"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Antisemitism is revealing itself all over the world > Dead churches lobby for terrorists; Canada and UKs national media - pro terrorist


Virulent racism rears its ugly head in churches and mainstream media

Celebrations have occurred all over the world as a result of the terrorist invasion of southern Israel. Muslims on every populated continent cheered the murder of 1200 Jews, mostly civilians. One village is reported to have had 40 babies and toddlers murdered, allegedly, some even beheaded. Somewhere between 70 and 150 Jews were taken hostage into Gaza. God only knows what fate meets them there. And, finally, 3000 people have been injured, mostly civilians.

The difference between Hamas' terrorism in Israel and ISIS terrorism in NE Syria and NW Iraq several years ago, is minimal and arguably Hamas is worse. Both attempted genocide - ISIS of the Yazidis, Hamas of the Jews. Both took hostages of women and children. ISIS traded women and girls around to be used as slaves and sex slaves. It's not clear yet the situation of the Jewish hostages in Gaza. I don't recall reading any description of a massacre of everyone in sight as Hamas did on a Jewish rave. I don't recall reading any description of ISIS slaughtering every baby and toddler in an entire village. 

Yet the World Council of Churches, The United Church of Canada, The CBC, The BBC, and numerous other mainstream media outlets refuse to associate the word 'terrorists' with the terrorism of Hamas, and the godless churches are calling for an immediate ceasefire. How stupid and ignorant can you be!

United Church of Canada and World Council of Churches call for 

‘immediate ceasefire’ in Israel and ‘Palestine’

The United Church of Canada made a revealing statement here: “United Church of Canada Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine,” United Church of Canada, October 7, 2023:

The United Church condemns the attacks launched on communities in southern Israel by Hamas, and the ongoing daily violence meted out against Palestinians by Israel’s deepening occupation in Palestinian territories….Echoing the statement issued by the World Council of Churches, The United Church of Canada is deeply concerned about the risks of spiralling conflict between Palestinian armed groups and Israeli forces.

For starters, no entity known as “Palestine” exists. Palestine isn’t a state, despite being declared one by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which claims 57 member states, including “Palestine.”

Somewhere, somehow, the disingenuous World Council of Churches (WCC) and the BDS-supporting United Church of Canada (UCC) have missed the abundantly documented history of the Palestinian jihad against Israel. To call for a ceasefire in the midst of an all-out war is as ridiculous as calling for a “ceasefire” on “both sides” while the World War II was raging.  This current Israeli war on Hamas in Gaza was initiated by Hamas, and it did so in the most calculated and gruesome fashion.

I call the UCC and the WCC dead churches because you will not find any sign of Jesus in them. Without Jesus, there is no life.

Hamas is supported by Iran and its proxies, and its unprecedented attack was launched at a time when Israel was perceived to be weakened — it was distracted by interference from the Biden administration in its internal affairs, an interference that is ongoing. Then there are the billions that have flowed into Iranian coffers via Biden’s hostage deal, and before that, Obama’s backroom deals (see also HERE); as well as continued Palestinian funding from the Biden administration.

In March, Palestinian Islamic Jihad declared that the “IDF is disintegrating before our eyes.

The Palestinian imperative to obliterate Israel from the River to the Sea has been escalating for some time, escalating in brutality and boldness.

While sinister organizations, even those operating under the banner of Christianity,  pretend to care about “both sides,” they conveniently ignore the key threat: the longstanding Palestinian jihad against Israel.

The United Church joins with all those praying for a just peace in the Holy Land and urges global leaders to work urgently for an end to the current violence, an end to the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, and a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

What the UCC is really requesting is that Israel stop defending itself. This would mean the obliteration of the Jewish state. The UCC cloaks its statement in a monstrous disguise — as a “prayer.”

Israel must defend itself alone. The gloves are off, and antisemites are being exposed everywhere.


CBC not allowed to call Hamas terrorists, or mention 

IDF's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005

By Andrew Lawton -October 11, 2023

Canada’s state broadcaster, CBC, is refusing to refer to Hamas as terrorists in its coverage of the terrorist group’s attacks on Israel over the last four days. A memo sent to its journalists also forbids them from mentioning Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. 

True North’s Andrew Lawton says this shouldn’t come as a surprise given the way the media covers Israel in general, including the latest attacks. Honest Reporting Canada executive director Mike Fegelman joins the show to discuss.


BBC branded 'institutionally racist' for 'giving legitimacy' to Hamas terrorists

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