"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Islamization of Germany > Nearly ten years on and the German Justice department is still protecting Muslim terrorists


Germany: Public prosecutor’s office conceals fact

that knife attacker was Muslim migrant who screamed

‘Allahu akbar’

News that doesn’t fit the government narrative simply doesn’t exist, even when it does.

Is the public prosecutor’s office concealing a new Islamist knife attack?

translated from “Verschweigt Staatsanwaltschaft neue islamistische Messer-Attacke?,” Unser Mitteleuropa, September 11, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Press censorship in Germany seems to be taking on increasingly arbitrary features – the likes of which only occur in totalitarian systems before they collapse.

Shortly before the election: Islamist attack concealed – truck driver stabbed

Today on Friday evening, a Syrian German / German Syrian (40) armed with a knife stormed a gas station in the north of Berlin on the A 111. He then tried – similar to the Islamist terrorist in Solingen – to bag or injure as many people as possible. A Polish truck driver is in mortal danger.

Precarious as always: The perpetrator is said to already be known to the police for violent crimes – a “German” (40) with a Syrian migration background. He was arrested.

Authorities censor “Allahu Akbar” calls

By chance, however, five members of the “Young Union” Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – including a policeman – were at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime. According to their statements, the knife attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”) as he ran across the square.

The public prosecutor’s office quickly censored the police’s press work: the perpetrator was “German” – as was announced as usual. Cynical postscript: nothing more could be said.

According to BILD, this was deliberate censorship:

“There were already references to the ‘Allahu Akbar’ calls in the first internal police report!”

And the young politicians also complained about it on the Internet:

“We regret that the reports did not mention the perpetrator’s connection to Islam (…).”

Five days after the attack, the JU wrote: “We regret that the reports did not mention the perpetrator’s connection to Islam through his chant of the creed ‘Allahu Akbar’.” It continued: “We have had to experience: Islamist acts of violence are real. It can affect us all.”

Whether the Union’s young politicians also communicated this great insight to the root of the evil, the CDU party colleague “we can do it” Merkel, remains to be seen.

Is it possible that this embarrassment will result in the prosecutions offices ceasing to hide the Islamic connections in terrorist accounts? We can always hope. But, meanwhile, German people should be appalled that the prosecutors and media are quick to blame ordinary Germans for the madness of Islamic radicals.  


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