"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Are Romanian police antisemitic? Low-life assaults Danish PM in Copenhagen; Austrian teacher refuses to insult Mohammed by reading Bible; 4 teen Jihadists Jailed in Austria


European governments, police, justice systems, and media seem determined to help Islam colonize Europe. They know the vast majority of terrorists are mentally ill, but they are not bright enough to connect the dots - all radicalized Muslims are mentally ill and must be segregated from European society.

Romania: Muslim migrant throws Molotov cocktail outside Israeli embassy, cops say it had nothing to do with Gaza war

Police spokesman Georgian Dragan stated “that the suspect’s motives were personal and not motivated by Israel‘s war against the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.” Given the circumstances, one wonders how the police came so quickly to this conclusion.

Whatever his motive was, Israeli Ambassador to Romania Reuven Azar tweeted:

Suspect detained in Romania after throwing petrol bomb

outside Israeli embassy

Reuters, June 3, 2024:

JERUSALEM/BUCHAREST, June 3 (Reuters) A foreign citizen was detained in Romania’s capital Bucharest on Monday after throwing a Molotov cocktail outside the Israeli embassy, causing no damage or casualties, police said….

Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed the arrest of the suspect “apparently of Syrian origin”. He had pulled out, lit and thrown the petrol bomb while undergoing a security inspection, it said.

Police spokesman Georgian Dragan told local television station Digi24 that the suspect’s motives were personal and not motivated by Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip.

Molotov cocktails are not 'personal' weapons. But Romanian police don't seem to know that. Or, perhaps Romanian police are more antisemitic than Islamophobic?



It's likely that the low-life who assaulted Denmark's PM yesterday was a far-right activist considering he had blonde hair, and considering there have been a number of far-right attacks on European politicians lately. However, I include it under the label "Islamization of Europe" because I believe that the dramatic increase in far-right violence is a direct response to the failure of left-wing governments to deal realistically with the problem of Islamization. And, also the complete failure of mainstream media to hold them to task.


PM Mette Frederiksen attacked on Copenhagen street

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is “shocked” after being struck by a man on Kultorvet in Copenhagen on Friday evening. A 39-year-old man was apprehended at the scene and will appear in a constitutional hearing on Saturday at 13:00.

PM Mette Frederiksen Photo: News Øresund – Johan Wessman, Creative Commons

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is “shocked” after being struck by a man on Kultorvet in Copenhagen on Friday evening, the Prime Minister’s Office told news agency Ritzau.

A 39-year-old man was apprehended at the scene and will appear in a constitutional hearing on Saturday at 13:00, Copenhagen Police states on X

Two eyewitnesses told BT that they saw a man give Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen a strong push on Friday evening, as she walked from Nørreport towards Strøget.

No words were exchanged between the Prime Minister and the assailant, they add.

“A man came by in the opposite direction, and he gave her a hard push on the shoulder, so that she fell to the side,” said 18-year-old Marie Adrian and 17-year-old Anna Ravn.

The Prime Minister subsequently sat down at a table in a cafe nearby, they tell BT.

The two eyewitnesses describe the assailant as tall, very slim and with relatively long and medium blond hair.

The information has not been confirmed by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Neither the Prime Minister’s Office, nor Copenhagen Police have offered any comments on the 

case, and declined to answer questions on Saturday morning.

Mette Frederiksen had been campaigning with the Social Democrats’ EU lead candidate, Christel Schaldemose, ahead of the EU parliamentary elections on Sunday, earlier that evening.

Schaldemose told Ritzau that they had parted ways at 1730, and that Frederiksen had not been at Kultorvet in connection with the campaigning when she was hit.

Many questions remain unanswered about the attack, including where on her body Frederiksen was hit, the circumstances, the motive of the attack, and where her security was.

Media the world over have reported the assault, including BBC, Le Monde, Al Jazeera and The New York Times.

The Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo responded on X that he is “deeply shocked” by the attack on his “colleague and friend”.

“I strongly condemn any form of violence against democratically elected leaders in our free society. My thoughts are with you and I wish you strength in this difficult time,” he wrote.

Sweden’s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, and The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola also offered thoughts to Frederiksen on X.

“An attack on a democratically elected leader is also an attack on our democracy. Tonight, my thoughts and those of the family are with her,” wrote Kritersson.

Metsola posted: “Shocking attack on the Danish Prime Minister. Violence has no place in politics. My full support for you, Mette!”

Austria: Teacher refuses to read from Bible

because it was ‘not fair to Muhammad’

This teacher knows who is in the driver’s seat in Austria today.

Teacher refuses to read the Bible

translated from “Lehrerin lehnt Bibellesen ab" Unser Tirol, June 4, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Islam is playing an increasingly important role in schools. A recent case at a high school in Döbling shows how far consideration for Muslim students can go: A teacher refused to read from the Bible because it was “not fair to Mohammed.”

The stupidity and madness of this story is stunning. Mohammed is dead! Why should we be worried about someone who has been dead for 1400 years, and was a murderer and child rapist when he was alive? Aisha was 9 years old when he took her to bed.

Furthermore, if reading the Bible is offensive to Mohammed and his followers, that tells you more about Mohammed than about the Bible. It suggests the Bible should be read all the more, not less.

As the Krone reports, the Ministry of Education referred this case to the responsibility of the Education Directorate, which in turn stated that there were “no recommendations on how to deal with religious texts in German lessons.” This incident shows that teachers are often left alone when it comes to dealing with religious topics in everyday school life. It seems as if it is increasingly about avoiding conflicts with students or parents.

Teachers’ union member Thomas Krebs is now calling for harsh punishments for radical students and their parents. He stresses that no improvement is possible without the support of parents. Krebs suggests that violent and radicalized students should be required to attend police meetings with their parents. If this obligation is not met, he demands fines of up to 5,000 euros.

Austria: Muslims shared execution videos,

set up their own mosque with ISIS flag,

called for killing of non-Muslims

Where did they get the idea that their commitment to Islam called for all this? Authorities don’t seem interested in that, which only ensures that this sort of thing will happen again.

Execution video shared: Four suspected IS sympathizers in court

translated from “Hinrichtungsvideo geteilt: Vier mutmaßliche IS-Sympathisanten vor Gericht,” Exxpress, June 6, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

In the fall of 2023, a ten-person radical Islamist group was broken up in the Linz-Land district, which is said to have included nine men and one woman aged 15 to 23. As the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence (DSN) reported at the time, they are said to have been involved with the terrorist organizations “Islamic State” (IS) and “Emirate of the Caucasus.” One member has already been sentenced to two years partially suspended in St. Pölten, another last week in Linz to 18 months partially suspended (final), both for terrorist organization, among other things. The teenagers now accused must also answer for the crimes of the terrorist organization and the criminal organization.

Execution video shared on social media
According to the prosecution, relevant content and IS propaganda videos were shared on social media, including an execution video and veneration for the radical Islamist hate preacher Mirsad O. alias Ebu Tejma, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison. During the investigation, it emerged that a mosque had been set up in the apartment of the two 19-year-olds, decorated with an IS flag and equipped with a large number of books with radical Islamic ideas, according to the public prosecutor. They also met with other IS supporters there, including those who have already been convicted. The public prosecutor’s office is certain: “This apartment was supposed to be a special mosque for IS supporters.”

Defendants pleaded guilty in part
All defendants pleaded guilty in part. The 16-year-old Iraqi admitted to having produced a video in which an execution was reenacted and addressed as a warning to apostates. “We didn’t think anything of it,” he said, it was meant to be “funny.” Today he realizes that it was not harmless. The 17-year-old, who was born in Austria and is a citizen of the Russian Federation, cannot explain why he sent texts calling for the killing of non-believers, for example. “I wouldn’t do that anymore today,” he said. He claims not to have been involved in setting up the mosque, he only helped the couple pack their furniture. Both agreed to a deradicalization program, even if they no longer classify themselves as radical.

It's clear by their brief sentences that the judge(s) believe they are earnestly trying to be good Austrian citizens and have learned the evil and madness of radical Islam. It would be nice if we can check up on these kids in a couple of years.


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