boy was released, taking into account his pre-trial detention. He had been in prison since the beginning of August 2022 for risk of committing a crime after he repeatedly went for walks with a machete with the IS logo clearly visible in the weeks before his arrest. He also sprayed “Islamic State” and the IS banner in huge letters on a pillar of the Brigittenau Bridge.

In the verdict, the court gave the young IS supporter instructions to undergo a de-radicalization program. The 17-year-old agreed to this, but obviously didn’t keep his word. According to the new indictment, which has now become legally binding, he teamed up with an IS supporter who was a year older than him in April – just three months after his conviction – to once again distribute relevant propaganda material, including advertising brochures for IS and recruitment videos.

The student simply ignored the court’s instructions (I could have told you that). Now what are you going to do, give him another slap on the wrist and send him back out on the streets of Vienna?

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