"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Islam - Current Day > Muslim tries to burn down church in France, Mayor doesn't understand; Germany's Cultural Suicide; 4 Police attacked in France; Police and civvies attacked in Germany


Muslim Tries to Burn Down French Church,

Mayor Calls For ‘Coexistence’

There has been one more attempt – there have been so many – by Muslims to burn down churches in France. This one was in the village of Cugnaux. And the reaction of the town’s Mayor was not atypical; he called for more understanding, more tolerance, more of everything good so that coexistence could prevail. Might it just be that “coexistence” with people who consider non-Muslims as Infidels, “the most vile of created beings” while they, as Muslims, are the “best of peoples,” cannot actually be attained? 

A vandalized church near Toulouse narrowly escapes a fire

translated from “Une église vandalisée près de Toulouse échappe de peu à un incendie,” 

by Ophélie Le Piver, France3-Regions, May 29, 2023.

The individuals overturned candles on the ground, damaged frames and defaced a crucifix. They caused a fire to start. Fortunately, a passerby intervened in time: he was able to stop the flames and contact the emergency services….

It is only by chance that there was a passerby who managed to extinguish the flames. Had he not been there, it is entirely possible that the fire set by the would-be arsonists would have consumed the entire inside of the church.

The mayor of Cugnaux immediately denounced these acts and expressed his solidarity with the Catholic community. “To ensure coexistence in Cugnaux, it is crucial that we collectively oppose hatred and intolerance, by promoting dialogue and understanding between the different religious and cultural communities of our city,” insisted Albert Sanchez, the mayor of Cugnaux. “Diversity is our strength and our pride, so let’s stand together and mobilize so that Cugnaux remains united, resilient and determined to face intolerance and violence.”

The hopeful, naïve Mayor of Cugnaux is whistling in the dark. At this stage in the history of France, with 10% of the population now consisting of Muslim economic migrants, attacks on churches and other Christian sites are a biweekly affair. One religious building is disappearing in France every two weeks. More on these attacks on Christians religious edifices in France can be found in this still-relevant article from 2021:

‘One religious building is disappearing in France every two weeks.’

That is the conclusion of Edouard de Lamaze, president of the Observatoire du patrimoine religieux (Observatory of Religious Heritage) in Paris.

He is raising the alarm in the French media about the gradual disappearance of religious edifices in a country known as the “eldest daughter of the Church” because the Frankish King Clovis I embraced Catholicism in 496.

Lamaze’s appeal for increased awareness came after a fire destroyed the 16th-century Church of Saint-Pierre in Romilly-la-Puthenaye, Normandy, northern France. The fire, deemed “accidental,” took place on April 15, exactly two years after the blaze that devastated Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Lamaze told CNA in an interview that in addition to one religious building disappearing every two weeks — by demolition, transformation, destruction by fire, or collapse — two-thirds of fires in religious buildings are due to arson.

Who are these arsonists? They are the people who have been raised since infancy to despise Christians and Christianity, who have been taught in their holy book, the Qur’an, to think of themselves, the Muslims, as “the best of peoples,” while Christians are Infidels, “the most vile of created beings.” It would make sense for a devout Muslim to want to destroy religious structures of the infidels, which do nothing but serve to keep people from the “straight path” of Islam.

While these statistics include buildings belonging to all religious groups, most of them concern Catholic monuments, which still represent a large majority in France, where there are roughly 45,000 Catholic places of worship.

Although Catholic monuments are still ahead, one mosque is erected every 15 days in France, while one Christian building is destroyed at the same pace,” Lamaze said. “It creates a tipping point on the territory that should be taken into account.”

Lamaze believes that on average more than two Christian monuments are targeted every day. Two-thirds of these incidents concern theft, while the remaining third involve desecration.

According to the most recent figures from France’s central criminal intelligence unit, 877 attacks on Catholic places of worship were recorded across the country in 2018 alone.

These people who desecrate Christian churches and monuments are impelled by a deep hatred that only Islam inculcates; they may steal whatever is of value in a church, helping themselves to a kind of proleptic jizyah, while attempting in many cases to burn down the structure itself, for what good are churches that inculcate false beliefs and keep their parishioners from the truth of Islam?

Cugnaux is indeed a town where several religious communities coexist: Catholic, Muslim and Buddhist. “These religious communities have always lived well together in Cugnaux,” specifies Albert Sanchez, who says he is surprised and shocked. “This is the first time that we are dealing with this type of act on a religious building.” Father François, for his part, invokes rather “a stupidity of children.”

The Mayor, Albert Sanchez, consoles himself with the thought that the different religious communities in his village have “always lived well together.” But perhaps that was because in the past there were so very few Muslims; they did not feel strong enough to show their real feelings toward Christians. Now there are many more of these Muslim migrants, and they are beginning to flex their muscles. Among them are those who believe that they have a right to destroy the religious buildings belonging to the other, untrue religions. The attempted arson of the church is unlikely to be a one-off; the good Mayor can expect more attacks by Muslims not just on Christian religious sites, but on those of other religions (he mentions Buddhists, who apparently also live in Cugnaux).

Mayor Sanchez is convinced that “to ensure coexistence in Cugnaux, it is crucial that we collectively oppose hatred and intolerance, by promoting dialogue and understanding between the different religious and cultural communities of our city.” Apparently he takes it on faith that Muslims want “dialogue and understanding” with non-Muslims. But when, in the past 1400 years, have Muslims, once they attained a position of dominance, ever wanted “dialogue and understanding” with non-Muslims? They are not interested; the “hatred and intolerance” that Mayor Sanchez deplores is in fact central to Islam; the Qur’an and hadith teach Muslims “not to take Christians or Jews as friends for they are friends only with each other,” and to regard Infidels as “the most vile of created beings.” The Qur’an teaches that Muslims, who are the “best of peoples,” must dominate, and never allow themselves to be dominated by, Infidels. I am sure Mayor Sanchez of Cugnaux knows none of this, but he must learn enough about the texts and teachings of Islam to better protect the people of his village from a threat he still fails to comprehend.

“Diversity is our strength and our pride, so let’s stand together and mobilize so that Cugnaux remains united, resilient and determined to face intolerance and violence.” Also sprach the Mayor of Cugnaux. But his statement is nonsense. In what countries of the world is “diversity” a strength rather than a weakness? It’s simply an idol of the age, this idiotic notion – repeated ad nauseam without any attempt to provide evidence of its truth — that “diversity is strength.” “Diversity” is especially damaging to social cohesion when a considerable number of people in a European country subscribe to the ideology of Islam, a fanatical faith that divides the world between Believers and non-Believers, and teaches Muslims to despise non-Muslims. How can that possibly be a “strength”? Instead, the Mayor of Cugnaux ought to recognize that the people of his village are not “united, resilient, and determined to confront intolerance and violence.” There are plenty of people – Muslims – in his village who are not at all unhappy at the attempt to burn down the church, and whose “intolerance” of, and “violence” toward, non-Muslims is central to their faith.

What could Mayor Sanchez have said instead? He could have noted that the attempted arson of the church “is not a solitary incident, that there have recently been at least two such attacks on churches every week in France, that they appear to have been carried out by Muslims, and so we expect Muslims to take a major role in ferreting out those in their community who have been guilty of such criminal acts. And they should be reporting to the authorities any Islamic preachers spreading hatred toward non-Muslims and praising jihad. Otherwise, all talk about rooting out ‘intolerance’ is so much hot air. As for the oft-expressed bromide that ‘diversity is our strength,’ there is no evidence for the truth of this claim anywhere in the world, but especially in Europe, where the baleful effects of massive Muslim migration are now clear for all to see. As your mayor, still reeling, as you must be, from the attempted arson at the church, I won’t insult you by repeating that bromide about ‘diversity is our strength’ today. I no longer believe it is.”


Half of All New German Citizens are Muslims

JUN 1, 2023 11:00 AM 
Jihad Watch

There will not be a Germany in a generation.

This is what national suicide looks like.

Germany saw a 28% increase in the number of people gaining its citizenship last year, with people from Syria accounting for more than a quarter of those who were naturalized, official data showed Tuesday.
Preliminary figures show that about 168,500 people were granted German citizenship in 2022, the Federal Statistical Office said. That was the highest number since 2002.
Of those, 48,300 — or 29% — were Syrian citizens. That was more than double the previous year’s figure and seven times as high as in 2020, as increasing numbers of people who migrated to Germany between 2014 and 2016 fulfill the requirements for citizenship.
Turkish citizens were the second-biggest group of people gaining German citizenship last year — 14,200 of them, a 16% increase compared to 2021, and with an average of more than 24 years living in Germany…
Germany’s socially liberal government plans to ease the rules for obtaining citizenship, reducing to five years from eight the number of years people are supposed to live in the country before gaining a German passport. People with “special integration accomplishments” would be eligible after three years.
A rough calculation pegs the number of new citizens from Muslim countries at around 80,000 or half the 168,500 number of total citizens. This is fairly consistent with the 2021 numbers.
In 2021, roughly 131,600 foreigners became naturalised German citizens. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this was an increase of roughly 21,700 naturalisations, or 20%, compared with the previous year. Just over half of the increase is attributable to the large number of naturalisations of Syrians.
The migration crisis didn’t go away with Merkel, if anything it’s worse.
At the end of 2022, roughly 3.08 million people were registered as seeking protection in the Central Register of Foreigners. The number of registered people seeking protection rose by 1.14 million compared with the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office…
In 2022, 20.2 million people with a history of immigration were living in Germany. Based on microcensus results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this was an increase of 1.2 million, or 6.5%, compared with the previous year (2021: 19.0 million).
Following a rise of 1.3 percentage points, this group of people thus accounted for 24.3% of the population (2021: 23.0%).
For all intents and purposes, there will not be a Germany in a generation. There will be some Russians and Ukrainians and a whole lot of Iraqis, Syrians, and Turks. The former may prove to be less suicidal than the Germans. If so they’ll actually secure their newfound country. But considering their birth rates, the battle will likely be over by then.

A Muslim migrant attacks four police officers in France

Translated from “Un homme moleste quatre policiers,” 
Le Dauphiné Libéré, May 25, 2023:
A 34-year-old Afghan national, without a stable residence, is presented this Friday, May 26 to the Annecy prosecutor’s office after hitting four police officers. 
He first attacked three municipal police officers who wanted to bring him under control in Passage du Thiou, in the Mandallaz district. They had spotted that the man was carrying an object that they thought was a machete (short sword), but which was in fact a homemade wooden bat. It was with her that the individual struck the three agents of the City of Annecy.

Germany: Muslim migrant attacks passersby and police officers

with a knife

Translated from “Hier schießen Polizisten einen Messer-Mann nieder,” 
by Torsten Pauly, Bild, May 31, 2023

Rostock (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania) – Large-scale police operation in a high-rise building on Henrik-Ibsen-Straße in the Evershagen district of Rostock. There, a 57-year-old Syrian attacked residents and then several police officers with a knife around 12 noon on Tuesday.
“According to initial findings, the man is said to have retired to his apartment,” said a police spokesman to BILD.
Since it could not be ruled out that the 57-year-old was in an exceptional psychological situation, the social psychiatric service was immediately involved in the management of the operation.
Violent Muslims are all mentally ill!
A short time later, the man stormed the officers again and again aggressively threatened them with the knife. The suspect did not respond to appeals, police said.
The police asked the man to put down the knife. However, the 57-year-old did not comply with this request, whereupon the officers finally used the firearm and shot the man in the leg and upper body.
The injured man was given first aid by the police officers before the arrival of the rescue workers and then taken to a hospital in an ambulance.

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