Warning from the USA's Secretary of Health and Human Services
RFK Jr.: "Gardasil, is probably the single worst, mass vaccine that we've ever seen. This vaccine targets millions of preteens and teens for whom the risk of dying from cervical cancer is zero. The death rates in the, Gardasil trials were 37 times the death rates for cervical cancer."
"Children who take that vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine, are 37 times more likely to die from the vaccine than they are to die from cervical cancer. So the problem with Gardasil, like most vaccines, is it was never tested against a true placebo on an Earth placebo."
"And CDC and HHS say, if you don't test it against a true placebo, it's not science. The the entity that is actually performing the study is and paying for this study is Merck. So Merck got to decide which injuries were being caused by Gardasil and which were just bad coincidences."
"And because it had that power, it just wrote them all off as bad coincidences. You can do that when there's no placebo because the injuries they were seeing in the control group, which where the girls were getting aluminum neurotoxins, were identical to the injuries they were getting in the Gardasil group."
"So they said, well, we don't have to report any of these as vaccine injuries. They were able to license something that is insanely dangerous."
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