"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Military Madness > Why America won't allow negotiated settlement in Ukraine


This is what I have been saying all along - America and NATO want the war in Ukraine, provoked it, and don't want it to end.



written by Leah Rosenberg 
March 22, 2023 
Israel Unwired

It is not clear at all today what the goals of the United States, Britain and other countries of the West are in terms of the war between Russia and Ukraine. This is a very dangerous situation. What is clear is that many people thought that Ukraine would not be able to hold against a Russian invasion for more than a week or two. That clearly is not the case as the war continues into its 2nd year with no end in sight.

Putin, long viewed as a potential dictator, has been completely unmasked. He has clearly made a decision to tie this war with his place in history as a great Russian leader who restored honor and domination to Russia. It seems more and more clear that Putin does not just want to grab the Ukraine. He is looking to rebuild a Russian empire across as much of what used to be the Russian Empire and dominate the Baltics and the waterways as much as possible.

I wrote something similar to this about ten years ago, suspecting Putin of wanting to reestablish the Russian Empire. Then I waited to watch for evidence of my theory. I'm still waiting! Yes, Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine - without a shot being fired, and after a vote to confirm that Crimeans wanted it. Russia moved into Crimea, partly to protect its Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol from falling victim to NATO after the Maidan Revolution sponsored by the US State Dept.

NATO and America were probably disappointed that Russia did not attack the rest of Ukraine then, so they set about provoking the bear by harassing the Russian-speaking people of Donbas. When this didn't work, the Pentagon supported the infamous AZOV Batallion of Nazis to go into Donbas and terrorize them.

It was that, and the dozens of virology labs, also sponsored by the Pentagon, that finally provoked Putin to invade. Does any other country in the world have dozens of virology labs? 

No, I'm not a Putin fan, I'm a truth fan. The western media seems not the least interested in the truth.

Getting back to my theory of rebuilding the Russian Empire - at the current rate, Putin cannot live long enough to accomplish anything remotely close to the old USSR.

America, meanwhile, enjoys a continuous flow of American-made war machinery, and has duped Europe into paying exorbitant prices for American gas. They can also feel justified in blowing up the Nord Stream II pipeline.

As Greenwald indicated, this is a proxy war with the complete destruction of Ukraine as the only sure bet.

Despite the war in Ukraine, the chief concern for the West should not be Russian aggression, but Russian – Chinese cooperation. The two countries have a long history of hating each other and NOT cooperating – even when they were both dominated by Communism. But Putin and Xinping have made the strategic decision that if they each cover for the other country, their interests align well and they will each achieve their goals. Putin wants to stay in the major leagues while China wants Taiwan in the short run and world domination in the long run.

Putin is happy to retain Russia’s role as a major player on the world stage while his nuclear weapons gradually ossify and his population dwindles. He knows that that is the most he can hope for. NATO is indeed too strong and will not allow Russia to invade Poland.

China has much more grandiose plans. Their innocent sounding “road and belt initiative” is no less than a plan to dominate the economies of the under-developed and developing world. That will in turn allow China to be the #1 producer AND #1 buyer of products in the world. Today, China is too dependent on the buying power of the United States and Europe which means that Western sanctions can still hurt them. But if India and the rest of southeast Asia are controlled by China, then there will be more than 4 billion people in the world that are under the Chinese orbit and consuming Chinese made products.

China will not need to use a million man army to fight. They will use the massive army to intimidate much like Russia uses its nuclear weapons to scare away the West. They will keep up the fight for economic control of much of the world with economic takeovers of all of the seaways and railroads they are able to grab. China is doing this today already via leveraged buyouts – on the country level. Malaysia and Indonesia are just the beginning of major plans across the world.

Whoever is deciding for the United States today must bear in mind the plans of China as the single greatest threat facing the Western world today. Mitt Romney was right in noting 10 years ago that Russia still poses a great threat. But they are not the single greatest threat. It is not China either. It is Russian-Chinese cooperation that must be targeted. Together, they are a behemoth that will be difficult if not impossible to stop.

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