"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Islamization of Europe > Drunk Migrant in Paris; Germany's justice system complicit in migrants many assaults


France: Muslim migrant’s lawyer ascribes his 

sexual harassment to cultural difference

between France and Pakistan

Well, yes. And those differences are rooting in Islamic teaching regarding Muslims and infidel women.

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

TJ de Créteil: ‘There is still a long way to go in educating men, especially when they come from Pakistan'

translated from “TJ de Créteil : « Il reste beaucoup de chemin à parcourir dans l’éducation des hommes, surtout quand ils viennent du Pakistan »,” by Adèle Cailleteau, Actu-Juridique, September 9, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Mr. M. is brought before the judges of the Créteil judicial court for sexually assaulting a woman in Choisy Park and hitting her husband. Despite his clean record, he is brought before an immediate appearance due to his irregular status in France and is at great risk: the prosecution is requesting ten months in prison with a committal warrant.

For the last hearing of the day, the benches of the 12th correctional chamber of the Créteil judicial court have emptied: there are only the magistrates, the defense lawyers and the civil parties, the defendant, his interpreter and a journalist.

“Unless my memory is failing me, we saw each other on May 14 and you promised me that we would never see each other again?” the judge begins.


“Why are you here?”

“It’s because of my alcohol addiction…”

More specifically, Mr. M., 32, is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Choisy Park, then hitting her husband and using cannabis as a repeat offender.

The presiding judge then examined the statements of Mrs G., who described the following scene: after spending some time with relatives at Choisy Park, she decided to go home and began walking out of the park. After a few steps, she felt like she was being followed and turned around when Mr M. allegedly touched her genitals with his hand, insisting on her buttocks, without penetration. She claimed to have punched him in the shoulder, to which he allegedly replied: “I want you.”

Mrs G. immediately called her husband who had remained in the park; he ran up and was allegedly hit by Mr M.: “He continued to come towards my husband, who pushed him away with his fists.” The couple called the police, who arrested Mr M., who was very drunk (0.83 mg of alcohol per litre exhaled when he blew into the balloon). Examined by a doctor from the forensic unit, she received six days of temporary incapacity for work due to the psychological repercussions of what had happened: she explained in particular that she had been sexually assaulted a few years earlier and that the situation “rekindled suffering”. Her husband received one day of temporary incapacity for wrist pain.

The presiding judge asked the defendant what his version of events was. He began to recount a completely different scene, explaining that he had simply told this woman, “dressed very scantily”, that she was “very beautiful”. He seemed to be searching his memory and then added: “Maybe I touched her, I was drunk.” Looking genuinely upset to be there, the defendant then came to the meeting with Mr G.: “I was leaving the park because I had to take the bus. I was on my phone, a guy came up from behind. He asked me if I had touched his wife and punched me.

“What were you doing on your phone?” asks the presiding judge.

“I was watching a song on YouTube.”

“When searching the phone, the investigators immediately came across a video chat application with naked and attractive young women.” (The defendant shakes his head and waves his hands impatiently, but the judge continues). “When you see that, can you imagine that when you see this young woman walking by, you think she’s attractive too?”

“No, that’s out of the question,” translates the interpreter. Then he adds, dejected: “He won’t let me translate…”

“We found other sites with photos of young women,” continues the judge.

“Okay, I’ll take responsibility.”

“Is that what you were watching when you were sitting on the bench?”


The defense lawyer asks his client two final questions, which have the merit of clarifying the situation:

“Do you admit to having put a hand on this lady’s buttocks?”


“If Mr. G. and Mrs. G. were here, what would you like to tell them?”

“That I made a mistake and ask for their forgiveness.”

Mr. M.’s criminal record does not mention any convictions, but he appeared before the same judge a month earlier for illicit drug use (300 euros fine). Homeless and in an irregular situation in France, he claims to want to leave the country to go to Spain….

After a break for deliberation, the court found Mr M. guilty on all three counts (sexual assault, violence, cannabis use) and sentenced him to eight months’ imprisonment with an arrest warrant and a ten-year ban on residing in France. He must pay 2,000 and 200 euros to Mrs G. and Mr G. respectively.

“But I’m not in a position to pay,’ says the defendant and seems to sincerely regret it.

“There is an organisation, Sarvi, that will pay for you, and if you stay in France, you have to pay back.”

“And after eight months in prison, I’ll be deported?”

“That’s another organisation that takes care of that.”

Seems like a lot of organisations supporting criminal migrants.  

Germany: Muslim migrant tears off 79-year-old’s cross,

beats several people to death, is sent to psych hospital

After a series of prison terms for assaults, the lunatic is arrested for the above and immediately set free, whereupon withing two days he assaulted nine more people.

Germany has a huge problem in their justice system, but the seem completely oblivious to it.

He gets sent to a psychiatric hospital because German authorities do not recognize the existence of Islamic jihad. Once that is off the table, the only way they can explain behavior of this kind is by claiming that he is crazy.

Neither do they recognize that all radicalized Muslims are inherently insane.

Syrian repeat offender (27) tears off pensioner’s Christ cross and is sent to a psychiatric hospital

translated from “Syrischer Intensivtäter (27) reißt Rentner Christus-Kreuz ab und kommt in Psychiatrie,” FOCUS Online, September 16, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

In Gera, Thuringia, the repeat offender Rasem A. from Syria tore a Christ cross from the neck of a 79-year-old in broad daylight. He later beat several people to death. FOCUS online knows the criminal record of the migrant, who has been in prison several times.

On June 5, 2024, a brutal, unprecedented act of violence took place in the center of the Thuringian city of Gera.

At around 12 noon, a 27-year-old refugee from Syria approached a German pensioner and ripped the chain with the Christ cross from his neck. The symbol was a silver pendant worth around 250 euros. He then allegedly punched the 79-year-old victim in the face. The senior citizen suffered a bleeding wound.

According to FOCUS online information, the suspected perpetrator Rasem A. acted completely unexpectedly. He did not shout anything before or during the attack. An investigator told FOCUS online that it was a “lightning attack”.

According to the Gera public prosecutor’s office, the motive for the attack was clearly “religious.” Senior public prosecutor Thomas Riebel told FOCUS online: “According to the accused’s statement, he saw a disregard for Christianity in the way the victim was wearing the cross.

That sounds pretty far-fetched to me. 

The Syrian was apparently bothered by a second pendant that the pensioner wore around his neck and felt that his religious feelings were being affected. The immigrant, who came to Germany in 2015, did not provide any further information.

After the act of violence, police briefly arrested the Syrian near the crime scene and brought him to court for a detention review. Rasem A. was released there, however. According to the police, imprisonment was not possible “due to a lack of legal requirements.”

However, the attacker was known to the police and the judiciary and had several previous convictions; he is considered a repeat offender. 

2017, Gera Regional Court, multiple dangerous bodily harm, two years and six months youth sentence.

2019, Gera District Court, violation of the Narcotics Act and other crimes, two years and nine months imprisonment, fully served.

2022, Gera District Court, violation of the Narcotics Act and multiple bodily harm, one year imprisonment, fully served.

This list alone shows that the migrant is prone to serious acts of violence and is not deterred by state coercive measures.

The decision – apparently legally correct – not to take him into custody after the brutal attack on the pensioner on June 5th turned out to be fatal in retrospect. Because just two days later the 27-year-old struck again in Gera city center.

At short intervals and independently of one another, Rasem A. beat up nine victims, some of them pensioners.

“Among other things, he hit a man in the face, causing him to suffer a brain hemorrhage and a stroke. He was admitted to hospital,” Thomas Riebel told FOCUS online. The other victims also suffered some serious injuries. When police tried to arrest the perpetrator, he behaved rebelliously.

At least this time a judge sent Rasem A. to a correctional facility.

The Syrian is now in a psychiatric facility, where he is “temporarily housed,” as Thomas Riebel from the Gera public prosecutor’s office explained to FOCUS online on Monday. It is said to be the Stadtroda specialist clinic.

In addition, his authority has drawn up an application in the security proceedings, which was submitted to the Gera regional court at the end of August 2024. It must be examined whether the man should be permanently housed in a psychiatric hospital.

“The application accuses the accused of intentional bodily harm in 15 cases,” explained the senior public prosecutor. “In one case, this was a concurrent offense with physical assault on law enforcement officers, in one case a concurrent offense with robbery, and in one case a concurrent offense with attempted robbery and extortion in multiple offenses with dangerous bodily harm in multiple offenses with damage to property.”

Riebel did not want to provide information about the Syrian’s medical history “due to privacy protection.” “First, a brief forensic psychiatric report was drawn up. The final report is still pending.’

It is currently not known whether the Gera immigration authorities have attempted to deport the serial criminal to his home country of Syria.

The Syrian’s defence lawyer, Udo Freier from Greiz, did not want to comment on the case to FOCUS online. ‘We would first like to wait for the full expert report on my client’s state of health,’ said the lawyer on Monday. 

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