"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Focus on Coronavirus Shows Need for Climate Law, says EU Official

It was just a matter of time before climate agreements became law. This is a major step in the process to form one-world government. Climate seems like an innocuous way to begin, but once the precedent is set, look out; national authority will be surrendered to the central government

Frans Timmermans calls for bloc to legislate climate
so it does not lose track of net zero target
Jennifer Rankin in Brussels
The Guardian

Frans Timmermans and Ursula von der Leyen meet Greta Thunberg in Brussels on Wednesday.
Photograph: Isopix/Rex/Shutterstock

Tensions at the Greek-Turkish border and the coronavirus show why the European Union needs a climate law that binds member states to net zero emissions by 2050, the EU’s top official on climate action has said.

Frans Timmermans, a European commission vice-president who leads on the climate emergency, said the different crises facing Europe underscored the need for a climate law in order not to lose track of reducing emissions.

That's just whacky! One has nothing to do with the other, but Timmermans knows that in a crisis people will agree to almost anything, and so this is a great opportunity to further the One World Government - 1WG, movement, starting in the EU.

The long-awaited climate law unveiled on Wednesday is the centrepiece of the European Green Deal, a plan to transform Europe’s economy, promised by the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, within her first 100 days.

“It will be our compass for the next 30 years and it will guide us every step as we build a sustainable new growth model,” Von der Leyen said announcing the law.

Some political leaders have argued that the commission needs to focus on the protection of the EU’s external border, rather than the climate crisis – arguments that Timmermans rejected. “The focus this week should be completely on the happening in Syria, in Turkey and what is happening in Greece, should be on containing the coronavirus and solving it. That’s absolutely a priority,” he said. The climate law was “so important”, because “it allows you to focus on other things without losing track of what you need to do to reach climate neutrality”.

“Even if the Eye of Sauron is on something else for a bit, the trajectory to 2050 will be clear,” he said, in a reference to the dark forces in the Lord of the Rings. “Because we discipline ourselves with the climate law.”

Speaking to the Guardian and six other European newspapers shortly before the law was published, Timmermans said the proposal was revolutionary because all EU legislation would have to be in line with net zero emissions by the mid-century.

Even before the text was officially released, the climate activist Greta Thunberg and teenage school strike leaders across Europe gave a blistering verdict, accusing the commission of ignoring climate science.

Thunberg, who is meeting Von der Leyen, Timmermans and the rest of the commission’s top team, described the law as “surrender”. In an open letter, she said it failed to respect the goal of capping global heating at 1.5C above pre-industrial levels – an aspiration the EU signed up to in the 2015 Paris agreement.

She repeated that message at a meeting with MEPs on the European parliament’s environment committee on Wednesday. “In November 2019 the European parliament declared a climate and environment emergency,” she said. “You stated that yes, the house is actually burning, this was no false alarm, but then you went back inside, finished your dinner and watched your movie and went to bed without even calling the fire department.

“When your house is on fire you don’t wait a few more years to start putting it out, and yet this is what the commission are proposing today.”

Earlier at a private meeting with EU commissioners the teenage activist was told by Timmermans that the movement she started was the reason the European Green Deal and climate law exists.

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