"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, August 4, 2024

This Week's Islamic massacres > 26 farmers massacred in Mali; 17 farmers massacred in DRC; 16 killed in Nigeria; 32 killed on Somali beach


Massacres occurred this week in 4 different countries in Africa. A total of 91 people are dead, almost all were non-combatents. All the attacks were committed by Islamic gangs.

Mali: Muslim carry out jihad raid on village, murder at least 26 people as they worked in their farmlands

All in pursuit of a caliphate, while the area governments are either powerless or complicit.

At least 26 villagers killed in violent attack in central Mali

Associated Press, July 23, 2024:

At least 26 people were killed after an armed group attacked a village in Mali’s central region, near the border with Burkina Faso, a government official said Monday, the latest violent attack in the conflict-hit region.

The assailants attacked villagers as most of them worked in their farmlands in the Dembo village on Sunday evening, said Moulaye Guindo, the mayor of Bankass town where Dembo is located.

Such attacks are becoming increasingly frequent in central Mali as the country’s military junta also struggles to contain violence in the northern region.

No group has claimed responsibility for Sunday’s attack, but the blame quickly fell on JNIM, an extremist group linked to Al Qaeda that often targets villagers in the region in a similar manner, including in July when rebels attacked a wedding ceremony and killed at least 21 people….

JNIM -  Jama'a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin 

Democratic Republic of Congo: 

Muslims murder 17 people working in their fields,

behead some with machetes

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

17 civilians killed by suspected ADF rebels in eastern

Democratic Republic of Congo

by James Tasamba, AA, July 25, 2024:

Suspected Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) killed 17 civilians in North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a local official said Wednesday.

The victims of the overnight attack were working in their fields about 20 kilometers (12.43 miles) west of the town of Oicha in Beni territory, Oicha Mayor Nicolas Kikuku told reporters.

At least 17 bodies were taken to the morgue of Oicha’s general hospital, said Kikuku.

Esdras Mathe, an official of the territorial youth council, said some of the victims, including women and men, were decapitated with machetes.

Mathe called on the army to intensify operations in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, saying the rebels were roaming there almost freely….

In 2021, Congolese and Ugandan forces launched a joint military offensive to flush out the ADF, which was founded in the 1990s by several opposition movements in Uganda to topple the government of President Yoweri Museveni.

The group pledged allegiance to the Daesh/ISIS terrorist organization in 2019

Nigeria: Muslims murder 16 people and injure dozens

in jihad bombing of roadside market

16 people killed and dozens critically wounded in bombing

in Nigeria’s Borno state

by Taiwo Adebayo, Associated Press, August 1, 2024:

ABUJA, Nigeria — A bomb exploded in a roadside market in Nigeria’s Borno state killing at least 16 people and wounding dozens of others, police said. The government imposed a 24-hour curfew after the bombing attack, the second in recent weeks.

The attack happened at about 8 p.m. local time Wednesday at a teashop that hosts mostly locals in Kawori, a rural community in the Konduga area, some 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the state capital Maiduguri, according to local media reports.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack but analysts and some local officials suspected the Islamic militant group Boko Haram, which has since 2009 waged an insurgency in Nigeria and neighboring countries in the Lake Chad region.

“This latest bomb explosion targeting civilians is a stark reminder of the continued threat posed by Boko Haram, especially as it is coming after a triple suicide attack in Gwoza in the southern part of the state, said Malik Samuel, a researcher on the Lake Chad conflict at the Institute for Security Studies….

“Hardly does a day pass without a Boko Haram incident against civilians, particularly in Borno State, but they go unreported because of lack of access to many areas,” Samuel said.


At least 32 killed, 63 wounded in

Somalia beach attack

By Mike Heuer
Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack and said far more people were killed and wounded than initially reported. Photo by Said Yusuf Warsame/EPA-EFE
Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack and said far more people were killed and wounded than initially reported. Photo by Said Yusuf Warsame/EPA-EFE

Aug. 3 (UPI) -- A suicide attack by alleged al-Shabab militants killed at least 32 and wounded at least 63 others Friday evening at a beach resort in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The attack started with an explosion set off by a suicide bomber inside a restaurant followed by shooting as people rushed onto Lido Beach, local police spokesperson Abdifatah Aden told media.

As people rushed out of the restaurant, four other militants began shooting into the panicked crowd, Aden said.

The suicide bomber and three of the shooters were killed, and another was captured during the attack. One Somali soldier died.

Witnesses said many people sought cover by lying on the beach and it was hard to tell who was dead, wounded or hiding.

The al-Shabab organization that controls areas of southern and central Somalia claimed responsibility for the attack, and said the death toll and numbers of wounded are much larger than initially announced.

European Union officials condemned what they referred to as a "terrorist attack."

"This brutal attack at Lido Beach against civilians underlines yet again al-Shabab's barbarity towards their own compatriots," E.U. spokesperson Peter Stano said in a post on X.

"The E.U. stands in solidarity with the government of Somalia and the Somali people," Stano said. "We reaffirm our commitment to supporting Somalia in its fight against terrorism in all its forms."

The deadly attack in (is) one of several al-Shabab carried out against the Somali government and people over the past two decades.

Al-Shabab in July claimed responsibility for a car bomb that targeted a café in Mogadishu and in March killed three and wounded 27 during a siege at a Mogadishu hotel.

Al-Shabab is affiliated with al-Qaeda and is waging an insurgency against Somalia's U.N.-approved government.

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