"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Questionable Science in Global Warming Theory - Doesn't Support Carbon Tax

To be right up front - none of this means there is no global warming. There is global warming but it doesn't deserve the hysteria that it is getting; there's another agenda at work here. And the science behind global warming is certainly questionable. For instance, most global warming theorists will not release their computer prediction models so they can be tested by other scientists. Why? Is it because they know they won't stand up to scrutiny? Isn't that what science is all about?

FYI: Carbon isn't pollution
Graham Lane
Winnipeg SUN Opinion Columnists

Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna poses for a photo in her office on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday Nov. 7, 2017.Sean Kilpatrick / Canadian Press

With these facts, it should be impossible to claim, as McKenna does, that human production of CO2 is tipping our climate towards disaster.

Federal Climate Change minister Catherine McKenna, a lawyer, repeatedly uses the term “fighting carbon pollution” to rationalize the Trudeau Government’s obsession with taxing energy consumption.

Tragically, her policy pronouncements reveal enormous ignorance of basic science and economics. Their policy (carbon taxes) will deliberately raise energy costs in a vast often-cold country competing with an burgeoning American economy where its political leadership is going the opposite way — pushing “energy dominance” policies that maximize oil, coal and natural gas production.

No surprise, cheaper American energy policies are creating jobs, manufacturing investment, and raising living standards. McKenna’s energy policies will do the opposite for the Canadian economy, as Ontario and other provinces that have implemented the green agenda know. It will enrich her government and fill the pockets of subsidy-seeking groups and corporate cronies who benefit from damaging Canada’s conventional energy sector.

It's almost impossible to find information on the disaster that Ontario Liberal's Green Energy Act is - locking payments for solar energy contributions to the power grid in for many years at prices far above market value, has made a few people in Ontario very rich, and a whole lot of people poorer. Meanwhile, Ontario hydro rates have more than doubled in the past 10 years, and for some, have more than quadrupled. Canada is far from ready to go completely green and the cost of even attempting to do so prematurely will fall on those least capable of paying.

A few facts underscore the false basis for the carbon tax scam starting with the misnomer: “Carbon pollution.” While carbon is a solid, they mean Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a gas. The word “carbon” is used because most people connect it to soot, as it becomes an Orwellian-named new revenue tool — the carbon tax.

According to Dr. Tim Ball, a retired University of Winnipeg climatologist, CO2 is not a pollutant but a harmless natural trace gas vital to plant existence.

Anthropogenic CO2 accounts for 3-4% of all CO2 generated

Plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen; without photosynthesis both plants and animals die. CO2 is a trace gas, representing but a fraction of the atmosphere. Ball notes that present CO2 levels are 400 parts per million, just 0.04% of the atmosphere (equivalent of 40 pennies in a jar of 100,000). Most CO2, 99% (actually, more like 96 or 97%) of it, comes from natural sources — animal respiration, soil decomposition, volcanoes, ocean evaporation. Man-made sources are minuscule — equivalent of 1.2 of the 40 pennies in a jar of 100,000 pennies.

Canada accounts for just 2% of all anthropogenic CO2.

Current global levels = 400 ppm. Average = 1200 ppm.

Higher CO2 levels pose no direct hazard to human health. CO2 in submarines can reach levels well above 10,000 ppm without harming the crew. The average atmospheric level for the last 270 million years is, at 1200 ppm, interestingly, the optimum level for plant growth.

High CO2 does not correlate with high temperatures

Professor Ball observes correlation with temperature is equally dispelled in the geologic record. What is known as the Ordovician Ice Age, 495 million years ago, had CO2 levels of 4500 ppm. Ball observes that Antarctic ice core data shows temperature increases long before CO2 increases, not as assumed in the human-caused warming theories used in climate models.

Professor Murry Salby has shown that temperature increases follow CO2 increases, historically by about 800 years.

With these facts, it should be impossible to claim, as McKenna does, that human production of CO2 is tipping our climate towards disaster. 

Paris Accord to reduce temp by 1/2 of 1/10th of 1 degree C. by 2100 - at extraordinary cost

Bjorn Lomborg, a statistics professor and author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist,” estimates that implementing the Paris Climate Agreement by 2030 would reduce temperatures only 0.048°C by 2100. Politicians use the false CO2 story because it enables massive new taxation and further government control under the guise of saving the planet.

Finally, Professor Ball confirms that this dishonest story misuses computer models, claiming human carbon dioxide will cause a global climate crisis, that have been consistently wrong.

The carbon tax party is gearing up, politicians selecting and using false facts, and it is about to rip the political landscape, in Ontario and Manitoba.

And, indeed, it did in Ontario last week as the provincial Liberal Party was reduced from a majority government to short of party status in the Ontario legislature, and a Conservative government was elected.

Nevertheless, the staggering costs of the Liberal Cap n Trade policy, the Green Energy Act and the privatization of Ontario Hydro will cost Ontarians an extraordinary amount of money for the next few decades. Then, just when you need it, Justin Trudeau adds Canada's Carbon Tax to the list of green-related expenses that will ensure many difficult years for the Canadian economy.

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