"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, April 3, 2020

Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order, for Good

I'm not familiar with this website, but the few posts I have read seem to align with what I have come to believe and to write about in the past several years. Some of it is well documented. I would love to hear your input as to the validity of 50 State Report.

50 State Report

Clueless as to why President Trump was elected into office, the Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that President Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order, for good. Globalism propaganda tool and Rothschild family-owned publication, The Economist has branded the US President a “present danger” to the “New World Order,” and stated that the “internationalists” that formed it are “spinning in their graves.

“The Economist names Trump is the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order above other legitimate threats such as jihadism and terrorism, Communist Chinese expansion, and North Korean hostility.”
Perhaps the greatest danger at present is the incumbency of an American president who despises international norms, who disparages free trade and who continually flirts with abandoning America’s essential role in maintaining the global legal order,” writes The Economist.

“The rules-based international order that emerged from the wreckage of the second world war was a huge improvement on any preceding era,” states the article. “Yet liberal internationalism is now under attack from many sides. Donald Trump’s America First doctrine explicitly repudiates it.”The Economist describes how the Trump administration views the world stage, citing a piece written by two of Trump’s advisors in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
“The world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations, non-governmental actors, and businesses engage and compete for advantage,”
H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn wrote. “We bring to this forum unmatched military, political, economic, cultural and moral strength. Rather than deny this elemental nature of international affairs, we embrace it.”

The Economist then makes the strange assertion that, despite being directly responsible for numerous wars and destabilizing coup attempts around the world, the New World Order is “better than any of the alternatives.”
“Of course, there are still plenty of wars,” it states. “In some ways, the New World Order, which has helped make international wars so much less imaginable, has inadvertently made possible more ‘intranational’ wars.”
“Fragile and fractious countries that would previously have feared being conquered by more powerful neighbors can now fall prey to civil wars or brutal insurgencies without bad actors fearing loss of the national territory they seek to control.”Non-state groups, such as Islamic State (a misnomer), can take and hold, at least for a while, territory from dysfunctional governments.”Well-meaning but ill-conceived wars to change odious regimes have sometimes gone badly wrong.”The magazine concludes by saying that the NWO architects of the past “must be spinning in their graves” considering how far Trump has already come and that he must be removed from office to preserve the New World Order.

So, I have been asking myself a question for about a year now: It was God Who separated people into language groups at the Tower of Babel, so they would not be able to work together. 'Now nothing they propose to do will be withheld from them'. Gen 11:6

The question is, is it God's will to have the whole world work together as one, when it was He who separated us into language groups in the first place so we couldn't work as one? Is it possible that a one-world government will be a trigger for the Great Tribulation?

I would love to hear your opinions.

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