"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Media is the Message > How the NYTimes and WaPo Twist the News to Aid Palestinian Propaganda


How the New York Times and Washington Post Covered

the Latest Palestinian Car-Ramming

FEB 16, 2023 10:00 AM 
Jihad Watch

In Ramot, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israeli parents with children were standing at a bus stop on February 10, waiting to go home for the Shabbat meal. A Palestinian driver, having swerved his car across two lanes on the highway, slammed into them, killing a six-year-old boy and a 20-year-old Yeshiva student, and leaving five others seriously wounded. One of the wounded was eight years old, the older brother of the six-year-old boy; he died the next day. Their father is in critical condition, and has not yet been told about his boys.

Both The New York Times and The Washington Post covered the story in predictable but deplorable fashion, omitting important facts and contexts, twisting meanings, and attempting to create sympathy not for the victims of murder, but for the murderer himself. More on their journalistic travesties can be found here: 

“New York Times & Washington Post Obscure Reality

in Reports on Jerusalem Car-Ramming Attack,” 

by Chaim Lax, Algemeiner, 
February 13, 2023:

On Friday, February 10, just before the start of the Jewish sabbath, a Palestinian terrorist from eastern Jerusalem drove his car into a crowd of Israelis waiting at a bus stop near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot.

In the aftermath of the attack, Yaakov Yisrael Paley (6-years-old) was declared dead at the scene, while Alter Shlomo Lederman (a 20-year-old newlywed) died from his wounds after being rushed to a nearby hospital.

Paley’s 8-year-old brother, Asher Menachem, passed away the next day from his injuries.

This car-ramming is the latest attack in an upsurge in Palestinian violence and terrorism….

Ramot is a Jewish neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem that falls within the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality.

Issawiya is an Arab neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem that falls within the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality….

Both The New York Times and The Washington Post, however, referred to Ramot as a “settlement,” while describing Issawiya, where the terrorist was from, as an Arab or Palestinian “neighborhood.” So many people have been brainwashed by Palestinian propaganda into reacting negatively to any mention of Israeli “settlements,” quite unjustifiably (but to explain why Israel is entitled to build villages and cities throughout the West Bank would require a separate essay), and both the Times and the Post report, incorrectly, that Ramot is a “settlement.” It isn’t. It’s a neighborhood in northeast Jerusalem; all of Jerusalem has been part of Israel since 1980. There are no “settlements” in Jerusalem.

There is much more to this disturbing story. Please go to Jihad Watch, or, Algemeiner for the rest.

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