"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Islamization in Germany, Serbia, and NYC > Islamic youth killing Germans because they can; Terrorist attack in Serbia blamed on Wahhabis; Dumb NYC terrorist, a research tech at Cornell


Germany: Muslim migrant beats youth to death,

relatives say victim was targeted for wearing a cross

The cross is an affront to Islam. The Qur’an claims that Jesus was not crucified, although in somewhat equivocal language for what is supposed to be the perfect word of an omniscient god:

“And their saying, ‘Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.’ And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but another was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.” (4:157)

This is proof that Mohammed was not a prophet of God, but of a false god. He contradicts all the apostles and prophets of the entire history of God.

And a hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).” (Bukhari 46.37.2476)

This means he will destroy Christianity (break the cross), force the Christians to obey the Islamic food laws (kill the pigs) and end the second-class dhimmi status (abolish the jizya) that Islamic law specifies for Christians, such that they will either have to convert to Islam or be killed.

'Kill the pigs' probably refers to Jews, IMHO.

An update on this story

Greek Man Beaten to Death in Suspected Hate Crime in Germany

Greek City Times, June 28, 2024:

Minden, Germany – A celebratory evening ended in tragedy as 20-year-old Phillipos Tsanis, a Greek- Polish-German man, lost his life after a violent altercation with a group of youths in Minden, Germany. The brutal attack has sent shockwaves through the community, with relatives suspecting a hate crime motivated by religious prejudice.

Tsanis was returning home from a graduation ceremony with a friend in the early hours of the morning when they were confronted by a group of approximately ten individuals. According to the victim’s father, who spoke to MEGA news, the confrontation escalated rapidly, with the attackers singling out Tsanis despite pleas from the young men to be left alone.

“They beat him to death,” the grieving father shared with reporters, “all 10 people were kicking him in the head.”

Witnesses recount a horrifying scene where even after Tsanis lost consciousness, one assailant continued to brutally strike his head and body. Rushed to the hospital with severe head injuries, Tsanis was placed on life support but tragically succumbed to his injuries on Monday.

Adding to the family’s anguish, a photo of Tsanis hospitalized with visible injuries has been circulating online. Tsanis’ mother, speaking to Alpha news, expressed her profound grief: “The doctors did everything they could to save our son. Everyone was praying for him to recover, but in the end, God had other plans.”

While the motive behind the attack remains under investigation, relatives speaking to Alpha news allege the attackers filmed the assault and specifically targeted Tsanis and his friend for wearing crosses.

“The most disturbing aspect is that they recorded the attack and are boasting about it,” a relative stated, adding that this incident mirrors other disturbing occurrences in the area targeting individuals perceived as Christian, including the deaths of a 26-year-old man and a policeman….


And, just down the road...

The killer from Bad Oeynhausen is a Syrian known to the police

translated from “Der Killer von Bad Oeynhausen ist polizeibekannter Syrer,” Junge Freiheit, June 27, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

BAD OEYNHAUSEN. The 18-year-old, whom the police and public prosecutor’s office describe as the “main perpetrator” of Bad Oeynhausen, is a Syrian. “According to current knowledge, the violence against the deceased 20-year-old is said to have come exclusively from the 18-year-old, who has Syrian citizenship. In the past, he has already appeared in violent, property and drug-related crimes,” the police said. The background to the crime is therefore still the subject of investigations.

The arrested man is said to have beaten and kicked Philippos T. so badly on Sunday morning that the 20-year-old succumbed to his severe head injuries on Monday. According to the Bild newspaper, he lives in an asylum seekers’ home in the city center of the spa town. The Syrian came to Germany with his family in 2018 as a so-called “asylum seeker”.

Suspect in custody
The Syrian was brought before the responsible judge of the Bielefeld District Court on Thursday afternoon at the request of the Bielefeld public prosecutor’s office. “As requested, she issued an arrest warrant for completed manslaughter in conjunction with dangerous bodily harm. The accused did not comment on the charges.”

The police are also investigating possible other perpetrators. “According to current knowledge, the group belonging to the main perpetrator consists of at least three other people aged 18 with German citizenship”.

'Terrorist' killed after officer attacked with crossbow near Israeli embassy in Serbia

By Mike Heuer

Armed offices stand guard near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, after a man shot a policeman in the neck with a crossbow and died after the policeman returned fire Friday night. Photo by Andrej Cukic/EPA-EFE
Armed offices stand guard near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, after a man shot a policeman in the neck with a crossbow and died after the policeman returned fire Friday night. Photo by Andrej Cukic/EPA-EFE

June 29 (UPI) -- An attacker shot a police officer in the neck with a crossbow, and the officer shot and killed the attacker outside the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, on Friday night.

The police officer suffered life-threatening injuries with a bolt wound in the neck and was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic called the incident a terrorist attack against Serbia that might have involved the Wahhabi movement of Islamist extremists.

"There are now all indications that the motives relate to terrorism," Dacic told reporters.

An Israeli Foreign Affairs spokesman called the matter an "attempted terrorist attack" and said the embassy is closed with no employees injured, the Washington Post reported.

The deadly incident occurred at about 11 p.m. local time when a man asked the officer about a museum, while standing near a small building.

The man opened a door to the building, pulled out a crossbow and shot the officer in the neck.

The officer returned fire, which struck the attacker, who died about half an hour later.

One man was arrested near the scene and others are being investigated for potential ties to foreign terrorist organizations, he added.

Dacic said special prosecutors have taken over the case.

NYC: Muslim who warned ‘Zionists’ to get out of subway

 car worked at Cornell, dean slams ‘Islamophobia’

Why does Robert Harrington condemn “Islamophobia” along with antisemitism? There is no threatening or attacking Muslims going on at a level that is comparable to the recent threats and attacks on Jews, and that’s a good thing. But victimhood is currency in our absurd age, and Harrington knows it could be harmful to his professional health to fail to remunerate Muslim.

Anti-Israel protester who told ‘Zionists’ to ID themselves on subway 

now hides face from press after arrest following weeks-long manhunt

by Joe Marino, Amanda Woods, Carl Campanile and Emily Crane, New York Post, June 26, 2024:

The anti-Israel protester who allegedly stormed a Big Apple subway car and demanded that “Zionists” raise their hands was arrested Wednesday following a weeks-long manhunt, cops said.

Anas Saleh, 24, of Staten Island, turned himself in with his attorney at around 9.30 a.m. after the NYPD released a wanted poster last week with his face splashed across it in the wake of the hate-filled incident at Manhattan’s Union Square station.

Saleh was spotted wearing a face mask as he left the NYPD’s Transit Bureau District 2 in Lower Manhattan — flanked by several people who attempted to shield him from press photographers using scarves and black umbrellas.

He was charged with attempted coercion and released with a desk appearance ticket, authorities said.

Saleh, who is believed to have worked as a research tech at Weill Cornell Medicine’s Rhee Lab, was quickly outed as the alleged perp on social media, with Jewish activist groups also circulating his image on social media in a bid to track him down.

The school’s dean, Robert Harrington, addressed the antisemitic subway saga in a letter fired off to Cornell employees – but stopped short of mentioning Saleh by name or his arrest.

“We condemn antisemitism in the strongest possible terms. Hate speech or actions of any kind, whether anti-Semitic or Islamophobic, are not tolerated by our community,” Harrington said in the statement Wednesday.

“We are fully cooperating with the NYPD investigation, as well as conducting our own internal review, in the incident. If any employee is confirmed to be involved in this incident, appropriate action will be taken.”

It wasn’t immediately clear if Saleh was still employed there as of Wednesday, but his biography page on the lab’s website appears to have been deleted.

Saleh also appeared to have scrubbed his own social media presence last week before turning himself in to cops.

The saga unfolded back on June 10 when Saleh allegedly entered the southbound 5 train at Union Square and started chanting, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist, repeat after me, this is your chance to get out.”…

This Week's Islamic Massacres > 5 Christians slaughtered at prayer by Fulani Herdsmen; 18 killed in 3 suicide bombing attacks in Nigeria


Nigeria: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ storm village,

murder five Christians at prayer meeting

9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta reminded himself to “shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

Suspected Islamic Fulani Militants Kill 5 Christians

International Christian Concern, June 21, 2024:

6/21/2024 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) An attack on Monday, June 17, resulted in the deaths of five Christians in Ewehko Village, also known as Anguwan Paul, located in the Maro Ward of Kajuru county.

The assailants, suspected militant Fulani Muslims, stormed the village with AK-47s and machetes shouting, “Allah Akbar” or “Allah is Great,” at about 2:15 p.m. as a group of Christians conducted a prayer meeting for the community. Locals told an International Christian Concern (ICC) staffer that five people were killed, including an officer at the door of the church.

Eyewitnesses reported that the terrorists opened fire indiscriminately, killing four men and one woman. In addition to the loss of life, several motorcycles were set ablaze during the attack….

“We received an early warning to leave the community, and we couldn’t believe it, thinking it was just a rumor,” said Angwan Magani, a leader of the Evangelical Church Winning ALL (ECWA). “Despite not believing, we told the security, but they refused to protect us because we are Christians.”

Nigeria: At least 18 killed in string of jihad suicide attacks

at wedding, hospital and funeral in Borno state

Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province “are the most active militant groups in Borno. The violence has killed more than 40,000 people and displaced around two million in Nigeria’s northeast.” And that’s in Borno alone.

The same jihadist groups, along with Fulani jihadists, murdered 8,000 Christians last year.

The UN obsesses about Israel as it engages in defensive wars, while dismissing the fact that it is jihadists everywhere who are the biggest threat to life and human rights.

Nigeria: At least 18 killed after string of suspected suicide bomb attacks

WION, June 30, 2024:

At least 18 people have been killed and dozens of others have been injured in suspected suicide attacks targeting a wedding, a hospital and a funeral in northeastern Nigeria on Saturday (Jun 29), said local officials. 

What we know about the attacks

According to the head of the local state emergency management agency, a series of attacks by suspected female suicide bombers took place in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state led to the death of 18 people, left 42 others injured and 19 seriously wounded. 

The region has been at the centre of a 15-year Islamist insurgency that has killed thousands of people and led to the displacement of millions of others….

Borno State, Nigeria