"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Islam - Current Day - Uighurs and Rohingya - Can We Learn Something from Their Horror Stories

Can we learn something from the treatment of

the Uighurs and the Rohingya?

Two stories in the news today should give the western world pause to think. Unfortunately, our PCMad world misinterprets the writing on the wall. 

The first story has to do with a doctor who worked in China for 20 years performing abortions, contraception, womb removals, anything that makes it difficult, or impossible, for a woman to have children. The women were all Uighurs, and the program was part of the government's attempt to keep the population of the Uighurs from increasing. Some might go further and call it genocide. I wouldn't argue the point.

Chinese doctor says she participated in 'ethnic cleansing' of Uyghurs

The second has to do with two Myanmar soldiers who fled to the Netherlands and confessed to having been ordered by their commanders to rape and kill Rohingya men, women, and children as they applied a scorched earth policy to their villages. 

Two Myanmar soldiers who corroborated Rohingya atrocities now at The Hague

What do these two stories have in common? 

Both come as a result of 'defectors' who suffer from guilty consciences, as they should. All three are courageous and are better people than those who were their superiors. 

Both stories involve ethnic cleansing! 

And, both stories involve Muslims as both the Rohingya and the Uighurs are Muslims. 

Why are they being persecuted so severely?

As I just stated, they are Muslims, but they are Muslims living in a land where they did not once live. That's not quite true of the Uighurs who lived in the desert areas of far-west China for millennia. However, the Turkic-speaking people began to be Islamized about a thousand years ago and by 1600, were mostly Muslim. 

However, seeing that there were so few of them and they lived mostly in small desert enclaves, they were no threat to any central government of China (IMHO). However, by the late 20th century these oasis villages began to turn into cities, like Kashgar, with 500,000 people. 



Uighur population spreads across central Asia. Their numbers in China are greatly disputed but are probably between 10 and 20 million, mostly in the Xinjiang region. Birthrates in Hatar and Kashgar, the two largest Uighur cities was above 24/1000 in 2010. In 2017, it began falling precipitously, and by 2018 was down to 8/1000. 

The Xinjiang government blamed Muslim terrorists for murders and bombings, for deadly riots in Urumqi in 2009. It would seem that it became apparent to the Central Government that the Muslim religion, or any other religion, was incompatible with Communism and must be eliminated, one way or another. 

The current policy is probably meant to do one of two things: Either encourage Uighurs to leave China (as many have for Turkey), or to destroy their religion and have them blend into Communist society. They are applying a similar, though less violent policy toward Christians and the Falun Gong. According to a Harvard article, China is OK with some spirituality, as long is it is in religions more associated with traditional Chinese, like Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

So, basically, it is foreign religions that China will not tolerate, especially when those religions grow in numbers. They are a threat to Communism itself!


One million to 1.3 million Rohingya lived in Rakhine State in western Myanmar prior to the apparent ethnic cleansing campaign begun in 2015. That year, 900,000 Rohingya fled Myanmar for southeast Bangladesh. In the next two years, more fled as the Myanmar military applied their scorched earth policy to Rohingya villages.

Like the Uighurs, Rohingya claim indigenous status in the land tracing their history back over a thousand years. Like Beijing, the Naypyitaw government rejects their claim, calling them Bangalis who invaded western Myanmar. British adventurers, however, documented the Rooinga language people group in Burma as early as 1799, and claimed they were well established there. They were already Muslims at that time. 

Curiously, however, Rohingya trace their roots to Arabs, Mughals and Portuguese. The Portuguese founded the first European colony east of Africa in Kerala, southwest India, in 1498. It would be well into the 16th or 17th century before the Portuguese were into Burma.

The Myanmar government argues that the Muslims of precolonial times are now recognized as Kameins and that the Rohingya conflate their history with the history of all Muslims in Arakan to advance a separatist agenda.

From an article in The Atlantic, Nov 14, 2017, an administrator of a “Muslim-free” village outside Yangon told The New York Times, “[Rohingya] are not welcome here because they are violent and they multiply like crazy, with so many wives and children.”

It is commonly believed that Muslims multiply 10 times faster than non-Muslims, aided by having multiple wives. While Muslims do procreate faster than non-Muslims, it is nowhere near 10 times the rate. In western Europe, it seems that those rates are falling, also, probably as some Muslims become westernized.

Why the ethnic cleansing?

As with the Uighurs in China, Islam is not compatible with Buddhism. Myanmar is almost entirely Buddhist and zealously guards itself against a possible weakening of that religious heritage. It appears that Myanmar has determined that there is no way to assimilate Muslims into Buddhism, so they have taken the cruel and violent method of genocide to get rid of this rapidly growing sector of society. 

They have always been mean to the Rohingya, refusing them citizenship, jobs in the civil service, education, etc. Now they are pulling out all stops and disregarding all criticism and feelings of guilt or compassion, except for a couple of low-level soldiers.

What can we take away from this?

It is obvious to anyone willing to look, that Islam is growing throughout most of the world. The goal of devout Muslims is to turn the world into one big caliphate with no room for non-Muslims, except as slaves. They have been building toward this for 1400 years, sometimes patiently, sometimes violently - some 600 wars in that time span. 

In the last 5 years, western governments have opened the flood-gates for Muslims to enter, especially Europe, even while most Muslim countries kept theirs closed. Fears of being overrun by Muslims in Europe are often exaggerated, nevertheless, still a major concern. The 5-10% of Muslims in most countries in the EU are responsible for about half the crime. Freedom for girls to walk the streets without fear is rapidly diminishing, even while governments and media hide most of the rapes, gang-rapes, and child-rapes from common knowledge, thereby increasing the danger and even, to some degree, being complicit.

Dr. Peter Hammond has scaled the increasing percentages of Muslims in western societies with the consequences frequently seen in those societies. It is quite disturbing.

Nationalism or hyper-nationalism is blamed for the Rohingya and Uighur crises. It is also blamed for the rapid rise in far-right mobs who sometimes inflict violence of their own. But nationalism is a powerful force. There are those who want to destroy nationalism - break down all barriers and allow all people to move freely to whatever country they want to. This is globalism. They somehow seem to think that once all the dust has settled poverty will disappear. This, of course, is absurd. Such a movement would result in chaos and would destroy the economy of every country in the world.

But if you care to look (link, 2 paras up), you will see that as Islam rises as a percentage of population, it has more and more influence over culture, politics, and attitudes toward other religions, especially Jews, Christians, Yazidis, etc. 

The religion of globalism is a false god. It cannot work. Nationalism will get stronger as the influence of Islam increases in Europe, violence will increase and it will be just a matter of time before left-wing globalists are thrown from office and nationalists declare war, of some sort, on Islam in some attempt to return European countries to their cultures of origin.

What European wants to see his granddaughter dressed in a burka, or beaten or raped for stepping outside without a male escort? This is the ultimate consequence of increasing Islam in Christian countries. It may take 100 years, it may take 30 years in some countries. But if Islam continues to grow, it is inevitable. 

This is what China and Myanmar and some eastern European countries have seen, but is completely oblivious to left-wing politicians. They seem determined to destroy all vestiges of European culture as though Muslim culture is an improvement over post-Christian culture.

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