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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Colonialism, Hypocrisy, Palestine > Biafra wants out of Nigeria again; Dutch defund some pro-Palestinian NGOs


After suffering 57 years of violent persecution of Christians, Biafra again declares independence from Nigeria

All nations with a Christian heritage and indeed, all free nations should be supporting Biafra and taking measures against the Nigerian government for its support of the jihad genocide of Christians in that country.

Biafra Declares Independence: A Renewed Quest for Freedom

by Michael Rubin, AEI, December 1, 2024:

On November 29, 2024, the United States of Biafra once again declared their independence from Nigeria. The move comes more than 57 years after the long persecuted and overwhelmingly Christian region first asserted their independence from Nigeria.  After that declaration, Nigeria reacted with seeking genocide against Igbo of Biafra, killing more than 100,000 outright and then starving two million more in a land and sea blockade. Muhammadu Buhari, one of its perpetrators, used his legacy in Biafra to propel himself twice into the presidency; both times, he unleashed Islamist militias into the region to slaughter Christians.

Biafra deserves independence. It was an ancient kingdom. Travelers and cartographers spoke of Biafra beginning in the 15th century through the 19th century, though the British creation of Nigeria in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries incorporated and forcibly subjugated the Igbo people into the new British colonial project. While Nigerian leaders often embrace the rhetoric of decolonization, they remain oblivious to the fact that many of Nigeria’s peoples—and especially the Igbo who seek Biafra’s restoration—see Nigeria as a colonial project.

Not surprisingly, Nigerian authorities reacted with fury to the reassertion of Biafra’s independence. Nigerian diplomats lobbied to compel Finland to arrest Simon Ekpa. Inside Nigeria, a country whose media freedom falls below Qatar, Serbia, or Haiti, journalists pillory Ekpa’s legitimacy and compel the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to denounce him while ignoring the IPOB’s demands for a UN-organized referendum for Biafran secession inside Nigeria.

The Nigerian government should not campaign, however. After all, on May 10, 2024, it voted at the United Nations to unilaterally recognize Palestine, a country that never existed and whose territory remains under dispute. The UN vote undermined diplomacy and the rule-of-law as, under the Oslo Accords, Palestinian leaders previously based their autonomy in the Gaza Strip and West Bank on an agreement to negotiate their status and territory with Israel directly, rather than through resource to international bodies.

The same holds true with Spain. In 2017, Spain used force to crush Catalonia’s democratic and peaceful aspirations for independence. Authorities in Barcelona, not without reason, see Madrid as a colonial power forcibly subjugating a region with its own language and culture and ignoring its democratic aspiration for freedom. Yet, Spain also pushed aside the Oslo Accords to recognize Palestine.

Perhaps no country has been as vociferous as Turkey in its recognition and material support for Palestinian statehood, yet Turkey has killed more Kurds than it alleges Israel has killed Palestinians. Advocating for Kurdistan, a region with a distinct language, culture, and long aspirations for autonomy if not independence, will land Turkish Kurds in prison for decades. While Israeli Arabs win elections and serve as mayors (amongst many other positions), the Turkish government repeatedly replaces elected Kurds in order to appoint municipal leaders willing to rubber stamp the Turkish leader’s pronouncement….

Dutch Decide to Cut Off Aid to Palestinian NGOs That Don’t Recognize Israel’s Right to Exist

It has been a long time coming, but it’s been worth the wait. Now the Dutch will no longer be funding Palestinian NGOs, including all those linked to Hamas, that do not explicitly recognize Israel’s right to exist. More on this welcome news can be found here: 

Dutch Parliament Conditions Palestinian NGO Funding on Recognition of Israel

by Ailin Vilches Arguello, Algemeiner, January 30, 2025:

The Dutch Parliament passed a resolution on Tuesday to make funding for Palestinian NGOs depend on their recognition of Israel’s right to exist.

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution by a margin of 70-67…

The resolution passed by the thinnest of margins, but it did pass, and for that we should be grateful.

The motion also addresses terror ties, citing the Netherlands’ decision to halt subsidies to the Ramallah-based Union of Agricultural Work Committee (UAWC) following a terror attack by employees with ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an internationally designated terrorist organization.

If the Netherlands was willing to halt subsidies to the UAWC because some of its employees had ties to the PFLP, why doesn’t the Netherlands do the same for UNRWA, cutting off funding to that organization now that the Israelis have provided proof that nine UNRWA members took part in the October 7 atrocities, that dozens of UNRWA schools were used by Hamas to hide fighters and weapons, and that several hundred employees of UNRWA in Gaza were members of Hamas?

Last year, Dutch lawmakers discovered that the previous government had continued funding a terror-linked NGO, despite knowing they[the NGO] had subsidized the salaries of two Palestinians convicted in the 2019 murder of a 17-year-old Israeli girl….

Unsuspecting Dutch taxpayers were giving money to an NGO that had been linked to the Palestinian terror group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. That money was used to pay for increases in the salaries of two men who had been convicted of the murder of an Israeli girl, Rina Schnerb.

Olga Deutsch, vice president of NGO Monitor, an independent Jerusalem-based research organization, explained that the lack of vetting and oversight mechanisms has allowed billions of euros to be diverted to antisemitic, anti-Israel, and terror-affiliated organizations….

Think about the amounts of money that so many Western governments, not just the Netherlands, have been giving to Palestinian terror organizations, or to groups — such as UNRWA — that employ terrorists or members of terrorist groups. Olga Deutsch believes that the “billions of euros” have gone to those organizations, money which then is used to support terrorist attacks.

Deutsch pointed out that the Dutch government supported numerous organizations that misused aid funds, with a large portion being directed toward political warfare against Israel and the global Jewish community….

It’s not only anti-Israel terrorist groups that the Dutch government has been supporting. It also supports many organizations that are engaged in political warfare against both the Jewish state and Jews worldwide. Think of all the “Justice-For-Palestine” groups on campuses throughout the Western world that receive support to carry on their campaigns to delegitimize Israel and create pressure on the Jewish state to stop defending itself in Gaza and Lebanon — those “ceasefires” that may become permanent, and thus allow Hamas and Hezbollah to survive, and regroup, rearm, and recruit new members. Such pressure could also create an atmosphere that might lead Israel to agree to be squeezed back within the indefensible 1949 armistice lines, with a nine-mile-wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea.

The Dutch government is being asked by NGO Monitor to do one thing: follow the money you donate to Palestinian groups, to make sure it does not end up being used to support terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Make sure, too, that none of the money supplied by the Netherlands is going to support those who, while they may not be terrorists, are working to support groups that delegitimize, and undermine, the Jewish state.

The government of the Netherlands needs to carefully rethink and restructure the aid it gives to the Palestinians, to make sure it is humanitarian in nature, and does not support those who work to end the Jewish state’s existence. It should not, for example, give aid to the Palestinian Authority as long as Mahmoud Abbas insists on continuing the “Pay-For-Slay” program that provides generous monthly amounts to both imprisoned terrorists and to the families of terrorists who died while committing their attacks.

During this legislative session, the Dutch Parliament also adopted a motion urging the government to support Gaza reconstruction plans and fundraising efforts.

This motion is a mistake. Do the Dutch taxpayers really want to pour money into the rebuilding of Gaza? Why? The Western world should not assume any responsibility for paying any part of the cost of that rebuilding. That rebuilding is estimated to cost $80 billion. This should be accomplished not with more money going from non-Muslims to Muslims, but with funds given by the fabulously rich Sunni states of the Gulf — Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait — to pay for their Muslim Arab brothers in Gaza.

However, lawmakers rejected several proposals related to Israel and the Palestinians, including one to tighten labeling and tariff enforcement on Israeli settlements. They also denied motions to link Dutch aid for Gaza’s reconstruction to Dutch companies and restrict it to civilian infrastructure, as well as to provide January funding to UNRWA, the controversial UN agency for Palestinian refugees that has come under fire for several links to Hamas.

The Dutch lawmakers don’t want to limit their aid to paying for “civilian infrastructure” in Gaza. That apparently means that they are willing for Hamas to again build up its now-demolished military infrastructure. Why would they want that? But even more important, those lawmakers in The Hague should stop thinking that the Dutch have some kind of duty to contribute anything to the rebuilding of Gaza. The Palestinians must instead go hat in hand to their fellow Muslim Arabs in the Gulf, with their near-trillion-dollar sovereign wealth funds. The Dutch are already paying out billions of euros annually in benefits to the Muslim economic migrants, chiefly Moroccans and Turks, who have been admitted in great numbers to the Netherlands, where they batten on every benefit the generous Dutch welfare state provides. The enormous transfer of wealth from Infidels to Muslims, now taking place all over Western Europe, has gone on far too long. To make Dutch taxpayers pay for any part of Gaza’s rebuilding would be too much to bear.


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