"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, November 23, 2018

Pakistani PM Claims Jesus ‘Had No Mention in History’

Just when I was starting to think Imran Khan 
might be a big improvement over his predecessors, 
he comes out with something like this.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan decided to share an unexpected historical insight: Jesus Christ apparently never existed. Predictably, this landed him in hot water.

To make matters worse, Khan made the remarks at a conference celebrating the birthday of none other than the Prophet Mohammed. Praising the greatness of the Muslim prophet, the politician suddenly delved deeper into religious history than anyone was expecting.

“Moses does find some mention but we don’t find mention of Hasrat Isa [Jesus Christ] in human history,” Khan said.

The video of the speech went viral, with many observers left baffled by Khan’s sudden authority on Bible matters. Some mocked him, accusing him of ignorance.

Commenters rushed to remind the PM that Jesus is even mentioned multiple times in the Quran.

Shama Junejo✔

 On #EidMiladUnNabi, on  International SeeratulNabi conference, 
Imran Khan, Prime Minster of 🇵🇰 says that there is no mention of Jesus Christ(Hadrat Eesa)in any books of history
Was he high again or an ignorant fool? 
I mean does he knows how much he has hurt Christian community?

Afzal Muhammad
Jesus mentioned numerous times in Quran, at least 34 times if I’m not wrong ,,,Sura Maryam at his mother 51 

There is a whole chapter on Mary, Jesus' mother. No other woman in the Quran has a chapter devoted to her, and Mohammad's mother is not even mentioned.

“Jesus Christ is by far the most mentioned both verbally & written individual in history,” Senator Tahir Hussain Mashhadi wrote.

Senator T Mashhadi
There has to be some limit to ignorance.Jesus Christ is by far the most mentioned both verbally & written individual in history. His life & teachings have been taught, researched,discussed, studied,learnt,revered & he is most worshipped & influential than any personage in history

Other said that attacking Jesus is not something a leader of a Muslim-majority country should do, and noted that these types of statements offend Pakistan’s Christian community.

fauzia yazdani
I can’t believe it.Forget abt human history he hasn’t even read quran as prophet Essa Jesus elah-e-salam is most talked abt after prophet Muhammad PBUH. Our religion does not allow us to talk about any prophet like this. The reverence & stature of hazmat Jesus/Essa doesn’t allow

Suleman Khairullah
 (4): If you Mr. @ImranKhanPTI are not aware of history then kindly stop issuing such silly statements. And yes you should apologize to the entire Christian community for making these mindless remarks.https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/imran-khan-drops-this-pearl-of-wisdom-on-jesus-christ-twitter-educates-him-1393216-2018-11-21 …

Pakistani Muslims are already hostile to Christians; the last thing they need is encouragement. The last thing Pakistan needs is to become more Muslim.

Some commenters, however, came to Khan’s defense, saying his words were taken out of context and what he meant is that there’s no mention of Jesus in the historical records.

This is not the complete speech. This clip is just circulated on social media out of the context ...

Replying to @usmanzubair and 2 others
He is clearly saying "HUMAN HISTORY" 
Gather some knowledge & then critique lol

I understand Khan was referring to 'human history'. Although it's odd that he doesn't consider either the Bible or the Quran as human history. The Bible is amazingly full of human history. 

But even if you discard the Bible and the Quran, there is still a great deal of history about Jesus Christ. It comes from Josephus and other historians, and it comes from an abundance of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th century letters from across the Middle East, Southern Europe and Northern Africa. 

Just as an example:

Here is a painting recently (2017) uncovered in a Roman catacomb:

An ancient painting of Jesus was uncovered in the Roman Catacombs, and scientists found the dramatic picture — depicting Jesus welcoming the dead — is at least 1,600 years old. 

The painting was found among other elaborate frescoes uncovered in the catacombs of St. Domitila, a set of labyrinthine tunnels that wend their way under modern-day Rome. The frescoes were found after a laser cleaning, in a burial chamber of a wealthy grain merchant. The chamber itself was known for 400 years, but the paintings were hidden beneath years of dirt and grime.

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