"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Deep State > Exposing itself in panic over Robert Kennedy Jr's attack on the Democratic Party; YouTube takes down Jordan Peterson interview with RFKJr


The last thing Democrats want is someone in the White House who tells the truth and who is not completely controlled by Deep State. They murdered his father and his uncle for that very reason, and they are now trying a character assassination of RFK Jr., like the one they are running on Trump. 

Deep State is exposing itself as portions of that attack. We can assume that whoever attacks RFK Jr without a real genuine reason, is part of Deep State. The LA Times and YouTube were first out of the gate as front-runners for Deep State propaganda. There will be many more.

He’s a Threat to ‘Our Democracy’ - Los Angeles Times

JUN 21, 2023 5:00 AM 
New in PJ Media:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the Leftist political and media elites deeply rattled, and that’s utterly delightful.

Imagine this scenario: a wildly unpopular and manifestly incapable president is running, however haltingly, for reelection. Initially he seemed like a lock, but then he encountered an unexpected challenge from a scion of an old American political family, a man who defies all the conventional categorization of political candidates and has set the establishment on its ear by challenging not only the superannuated corruptocrat in the White House but many of that establishment’s most cherished assumptions.

It would make a great novel, but it’s real life, and it’s an exhilarating reminder that America is still a republic, still a place where the elites can be challenged at all, however entrenched they may appear to be. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not only challenged the elites, he has frightened them to the core, and that’s wonderful to see. The latest indication of how much of a threat they consider him to be comes from the Los Angeles Times, always a reliable organ for far-Left propaganda. The Left Coast Times is so scared of RFK Jr. that on Monday, it proclaimed, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy.”

Now, this is absurd on its face and an insult to the intelligence of the handful of remaining Los Angeles Times readers. The Left has now become so divorced from reality that Times writer Michael Hiltzik would have us believe that a contested Democrat party primary is bad for “our democracy.” But a full-out coronation of Old Joe to serve another four years as the figurehead for the shadowy individuals who are really running things? Why, that would be “our democracy” personified. One candidate, inevitable outcome? Good democracy! Two candidates, unclear outcome? Bad democracy!

For the millionth time, we don’t have a “democracy,” we have a republic. But the key point here is that, once again, Leftists have confirmed the fact that when they talk about “our democracy,” they don’t actually mean anything democratic at all. They are referring not to any kind of democracy, but to their own hegemony. The only “democracy” that involves one candidate receiving the forced adulation of the masses and reelection by acclimation from all those who don’t want to end up in the gulag is the type that is practiced in states such as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea.

There is more. Read the rest here.


YouTube Goes to Bat for Biden, Removes Jordan Peterson

Interview of RFK Jr.

New in PJ Media:

Leftists know what’s best for you. They know that better than you know it yourself. That’s why they have graciously and selflessly taken it upon themselves to decide what we may and may not see, hear, and read. If we were left to ourselves, we might make bad, self-destructive choices, as we did in 2016, when we elected Donald Trump president of the United States. Now the social media giants want very much for you to dislike Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and so YouTube has just taken down an interview he did with Jordan Peterson. If you saw what he actually said, you might end up voting for him instead of for Old Joe Biden, and that would never do.

Peterson posted video of the interview on Twitter, where it is still available, on June 5. It went up on YouTube as well. On Sunday, however, Kennedy tweeted: “What do you think … Should social media platforms censor presidential candidates? My conversation with @JordanBPeterson was deleted by @YouTube. Luckily you can watch it here on @Twitter (thank you @elonmusk). #Kennedy24.”

Yes, thank God for Elon Musk, or anyone who dares tell the truth would be run right out of the country.

Getting right to the heart of the matter, Kennedy added: “Maybe you can help me figure out what ‘misinformation’ was in this interview. #letRFKspeak. Do you really need Big Tech censors to decide what you should hear? Or would you prefer to be treated as a competent adult who can listen to various viewpoints and come to his or her own conclusions? #letRFKspeak. It may be that @YouTube has broken no laws in this blatant interference in the electoral process. In that case, change will come only through public pressure. That’s democracy in action!”

He even issued a call to action: “If you want Youtube to be a modern-day public square rather than a propaganda outlet, then make a video and post it to @YouTube telling them what you think. #letRFKspeak.”

Peterson agreed with RFK Jr. that YouTube was blatantly doing its part to ensure that Old Joe’s path to renomination and four more years as Figurehead-In-Chief was as smooth as possible: “Now @YouTube has taken upon itself to actively interfere with a presidential election campaign @RobertKennedyJr.”

YouTube remained regally silent amid all this, only bothering to issue a bland, pro-forma statement on Monday: “We removed a video from the Jordan Peterson channel for violating YouTube’s general vaccine misinformation policy, which prohibits content that alleges that vaccines cause chronic side effects, outside of rare side effects that are recognized by health authorities.” This statement was Leftist elitism at its finest, for what is precisely at issue regarding RFK Jr.’s is whether or not they constitute “misinformation” at all.

There is more. Read the rest here.

Anyone keeping a list of Deep State mouthpieces:

Los Angeles Times



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