"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, June 28, 2024

Islamization of Germany > Syrian Migrant stabs three at Stuttgart football game; Gang of 10 migrants beat up two Germans just for fun


Bloodshed in the European Championship fan zone

in Stuttgart: Syrian stabs three fans!

translated from “Bluttat in der EM-Fanzone in Stuttgart: Syrer sticht drei Fans nieder!,” Exxpress, June 27, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

It is an event that people used to look forward to with great anticipation: cheering on their team along with other football fans on a fan mile. Now more and more people are afraid of it. Now the incident that so many fear has happened.

During public viewing in the fan zone in Stuttgart on Wednesday evening, a fight broke out that ended in a stabbing. It was around 10:45 p.m. when the man pulled out a knife and stabbed three people during the Czech Republic-Turkey match. All three were injured and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance.

A suspect was arrested that night. As the police announced to NIUS, the man is a Syrian national. The police cordoned off the Stuttgart Schlossplatz, and specialists from the criminal investigation department secured evidence.

On the X platform, the police announced on Thursday night: “The Schlossplatz is now largely empty and there is no current danger here.” A tip portal has been set up where witnesses can upload their pictures, videos and tips. The public viewing on the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart has space for up to 30,000 fans.

Muslim Gang Attack In Germany

In Germany, a gang of ten Muslim migrants attacked two German young men walking in a park late at night in the normally placid spa town of Bad Oeynhausen. No reason has been given for the attack; it was apparently enough that the attackers were Muslims, and their victims were Germans, that is Infidels, whom the Qur’an teaches Believers to regard as “the most vile of created beings.” So they deserved a thrashing, just for being Infidels or, as in this case, a beating nearly to death. More on this latest example of violent crime by Muslims in post-Merkel Germany can be found here: 

10 vs 2: German teens hospitalized by migrant gang, one in

‘acute danger of death'

by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, June 24, 2024:

Police in Germany have launched an appeal to locate a gang of around 10 migrant men suspected of hospitalizing two young victims in a brutal assault on Sunday night.

The incident occurred in the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Bad Oeynhausen at around 1:30 a.m. when a group of young migrants confronted two males aged 19 and 20 in the spa town’s park.

Following an altercation, the public prosecutor’s office explained how the suspects punched the victims to the floor before kicking them as they lay defenseless on the ground.

What fun to kick the helpless Infidels as they lay on the ground in fetal position, trying and failing to ward off those repeated blows, and then those kicks, kicks so hard that one of the boys is now “in acute danger of death.”

After witnesses called the police, the group casually walked from the crime scene toward the town center.

The gang members were not at all fazed by the presence of German witnesses to their attack. They were not even afraid of the arrival of the police; they “casually walked” away from the crime scene.

According to a press release by Bielefeld Police Headquarters, the migrant gang comprised around 10 people, all of whom were male and between 19 and 20 years old. They were described as “Southern,” a phrase often used in Germany to describe men of Maghreb or Arab origin. Some were dressed in Adidas designer tracksuits….

These ten attackers were Muslim Arabs, carefully described as “Southern” in the police press release, the code word used by many Germans to avoid being accused of Islamophobia. They did not take money from their victims. It was, instead, a display of their exuberant high spirits, the sheer fun of beating up helpless Infidels. Some were wearing “Adidas designer tracksuits.” These tracksuits can cost hundreds of dollars. Apparently these economic migrants, battening on every benefit the generous German state provides, including free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free housing, unemployment benefits (even without an employment record), free education, family allowances, and more, had enough left over to pay for those expensive tracksuits. And, I suspect, some of them also had designer sneakers. And iPhones. All paid for with money from German taxpayers.

Did all ten Muslim Arabs participate in kicking the 20-year-old Germany boy in the head? Or were some unable to take their turn because witnesses had called the police, and it was time to go?

These clockwork-orange moral monsters were asked to turn themselves in “voluntarily.” Have the police in Germany gone mad? There’s no chance of that. Apparently the keystone kop police force in Bielefeld has not a clue as to the identity of the perpetrators, other than that they were Muslim Arabs, most likely from the Maghreb.

This is just a snapshot — or more exactly, a mugshot — of crime in Germany today. This is what happens when Muslims, who now constitute 5% of the population. continue to stream into Germany, eager to take advantage of all the benefits the state foolishly provides them. The fertility rate of Muslim women in the country is 1.9, compared to 1.4 for German women. Thus the Muslim percentage of the population inexorably rises. Muslims who now make up 5% of the population in Germany constitute 25% of the prison population. So what will Germany be like for non-Muslims in ten years? In twenty?

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