"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Islam in Western Education > SJP outs itself as the enemy of America; Pro-Palestinians march through Harvard; Pro-Palestinian attacks Jewish students with broken bottle at U of Pittsburg


It's going to be a year full of horrors in American universities as pro-Hamas students become more and more organized and violent. God help America if Kamala Harris is elected this fall, it will only make things worse.

Students for Justice in Palestine calls for

‘total collapse of the university structure

and the American empire itself’

The “total collapse of the university structure,” since it breeds and indoctrinates groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, wouldn’t be a bad idea at all. And these callow jihadis certainly want to eradicate America as we know it. Their leftist allies, however, will find that they don’t like what comes after America.

‘Eradicate America’: Students for Justice in Palestine Calls for ‘Total Collapse’ of the US

by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, September 5, 2024:

National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), which has been linked to Islamist terrorist organizations, publicly discussed its grand strategy of using the anti-Zionist student movement as a weapon for destroying the US in a now-deleted tweet that was posted to X/Twitter earlier this week.

“Divestment is not an incrementalist goal. True divestment necessitates nothing short of the total collapse of the university structure and American empire itself,” the organization said on Tuesday. “It is not possible for imperial spoils to remain so heavily concentrated in the metropole and its high-cultural repositories without the continuous suppression of populations that resist the empire’s expansion; to divest from this is to undermine and eradicate America as we know it.”

The tweet was the latest in a series of progressive revelations of SJP’s revolutionary goals and its apparent plans to amass armies of students and young people for a long campaign of subversion against US institutions, including the economy, military, and higher education. Like past anti-American movements, SJP has also been fixated on the presence and prominence of Jews in American life and the US’s alliance with Israel, the world’s only Jewish state.

On the same day the tweet was posted, Columbia University’s most strident pro-Hamas organization was reported to be distributing literature calling on students to join the terror group’s movement to destroy Israel during this year’s convocation ceremony.

“This booklet is part of a coordinated and intentional effort to uphold the principles of the thawabit and the Palestinian resistance movement overall by transmitting the words of the resistance directly,” said a pamphlet distributed by Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) spinoff, to incoming freshmen. “This material aims to build popular support for the Palestinian war of national liberation, a war which is waged through armed struggle.”

Other sections of the pamphlet were explicitly Islamist, invoking the name of “Allah, the most gracious” and referring to Hamas as the “Islamic Resistance Movement.” Proclaiming, “Glory to Gaza that gave hope to the oppressed, that humiliated the ‘invincible’ Zionist army,” it says its purpose is to build an army of Muslims worldwide.

“We call upon the masses of our Arab and Islamic nations, its scholars, men, institutions, and active forces to come out in roaring crowds tomorrow,” it adds, referring to an event which took place in December. “We also renew our invitation to the free people and those with living consciences around the world to continue and escalate their global public movement, rejecting the occupation’s crimes, in solidarity with our people and their just cause and legitimate struggle.”…


Fight Fiercely, Harvard?

Anti-Israel protesters march through Harvard,

chanting ‘long live the intifada’

Times of Israel, September 6, 2024:

Anti-Israel protesters march through Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, waving Palestinian flags and chanting antisemitic slogans.

Videos posted to social media show the protesters chanting ,”Long live the intifada” and “Globalize the intifada,” a reference to periods of deadly Palestinian terror attacks against Israeli civilians in the late 1980s and early 1990s and again in the early 2000s….

A call for “intifada” is not a call for a political solution, not a call for a “ceasefire in Gaza” or even for a Palestinian state. It is an unambiguous call for the murder of Israelis. In the last, Second Intifada, that lasted from 2000 to 2005, about 1000 Israelis were killed.

Additionally, at commencement in May, the Harvard Chabad director publicly confronted an invited speaker over what he believed was an antisemitic comment in her speech.

That commencement speaker was Maria Ressa, a Filipino-American journalist, who had made remarks about “money and power” in her commencement speech that appeared to be directed at Jews. Previously, in a report from Rappler, a Filipino news company she founded and of which she was the CEO, Israel’s behavior was likened to that of Hitler. Need I say more?

But there is a new addition to the screamers’ repertoire of hate. No longer are they interested in just weakening Israel through BDS or an arms embargo. Nor are they any longer satisfied with the complete disappearance of Israel, to be replaced by a twenty-third Arab state. Instead, they want to “globalize the intifada” — that is, to wage an intifada not just against the Jews of Israel, but against Jews around the globe. To these campus warriors, it is Jews everywhere who must be the object of violence and murder, the way Israeli Jews were during the Second Intifada.

There may even be another message being expressed: not just to “globalize the Intifada” against the Jews, but to wage a worldwide Intifada on the entire white, advanced, West, pulling down the whole structure and replacing it with…. Oh, we haven’t thought that through quite yet. Let’s let the wretched of the earth rise up, and pull down the whole rotten edifice that oppresses them, and then we can talk about what should take its place.

It costs $84,000 a year to attend Harvard. Many of these student protesters calling to globalize the Intifada are salon Bolsheviks. How many of those sinister striplings spewing their venom think they would be spared if and when the wretched really do rise up, and kill their well-heeled parents?

Keffiyeh-Clad Man Injures Jewish Students

with Glass Bottle at University of Pittsburgh

New in PJ Media:

The new academic year has scarcely begun, and Hamas supporters on campus are already signaling that they haven’t lost a bit of their fanaticism. If anything, they’re even more menacing. An incident at the University of Pittsburgh Friday evening shows that American college and university campuses are becoming increasingly dangerous places for Jewish students and other supporters of Israel, who are being threatened and brutalized all in the name of the “liberation” of “Palestine.”

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Saturday that a man named Jarrett Buba, who at 52 years old is unlikely to be a student at the university, “attacked two Jewish University of Pittsburgh students with a glass bottle as they walked through campus Friday evening near the Cathedral of Learning.” Buba “had been sitting at a table across Forbes Avenue from where the students were walking when he ran across the street and attacked them about 6 p.m.” The attack was as bloody as it was gratuitous: “One of the students had cuts on his face and the other was bleeding from cuts on his neck.” This was no random incident; the headgear that each party was wearing indicates what was really going on.

Buba’s victims were wearing yarmulkes; Buba himself, however, was sporting a keffiyeh, the checkered scarf that is closely associated with the Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel. The simple fact that he was wearing this scarf indicated that he was fanatically committed to the Palestinian cause, even to the point of thinking himself righteous when attacking random Jewish students.

Yet like everything that is “Palestinian,” the keffiyeh comes from somewhere else. It originated among the Bedouins as a protection from the sun, and not just Palestinians, or Arabs in general, wear it; Kurds and Yazidis sometimes sport it as a non-political statement. Nevertheless, the close identification of this headdress with the Palestinian jihad against Israel has made it unmistakable: the keffiyeh is today what the broken cross of National Socialism was in the 1930s and 1940s. It is a symbol of an irrational and violent hatred of Jews, and a determination to destroy them.

The close association of the keffiyeh with this genocidal cause began about ninety years ago. Initially, some Jews who moved to British Mandatory Palestine donned the keffiyeh, as they saw doing so as part of trying to fit in with their neighbors. However, during the 1936-9 Arab Revolt against British rule, Arab commanders ordered Arab men to wear the keffiyeh as a symbol of their “resistance.”

Harold MacMichael, the British Mandatory High Commissioner in Palestine, told the British Foreign Office that “this ‘order’ has been obeyed with surprising docility and it is not an exaggeration to say that in a month eight out of every ten tarbushes in the country had been replaced.” Keffiyeh-wearing jihadis murdered around 500 Jews, and the Jews of the region, as they were the targets of those who were wearing the keffiyeh, stopped wearing it themselves.

There is more. Read the rest here.

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