"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Political Correctness and Islam Clash at UK School Over Teaching LGBTQ to 4 y/os

This should be a Christian fight to keep sex education appropriate to age levels, but either Christians are nowhere to be found, or they are being completely ignored. Muslims, obviously, have more influence on school boards, perhaps because they are willing to withdraw their children. It's a shame Christians aren't front and centre, or at least significantly involved in this issue.

Birmingham school to indefinitely suspend LGBT lessons
for kids after parents’ anger

Theresa May visits a primary school in Birmingham. © Reuters / Dan Kitwood / Pool

Following a massive outcry by parents, Parkfield Community School has announced it will be indefinitely suspending its LGBT rights curriculum until an agreement is reached with protesting families.

Under the schools ‘No Outsider’ program, students as young as four were being taught about same sex marriage and transgender lifestyle in an effort to fight discrimination at an early age. In spite of its name, the program alienated and incensed a large number of parents in the predominantly Muslim area who opposed it both on religious grounds, and due to the young age of the students involved.

While the school initially said the lessons would go on as planned after scheduled talks in Easter, weekly protests by the parents, including some 600 pupils being pulled from classes earlier in the month, seem to have changed the administration’s mind. Many parents also signed a petition opposing the program.

Parents, educators and the Excelsior Multi Academy Trust (the group that runs Parkfield) sat down for talks over the issue Wednesday ahead of schedule. The same day, the school administration announced the lessons would be suspended “until a resolution has been reached.”

“Nothing is more important than ensuring our children’s education continues uninterrupted,” the school said in a statement, adding that they hope the decision prevents parents from keeping their kids out of school. The board plans to continue discussions in the coming weeks in order to look for a compromise.

The lessons were heavily promoted by assistant head teacher Andrew Moffat, who is himself a gay man. The city council seemed to tacitly agree with his outlook, even warning the parents, mostly Muslim, that their protests were inciting “division and hate,” while Moffat claimed that he had received personal threats online.

The Guardian - Andrew Moffat, who was awarded an MBE for his work in equality education, said he was threatened and targeted via a leaflet campaign after the school piloted the No Outsiders programme. Its ethos is to promote LGBT equality and challenge homophobia in primary schools.

Moffat, the author of Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools who is currently shortlisted for a world’s best teacher award, resigned from another primary school – Chilwell Croft academy, also in Birmingham – after a similar dispute with Muslim and Christian parents.

The conflict over the school’s curriculum highlights a broader problem regarding cultural differences between England’s Muslim population and state regulations. Last month, Ofsted (the same regulatory body which cleared Parkfield of any wrongdoing Tuesday) accused an Islamic school in Birmingham of discriminating against girls by ordering them not to eat their lunches until boys finish theirs.

The absurdity of teaching 4 or 5 year olds anything about sex is intolerable. Or, for that matter, teaching anyone under 10 or 11 years old about sexual preferences is just wrong and, in my humble opinion, is child abuse. And yet, Moffat is being promoted for world's best teacher? How utterly insane!

How is teaching little children about sexual preferences child abuse? Pre-pubescent children have, or should have, very little to do with sexuality. Introducing sexuality to a small child is a sure way of destroying their innocence. This phrase - destruction of innocence - perfectly describes what a paedophile does to their victim. 

It just makes me sick how the LGBTQ have taken over the teaching of our children and we have let them do it. They are teaching things that little children should never have to deal with before puberty, and they are distracting from the far, far greater problem of child sex abuse which does require teaching at an early age. 

Little children need to be taught about safe/unsafe touch, who to tell/how to tell, and later, about the threats of online/phone predators. Little children are in far more danger of being abused by a sex predator than of being bullied for, or of bullying LGBTQs.

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