"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, October 15, 2023

This is Islam > Brainwash children; Take over whole world; The Fall of America; Hamas Supporters


‘Palestinian’ kids at UNRWA school: 

‘They teach us that Jews are bad people’


view on X

These boys are open about their desire to kill Jews, and how it has been reinforced at the UNRWA school. This is your tax dollars at work, thanks to the Biden regime.

Of course, Palestinians have been teaching this to their children for many years. How teaching children to hate, to be murderers, and suicide bombers, doesn't get flagged for crimes against humanity is beyond belief. UNRWA is both an accomplice and an enabler in the death of many Jews and Palestinian children and youth. There is much blood on their hands.


Hamas Chief Emphasizes That Israel is Only the First Target


Mahmoud al-Zahar is the chief political guide of Hamas. He doesn’t mince words about the goal of terror group. It’s not just to destroy Israel and to replace it with a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.” It’s not just about killing every last Jew on the planet. No, the fanatical True Believers of Hamas aim at nothing less than creating a world where Islam dominates everywhere, and everywhere, Muslims rule. Daniel Greenfield discussed this here, and here is more about what al-Zahar said less than a year ago: “WATCH: 

Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander

by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, October 9, 2023:

Footage of senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar calling for world domination has resurfaced online.

“We believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me,” Zahar said in the video that was published on MEMRI TV in December of 2022.

“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries,” he said.

Where there is also no freedom, no women visible in public or in universities, girls married at the age of nine, where non-Muslims are slaves, sex-slaves, or beheaded, where you have to pray 6 times a day to a pretend god, and where there is no peace, for there is never peace in Islam, nor has there ever been.

What does that mean? In this brave new world ruled by and for Muslims, there will be no place for Israel, but no place, either, for America, or France, or the U.K., or Italy, or Germany, or India, or Brazil. The entire planet will fall under the reign of Islam. One vast Dar al-Islam will cover the globe, and apparently there will not even be room for the most cringing of dhimmis to exist, making Al-Zahar’s hallucinatory goal far worse for non-Muslims than what they have heretofore endured under Muslim rule. They will no longer have the possibility of surviving as dhimmis, no matter how wretched; their only alternatives will be immediate conversion or death. In the glorious Islamic future that Al-Zahar is certain will come, there will be no place for other religions. There will be “no Zionism [i.e. Judaism]” and “no treacherous Christianity.”

To repeat: Mahmoud Al-Zahar, one of the co-founders of Hamas in 1987, and the most senior Hamas official still living in Gaza, has a goal that should alarm all non-Muslims. That goal, to repeat, is this:

“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”

Of course, this is the goal of millions of Muslims, all of Iran, for intance. And once the possibility is raised to a certain point, Islamic hysteria will take over and hundreds of millions of Muslims will buy into the madness.


Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadr: Jihad against the Zionist Enemy Brings Glory;

We Also Await the Fall of the American Entity, Led by the ‘Senile Old Man’ Biden

MEMRI, October 10, 2023:

Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadr said in an October 10, 2023 video posted on his YouTube account that Jihad against the Zionist enemy brings glory and honor, even if the people carrying it out are not Shiite. He added: “We are also waiting for the fall of the brutal colonialist American entity, which is led by that senile old man Biden.” Al-Sadr said he was not surprised that the “oppressive” Western countries support the “Zionist enemy.”

What kind of universe bestows honour and glory upon baby rapists and beheaders? Such a god can only be evil.

I have to say this, however, that it is an extremely dangerous time for America. Many Muslim countries are waiting for the collapse of the USA so they can destroy Israel without fear of American retribution. This is a prerequisite for the invasion of Israel that, IMHO, kicks off the Gret Tribulation period, which I have predicted will begin either this year or very soon after.

How can this come about? Biden's mental health is one possibility. Biden stepping down and, God forbid, Kamala Harris becoming President. (Forgive me Lord for speaking that possibility into existence). And then there are possibilities of horrific attacks in America, or a complete financial collapse. Any of these can happen in a period of days or weeks. 


Qatar, Iran, Turkey and beyond: The galaxy of Hamas supporters

Hamas has maintained ties with several regional powers and organisations in the Middle East since its creation in 1987. Whether it comes to financing, military aid or ideological support, the Palestinian Islamist movement can count on several allies in its deadly fight with Israel.

A masked militant from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, appears in a photo dated August 18, 2023. © Adel Hana, AP

By: Jean-Luc MOUNIER

After Hamas’s deadly attack on Israel on October 7, the countries and organisations that support the Palestinian Islamist movement are under scrutiny. Algeria, Iran, Sudan and Tunisia have openly expressed support for Hamas in recent days. Classified as a terrorist organisation by the United States, the European Union and Israel, Hamas has established strong links with several regional powers since its creation in 1987.

Whether from Doha, Tehran or Ankara, support for Hamas comes in various forms: economic, military and ideological. FRANCE 24 examines the movement's links with several foreign states.


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