"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Islam at the Olympics > Fans scream Heil Hitler at Israeli national anthem


Olympics: ‘Palestinians’ scream ‘Heil Hitler’

repeatedly during Israeli national anthem

Remember, folks: these are the people your leftist friends think have the moral high ground!

And nothing will be done about it.  Palestinians should have been barred permanently from the Olympics after '72. But nothing was done. Nothing is ever done. God's patience must be wearing awfully thin.


Islamization of UK > Muslim Extremists trying to buy Scottish island for new Sharia compliant Islamic home


UK: Shi’ite Muslim cleric raises $3,850,000

to buy small island and turn it into

Sharia-adherent Islamic state

A man should not be able to buy land in a sovereign nation and enforce a legal system separate from that of the nation itself. But shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain is unlikely to summon the will to stop Yasser al-Habib. To do so would be “Islamophobic.”

Anyway, Yasser al-Habib is impatient. Before too long, the whole country will be under Sharia anyway.

Hate cleric with his own ‘army’ raises £3m to create Islamic homeland on Scottish island – as the extremist who already runs military-style training camps bids to build his own school, hospital and mosque and practise sharia law at remote spot

by Abul Taher and Daisy Graham-Brown, Daily Mail, July 28, 2024:

A firebrand cleric who has been accused of spreading hate has raised more than £3 million to buy a small British island and turn it into his own Islamic state.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, 45 – who claimed asylum in Britain 20 years ago after fleeing his native Kuwait – and his followers are in advanced talks to buy the remote isle of Torsa, off the west coast of Scotland.

Torsa is one of the Slate Islands in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Lying east of Luing and south of Seil, this tidal island was inhabited until the 1960s. There is now only one house there, which is used for holiday lets. Wikipedia

Area: 113 ha

Highest elevation: 62 m (203 ft)

Island group: Slate Islands

Population: 0

Sovereign state: United Kingdom

The extremist scholar, who already runs military-style training camps, hopes his organisation can build its own school, hospital and mosque on the island, where it intends to practise sharia law.

In a video encouraging supporters to donate towards their £3.5 million target, the cleric says he will negotiate with the Government to allow Muslims ‘from all over the world’ to be given a visa in order for them to live in their new ‘homeland’.

Residents on the neighbouring island of Luing reacted with concern when The Mail on Sunday revealed his plans to them.

One man said: ‘I’ve spent much of my life working in Muslim countries so have no issues whatsoever with that community, but this group do seem alarming from what I’ve just seen now.’

Al-Habib, who is accused of stirring up sectarian hatred in Britain and in the Arab world between Shias and rival Sunni Muslims, has his ‘global headquarters’ in the picturesque village of Fulmer, South Buckinghamshire….

Al-Habib has since said on Fadak TV that Torsa, which comes with two little adjoining islets, is an ‘irreplaceable opportunity’.

Encouraging supporters to donate, he said Torsa will become an Islamic ‘homeland’ which they will create to prepare for the coming of their messiah, known as mahdi.

In one three-minute video, al-Habib says: ‘If you want to live free under the banner of the imam [Shia leader], in a special homeland where you feel everything in it reminds you of the awaited mahdi, everything is the Shia homeland…support this project.’

In the same video, another man, who is filming from Torsa, says: ‘Here, my brothers, God willing, we want to build a large mosque, a school and a hawza [Shia seminary]. We want this place to be a homeland to the Shias and the believers.’ The footage switches to images of al-Habib’s ‘army’, called Al-Shurta Al-Khamis, training and doing drills in the grounds of his mosque in Fulmer.

In another video, al-Habib, who spent nearly three months in jail in Kuwait for insulting the Sunni faith, said the MSU will obtain the right for Shias from around the world to immigrate to the island….

Turning this bleak, little island into Mecca NW is going to take an engineering miracle. Can you imagine thousands or tens of thousands of people on this island? What are they going to eat and where will they get water from, not to mention building materials.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Islamization > Is Erdogan looking for an excuse to invade Israel?


For about ten years now I have been suggesting that Erdogan, Turkey's President, longed to be the Caliph of a new Ottoman Empire. Nothing in the past ten years has occurred that would cause me to abandon that theory. 

Also, I have suggested that the Apocalypse was rapidly approaching when Israel will be invaded mostly by people from the north. Most believe the prophecies indicate that Russia will lead the invasion, and it may well be true. On the other hand, some suspect that Turkey will lead the invasion with forces from many other Muslim countries.

As Erdogan ages, he is running out of time to make his dream come true, and now he appears to be looking for an excuse to invade Israel. 

‘Turkey can invade and conquer Israel,’

threatens Erdogan

“There is no reason” why Turkey can’t physically invade Israel, 

says antisemitic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

By World Israel News Staff

Turkey could invade Israel in order to stop Jerusalem’s military campaign against Hamas, claimed Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an unprecedented statement on Sunday.

“We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these…things to Palestine,” Erodgan said at a meeting of his AK party held in Rize, Turkey.

“Just like we entered Karabakh [Azerbaijan], just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them,” Erdogan said in the televised discussion.

“There is no reason why we cannot do this … We must be strong so that we can take these steps.”0:10

Late Sunday evening, Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded to Erdogan’s comments.

“Erdogan is following in the footsteps of [Iraqi despot] Saddam Hussein by threatening to attack Israel,” wrote Katz on social media platform X.

“He should remember how that turned out and how it ended.”

But rather than turn down the flames, Erdogan released an additional fiery statement just hours after the threat, which equated the Israeli premier with Adolf Hitler.

“Just as the genocidal Hitler met his end, so will the genocidal Netanyahu,” read an official media release from Erdogan’s office.

“Those who tried to eliminate the Palestinians will be held accountable, just like the genocidal Nazis. Humanity will stand with the Palestinians. You will not be able to eliminate the Palestinians.”

Erdogan has a long history of making antisemitic incendiary remarks about the Jewish State, though the threat to invade Israel marks a new low in relations between Jerusalem and Ankara.

“Israel is not just a threat to Gaza but to all of humanity,” Erdogan said in May 2024, adding “no state is safe unless Israel is made to abide by international law.”

“Zionism is being unmasked all over the world. Young people are beginning to see how Zionism is an unlawful perversion, and I hope this revolution will free the world from the Zionist perversion.”

Islam at the Olympics > Poor Sport Muslim gets his comeuppance


Muslim Olympian refuses to shake Israeli’s hand after match,

screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ later suffers ignominious defeat

“Allahu akbar” means “Allah is greater,” but here the fantasies of superiority met reality.

Judo Olympian refuses to shake Israeli athlete’s hand

and shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar’

The JC, July 29, 2024:

A judo competitor representing Tajikistan refused to shake his Israeli opponent’s hand at the Paris Olympics and instead said “Allahu Akbar”.

Nurali Emomali later dislocated his arm in different fight, in an event, pro Israel supporters have described as “karma”.

Emomali, who won the match against Tohar Butbul, walked off the mat without making the respectful gesture to his Israeli opponent.

Instead, he chose to say “Allahu Akbar” while holding up a prayer symbol, known as the “Finger of Tawheed.”

The symbol refers to the Islamic belief that “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.”…

Which, apparently, he did not repeat after his next match. Karma? I don't think so!

Poor sports like Emomali should be tossed from the Games and suspended from the next games. It is completely contrary to the Games standards.

