"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Islam in South Asia > Bangladesh isn't Islamic enough for rioting madrasa students; Hysterical mob in Punjab tries to kill Catholic mom; Terrorist and parents arrested in plot to blow up churches in E Java


Attacks on Hindus, police at the mercy of Jamaat, Prophet Ibrahim as new ‘Father of nation’: How Bangladesh is heading towards becoming an Islamist state

OpIndia, August 10, 2024:

The facade of ‘pro-democracy, anti-government’ protests, which led to the unceremonious ouster of Sheikh Hasina as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, is quickly falling apart.

The targeted attacks on the Hindu community, coupled with concerted attempts to push Bangladesh further into the jaws of Islamism have exposed the nefarious designs of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI).

Just on Thursday (8th August), a mob of madrassa students changed the name of the ‘Father of the nation’ from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rehman to Prophet Ibrahim.

As per reports, they vandalised the nameplate of the Dhaka–Bhanga Expressway which was constructed in 2020. It was the first expressway in Bangladesh and named after the ‘Father of the nation.’

The madrassa students tore down Mujibur Rehman’s name and replaced it with ‘Prophet Ibrahim’. As such, the new name of the expressway read ‘Father of Nation Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) Expressway’. And it is just more than an act of mere symbolism….

Ibrahim is Abraham the father of Issac and Ishmael. Abraham sent Ishmael away with his mother (Hagar, the Egyptian servant) when Ishmael was in his teens. He had nothing more to do with them afterward. But God promised Ishmael he would be a great nation. His descendents would be like 'wild donkeys' with "his hand against everyone, and everyone's hand against him. He will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” - Genesis 16:12.

And, so it is.  

After having attacked and killed police officials with impunity under the pretext of ‘anti-government protests’, Islamists are now providing ‘security’ to police officials….

According to a report by Bartaman, Jamaat-e-Islami is eyeing to divide the northeastern part of India.

“Since August 5, there has been a flood of anti-India posts on social media from Bangladesh and Pakistan. One thing is clear to the Indian intelligence- through the Jamaat, the Pakistani spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has made a new target of Northeast India or the ‘Seven Sisters’,” it stated….

“The proposed Banglastan includes the whole of Bangladesh, West Bengal, a large part of Jharkhand, Kishanganj in Bihar, Katihar, Jhapa in Nepal, Rakhine and Arakan regions in Myanmar, parts of Andaman and parts of Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Manipur in northeastern India,” it further added.

On 8th August, Hefazat-e-Islam leader AFM Khalid Hossain was sworn in as a member of the caretaker government, which is led by US asset Muhammad Yunus.

OpIndia has documented cases of atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh by Islamists masquerading as ‘pro-democracy, anti-quota and anti-government’ protestors. The total number of incidents of attacks on minorities has reached 205….


Bangladesh: Muslims scream ‘Allahu akbar’

as they set Hindu villages on fire

“Allahu akbar” means “Allah is greater,” i.e., greater than your god. The scream of “Allahu akbar” is designed to “strike terror in the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta reminded himself to “shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

(Thanks to the Geller Report.)


Mob Tries to Kill Christian Mother

Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan

Morning Star News, August 8, 2024:

LAHOREPakistan (Christian Daily InternationalMorning Star News)A Muslim mob in Pakistan on Wednesday (Aug. 7) attacked and tried to kill a Christian mother accused of blasphemy, sources said.

Islamic Hysteria 

The mob in Kathore village, in Gojra tehsil of Faisalabad District, Punjab Province tried to kill Saima Masih, a 32-year-old mother of two children, after Muhammad Haider accused her of hurting Islamic religious sentiments by desecrating pages of the Quran, said attorney Akmal Bhatti, chairman of the Minorities Alliance Pakistan (MAP).“The mob would have lynched Saima if the police had not reached there on time and rescued her,” Bhatti told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “The mob also reportedly attacked some other Christian residents of the village, forcing them to flee their homes and hide in the fields to save their lives.”

The attorney and political leader said he and his team tried to reach the village as soon as they received information about the incident. There are 30 to 35 Christian families in the village.

When news of the alleged desecration spread, a crowd of nearly 250-300 Muslims blocked the main highway in protest, refusing to let anyone pass, Bhatti said.

“We contacted our sources in the village, and they informed us that the Muslims had beaten up some Christians, raising fears of violence against the community,” he said.

Tensions were high due to the involvement of extremist Islamist groups, he said, adding that the Catholic mother has been arrested and charged, and her family has gone into hiding due to security fears.

“Our sources in the village have told us that Saima denied desecrating the Quran,” Bhatti said. “She reportedly said that her neighbor, Haider, had asked her for an empty sack, which she gave him. However, after some time Haider returned with some other Muslims and accused her of placing defiled pages of the Quran in the sack, which she repeatedly denied.”

He added that the allegation against the Christian woman could be rooted in a personal vendetta of her Muslim neighbors…. Such is often the case!

Indonesia: 19-year-old Muslim and his parents arrested, 

foiling plan for jihad suicide bombings at two churches

His parents’ involvement is unusual but not surprising. After all, if paradise is guaranteed to those who “kill and are killed” (Qur’an 9:111) for Allah, then such killing is a holy act. Why shouldn’t the whole family be involved?

An update on this story

Authorities in Indonesia Foil Plan to Bomb Churches

Morning Star News, August 5, 2024:

SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) Authorities in Indonesia last week arrested a 19-year-old member of an Islamic extremist group and his parents, foiling a plan to suicide bomb two church sites, officials said.

The high school student identified only by his initials, H.O.K, was arrested on Wednesday (July 31) at about 7:15 p.m. as he was on his way dispose of evidence in Jalan Langsep, Sisir village, Batu City, in Malang Regency, East Java, said Anti-Terror Special Detachment 88 Spokesperson Aswin Siregar at a press conference in Jakarta on Sunday (Aug. 4).

The Special Detachment 88 squad and Batu police were involved in the arrest.

“H.O.K. is a supporter of ISIS or Dawlah Islamiyah,” Aswin told reporters on Thursday (Aug. 1) in Jakarta.

Aswin said H.O.K had become a member online of Philippines-based Dawlah Islamiyah, said to be affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS), and that he and accomplices were planning to carry out suicide bombings using Triaceton Triperoxide (TATP) explosives at two Christian churches in Malang Regency, East Java.

TATP, widely known as the “Mother of Satan,” is one of the most powerful and dangerous explosives. Preliminary investigations indicated that H.O.K. often accessed various websites containing Dawlah Islamiyah propaganda that led him to try to carry out suicide bombings, Aswin said.

“He accessed various sites containing recommendations or propaganda from Dawlah Islamiyah,” Aswin reportedly said. “Then he also got information from social media, so that he felt like carrying out the suicide bombing.”

The suspect bought explosives and other necessary tools for the attack with savings from school allowances, according to TribunJakarta.com.

H.O.K.’s parents were also arrested on Wednesday (July 31), and police detained several other people for questioning.

“Densus 88 is still investigating the possibility of his links to other ISIS support networks,” Aswin said. “Indeed, there were several people who were questioned, including his parents or family.”…

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