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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, September 25, 2023

Islam - UN > Islam making play to install elements of Sharia over the whole world


I don't understand why he wasn't laughed right out of New York.

At UN, Pakistan’s prime minister claims that ‘Islamophobia’ is

‘latent threat that undermines millennia of progress’


The term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. The objective of this conflation is to silence that analysis by falsely claiming that it leads to or causes those attacks.

Pakistan Demands Global ‘Accountability Process to Punish Islamophobic Crimes’ at U.N.

by Frances Martel, Breitbart, September 22, 2023:

Interim Prime Minister of Pakistan Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, representing his country amid an ongoing political crisis following the ouster of popular Prime Minister Imran Khan, used his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Friday to demand that nations outlaw “Islamophobia” and that the international community enforce blasphemy laws….

In other words, he wants to begin installing parts of Sharia Law in every country in the world.

Khan, a radical Islamist with fervent support among Pakistani fundamentalists, launched a campaign in 2018 to pressure other countries to adopt similar speech codes as part of a war against alleged “Islamophobia” — intended, in his own words, to “prevent people [from] using freedom of speech as a cover for hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims around the world,” he added, according to Hamari Web News.

Kakar reserved his discussion of the topic on Friday to the end of his speech.

“Our progress, based on [a] rich history of cooperation, understanding, exchange, and synthesis of ideas among civilizations, is imperiled today,” Kakar claimed, citing the threat to that progress as “Islamophobia.”

"A rich history of cooperation?" That is rich. Islam massacred anyone who didn't cooperate with them and are still doing so especially in Africa.

What does he refer to as "Our progress?" Progress toward a global caliphate? How else can you associate the word "progress" with an ideology from the dark ages?

Do you consider it progress to keep women and girls invisible in public, to refuse them higher education? Is it progress to rape and murder girls for allowing a strand of hair to show, to cane people, to cut off their hands, to bury them in sand and then stone them to death, to cut off their heads, to throw them from roofs, to beat them and drag them through the streets behind a car? Is it progress to kidnap Christian or Hindu girls and force them into conversion and marriage? Is it progress to abuse young Yazidi girls and use them as slaves and sex slaves after murdering their families? 

All of these things are happening in Islamic countries today or have happened recently.

“The narratives advocating a clash of civilizations have done considerable harm to humanity’s progress. Such ideas have bred extremism, hatred, and religious intolerance, including Islamophobia,” he continued. “Make no mistake; it is a latent threat that undermines millennia of progress.”

"Extremism, hatred, and religious intolerance". Believe it or not, he is not talking about Islam here although he describes it perfectly especially the Islam of Pakistan. 

Kakar claimed that an “epidemic” of “Islamophobia” had gripped the world in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, jihadist attacks, planned and orchestrated by radical Muslims with ties to Pakistan. Osama bin Laden, the head of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda at the time of the mass murder, was found and killed hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in 2011.

Did he think that the massacre of nearly 3000 people in America should not have affected our view of Islam, The Religion of Peace? 

He cited as examples of this Islamophobia the recent burnings of the Quran in Europe, initiated after an Iraqi migrant burned a Quran in Sweden in June. The act, which resulted in no property damage or human casualties, prompted a wave of Islamic rioting in the country. Ongoing attempts to continue burning the Quran in response to violence by Muslim extremists have resulted in European countries considering laws to prevent the burnings in an attempt to stop further violence — a reaction Kakar celebrated.

The wave of Islamic rioting was not confined to Sweden but happened in Muslim countries across Asia. This is part of the character of Muslims I call Islamic Hysteria. It can be triggered with a false accusation or the tearing of a page, and can result in the most horrific deaths. Is this a sample of "progress"?

“Earlier this year, the Human Rights Council adopted an OIC [Organization of Islamic Cooperation] resolution submitted by Pakistan, urging States to outlaw the burning of the Holy Quran and similar provocations,” the prime minister recalled. “We welcome the legislation initiated by Denmark and contemplated by Sweden towards this end.”

“Pakistan and the OIC countries will propose further steps to combat Islamophobia,” he promised, “including the appointment of a Special Envoy, creation of an Islamophobia data center, legal assistance to victims, and an accountability process to punish Islamophobic crimes.”…

In other words - the beginning of the establishment of Sharia Law over the entire world. How is it possible he wasn't laughed right out of the UN? 

The prime minister also only addressed the Quran burnings and violence against Muslims and Christians in neighboring India, which Pakistan has long maintained poor diplomatic relations with. Kakar did not discuss the plight of Christians in his own country, often killed by Muslim mobs after being spuriously accused of blasphemy. In August, a Muslim mob of as many as 10,000 people burned down entire Christian neighborhoods in Jaranwala after unsubstantiated rumors began spreading that a Christian had desecrated the Quran….

With the help of fellow Islamist leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Pakistan successfully pushed for the United Nations to brand March 15 “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” in 2023.

Erdogan is still trying to recreate the Ottoman Empire with himself as Caliph.


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