"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Islamization in Europe > Why is France so afraid to face reality? Germany's schools the vanguard of Islamic social destruction


France ‘so afraid of being accused of Islamophobia,

it refuses to name the ideology that motivates these attacks’

Islamism Killed My Partner. Why Won’t the West Fight It?

by Carine Azzopardi, The Free Press, June 18, 2024:

On the evening of November 13, 2015, I recorded a video of my partner, Guillaume, laughing and dancing round the living room with our two daughters, aged four and seven. Just a few minutes later, he left our apartment in eastern Paris to go to the Bataclan concert hall.

A rock critic who wrote under the name Guillaume B. Decherf, he loved nothing more than good music, and was excited about seeing Eagles of Death Metal that night. In his review for Les Inrockuptibles, he had praised the band’s latest album. Its “sole aim,” he wrote, was “to give pleasure,” before signing off with a flourish: “Plaisir partagé!” A pleasure shared….

Shortly before noon the next day, a journalist friend of mine called from the morgue, with the terrible news I’d been waiting for: Guillaume, 43, was one of the 130 people murdered by Islamists in a series of coordinated attacks that day.

After Guillaume’s death, I needed to know exactly why he was taken from us. So I dedicated my journalism career to trying to understand the ideology of the people who killed him. Between 2015 and 2017, I covered attack after attack: a Catholic church in Normandy, a supermarket in Trèbesa Bastille Day celebration in Nice. I was still grieving when, in September 2021, I started reporting on the trial of the twenty men accused of orchestrating the Bataclan attacks. The biggest trial in French history, it lasted ten months and heard from over 2,500 plaintiffs. For some reason, I assumed the court would examine how the ideology of Islamism had contributed to the deaths of so many innocent people. But day after day, as expert after expert took the stand, this important factor almost never came up.

I couldn’t stay silent. A couple of months into the trial, I wrote a column. “Ideology has an essential place in a terrorist trial,” I argued, “because terrorism is the choice to use violence in pursuit of a political cause, in this case Islamism.” I explained that the terrorists believed Islamic law should govern all public life, including in France. I said they directly opposed our country’s constitutional secularism, its laïcité.

The column resulted in an invitation to testify at France’s parliament. In a room full of experts, I gave the facts: over the last 40 years Islamist terrorism has caused the deaths of over 210,000 people, and France is the European country most often targeted: we have experienced 82 attacks since 1979. And yet, I said, “our country is so afraid of being accused of xenophobia or Islamophobia, it refuses to accurately name the insidious ideology that motivates these attacks.” The following year, nineteen of the 20 men were found guilty of involvement in the Bataclan massacre, which was named for what it was: a terrorist enterprise.

What I said in the French parliament shouldn’t be controversial. But it was only in private that people dared thank me. Shortly after the trial, I was contacted by a man who taught at a school in a Paris suburb, whose colleague had been beheaded in October 2020 on his way home from work. The murder of Samuel Paty made headlines around the world and should have been a cautionary tale—but since then, French public schools have continued to incubate Islamist ideology. So many of Samuel’s students were vulnerable to indoctrination, growing up in communities of poor Muslim immigrants where Islamist views had gained a foothold. A parent had once told him: “The laws of my religion supersede those of your Republic.”…


Schools in Europe are the vanguard of societies issues with Islam. The problems encountered there will be experienced throughout society within a generation. This is so obvious, and yet, so many godless Europeans still think it is a good idea to import millions of violent people who are hostile to European society. Go figure!

Immigrants, Mainly Muslim, Overwhelm

German Schools

The enormous number of migrants who have entered Germany since 2015, when former Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted more than a million Muslim immigrants while proclaiming “Wir schaffen das!” — “We can do this!” — has had catastrophic effects on many aspects of German life. It has led to a steep rise in crime, as well as an increase in government expenditures to pay for all the benefits these economic migrants have laid claim to, including free or highly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances, unemployment benefits, and more. And those Muslim migrants have had a damaging effect on public education, where teachers are unable cope with a large influx of students who cannot speak or write German and what’s more, are hostile to German —Infidel —figures of authority, including teachers.. More on the effect of immigrants on the German school system can be found here: 

German school system overwhelmed by migrants,

warns president of German Teachers’ Association

by John Cody, Remix News, June 19, 2024:

The German education system is facing a serious crisis as increasingly more and more students are speaking little or no German at all, warns Stefan Düll, the president of the German Teachers’ Association.

“Due to immigration in 2015, the war in Ukraine and other immigration, new people are constantly coming into the system, but the system is slow to keep up because it is moving too fast,” said Dülli, who told new agency DTS that the school system was overloaded due to excessive immigration.

The Ukrainian refugee children, unlike the Muslim children, are quite eager to learn German and to integrate in the larger society. Unlike the Muslims, who are economic migrants looking for ways to batten on benefits from the German government, the Ukrainians are genuine refugees, fleeing war. They are not taught, as Muslim children are from their holy book, the Qur’an, to despise the Germans (“infidels”) they now live among as “the most vile of created beings.” They do not present the same disciplinary problems that Muslim children do, given that the latter are unwilling to submit to the authority of Infidel teachers in the classroom.

The president says that a high proportion of these children speak little or no German, which is putting an enormous burden on teachers.

“After all, they don’t speak Farsi or Ukrainian. How are they supposed to teach them?” he asked.

He said that students are also less motivated. “The higher the percentage of immigrants, the more difficult it is to motivate the class,” stated Düll. In his opinion, the high number of immigrants could also lead to “the group of illiterates becoming larger.” As Remix News reported last year, 25 percent of 4th graders cannot read in Germany (German?).

“In the end, the lack of reading skills not only endangers the social participation of many people but also Germany as a whole as a business location,” said Susanne Lin-Klitzing, who serves as the chairwoman of the German Association of Philologists.

Remix News has reported on the crisis in German school systems before, along with other Western nations like France, due to mass immigration. Language is not the only issue, as multiculturalism has also led to conflicts in classrooms, social divisions, and even violence against teachers.

Language, or the multiplicity of languages in the classroom, is one problem in the schools. Another is the unusual violence displayed by Muslim schoolchildren, who defy their teachers, fight with non-Muslim classmates, and even with other Muslim children of rival sects — such as Sunnis fighting Shia – or ethnicities, such as Arabs fighting Kurds. And teachers themselves have been attacked by Muslim students. The schoolteachers are unable to cope with this unwonted level of violence. The more attention that needs to be paid to keeping the peace among pupils in the classroom, the less attention can be given to teaching.

This will undoubtably result in a reduction of the quality of teachers and the increase of Muslim teachers in German schools. If it's possible, antisemitism will increase and Sharia will grow in popularity. This, again, is the vanguard of Islam in German society.

“Twenty-three different nations meet in the schoolyard, some of whom cannot understand each other at all and who sometimes come from hostile regions, such as Russia and Ukraine. We need a lot of parent-teacher talks, which mostly take place with interpreters. And that brings us to one of the reasons why the teaching profession has become less and less attractive: The psychological stress is enormous and it has increased significantly,” said principal Norma Grube during an interview with Welt last year….

When teachers want to discuss with immigrant parents their children’s problems and progress, they find it necessary to employ interpreters, which is another enormous expense for the school system. Or more often, there is no interpreter available, which puts an enormous mental strain on the teachers striving to explain to parents their own responsibilities to keep their children in school, to make sure they do their homework, and to encourage an attitude of respect toward their teachers.

The immigrant parents are not pushing their children to learn German. The students themselves are unmotivated because, like their parents, they do not feel keenly the need to integrate into a society run by despised Infidels, as long as the government benefits keep coming.

German schools are being swamped by immigrant children, overwhelmingly Muslim, who present special problems — low rates of literacy in German, religiously-sanctioned contempt for all Infidels, including both their teachers and their classmates, a readiness to engage in violence —all of which disrupt the smooth functioning of schools across the land.

For these young Germans who have had to attempt to learn and study alongside hostile young Muslims disrupting the classrooms, the malign impact of Muslim immigration on German society is clear. They know that, despite Angela Merkel’s assurance in 2015, in point of fact, “we can’t do it.” That is, we Germans cannot successfully integrate large numbers of Muslims into our society, not for want of trying, but because Muslims themselves resist such a result. And that is why, as soon as they are able to vote, increasing number of young Germans are embracing the anti-immigrant Alternative für Deutschland, which is now the second-largest party in Germany.

The Alternative für Deutschland is seen by its increasing number of supporters as the only hope to avoid, in Germany, the demographic jihad that is taking place both as a result of both the large numbers of Muslims who have so foolishly been admitted to the country, and as a result of the much higher fertility rates of the Muslim women in the country, as compared to the below-replacement rates of indigenous Germans. The Alternative für Deutschland wants to call a halt to Muslim migration, and to attempt to encourage Muslims already in the country to return to their countries of origin. Some have suggested the carrot of a one-time payment to those Muslims willing to leave; others suggest the stick of denying welfare benefits to Muslim economic immigrants during the first five years of their residence in Germany. But whether any of this can be achieved will depend on whether a sufficient number of Germans come to their senses and vote for the AfD. As one of the AfD leaders, Alice Weidel, has in effect said, in mocking echo of Merkel: “Wir schaffen das.” “We can do this.” That is, we in the AfD can undo the folly of Angela Merkel and save Germany from Islamization.

I fear it may already be too late! But they have to try or Germany, as we know it will cease to exist.


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