"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

God Writes the Best Scripts: Quake Sees Pro-West Venezuelan Guest Replaced with One Critical of US

Mainstream media's slip is showing again!

If you're a millennial, a slip is... Oh never mind, Google it!

A man shows off his newly issued Sovereign Bolivar bank notes © Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters

An earthquake in Venezuela saw a pro-Western opposition leader, invited by the BBC to criticize the country’s socialist government over inflation, swapped at the last minute. Ironically, his replacement blamed US sanctions.

The act of divine providence occurred after the start of Tuesday night’s Newsnight program, where a report on the introduction of a new currency by Nicolas Maduro’s government was earlier billed with being followed by an interview with a pro-West “senior Venezuelan opposition leader.”

However, the interview was scuppered at the last minute, with presenter Evan Davis explaining that only minutes before, an earthquake had struck the South American nation causing the guest to flee the studio in Caracas.

Enter journalist and activist Gregory Wilpert, who instead of giving an anti-government tirade, pointed to the crippling effect US-imposed sanctions had on the country.

For Wilpert, while President Maduro did not move quickly enough to institute “a new economic policy in a timely manner,” the “very harsh” financial sanctions imposed by the US government made it impossible to refinance its debt.

“You could arguably say that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back that led to hyperinflation,” Wilpert concluded before Evans wrapped up the interview.

max albedo
 What lush irony.
Newsnight had Venezuelan opposition MP lined up to entirely blame socialist Gov for inflation crisis but Caracas earthquake intervened.
Academic who filled in explained tragedy could've been avoided if not for US sanctions.
Sometimes God writes the best scripts.

The irony behind the unscheduled guest swap wasn't lost on those weary of the mainstream media, with one commenting that “sometimes God writes the best scripts.”

Others meanwhile, relished in how quickly the BBC rushed Wilpert off once the interview didn’t go their way.

Kevin Ryan
Replying to @MaxAlbedo @CairnsAlistair
I love when an interview isn't going the way BBC intended is ended so abruptly by interviewer they must practice it.

No kidding! 30 seconds! Do you think it possible that BBC is Deep State? Or do they just have no interest in the truth?

Graeme #WeAreCorbyn #JC9
Replying to @MaxAlbedo
I thought this guy was too balanced for Newsnight!

Replying to @MaxAlbedo
I knew it! God is a leftie.

That's funny, but, alas, I think, untrue. God is neither left nor right but a 'Truthie'.

Janet T Beckett #JC9
Replying to @MaxAlbedo
HAha , was that why, I caught a bit of it, thought there was a fault with the #Newsnight dog whistle, he gave a good analysis of a complex situation imo.

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